girl line

Chapter 44 Steamed Bun

Chapter 44 Steamed Bun
"You finally showed up? What have you been doing this week?" After the exam on May 5, Liu Nianfeng never appeared in the classroom again, which made Chen Shihan very worried, so when Liu Nianfeng once again When she appeared in the classroom, Chen Shihan couldn't wait to ask.

"There is something very important to do!" Liu Nianfeng smiled, "By the way, don't leave after class this morning, go to my dormitory!"

"What! What did you say? I heard it right!" Chen Shihan's ears were flushed instantly, and his face was full of surprise and surprise...Liu Nianfeng actually invited himself to his dormitory, could it be... Thinking of this, Chen Shihan's The body couldn't help becoming hot again.

"I said you wouldn't think wrong, would you?" Seeing Chen Shihan's expression, Liu Nianfeng chuckled.

As a man who once lived in the era of male authority, Liu Nianfeng can very well understand Chen Shihan's current feelings.If a girl invited him to sit in his dormitory before time travelling, then Liu Nianfeng would be too excited to contain himself.

Of course, Liu Nianfeng invited Chen Sihan not because of that kind of thing, but because he hoped that Chen Shihan could cooperate with him to do a small experiment.

On this day, an elderly professor in his 80s or [-]s gave a class to Liu Nianfeng and the others. He talked about a very boring starship array. Anyway, most of the students were drowsy after listening to it, and only Liu Nianfeng, the top student. I heard it with gusto.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan were about to leave the classroom again. They never thought that a girl suddenly stopped in front of Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan.

"This! Here you are!" The girl didn't say much, and handed a stack of banknotes in front of Liu Nianfeng.Liu Nianfeng glanced roughly, and judged that the stack of banknotes was about ten.

"Who are you? Why do you want to give me money?" Liu Nianfeng asked in a daze.

"Did you forget me?" Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, the girl's face was full of embarrassment and embarrassment. "You forgot, the two of us made a bet last week!"

"Oh! I remembered! Your name is Ouyang Geometry, right!" Liu Nianfeng indeed remembered that in the exam a week ago, if her exam score surpassed hers, she would lose [-] star coins to herself.

"Then I will be disrespectful!" Liu Nianfeng was not polite, and directly pocketed a thousand star coins.

"Huh!" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng had collected the money, Ouyang Gee also heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and left.

But within a few seconds, another person appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan.

"You haven't logged in to the game?" As soon as this person appeared, he asked Liu Nianfeng sternly.

"Oh... sorry... I just want to work hard to improve my grades, and I don't want to be addicted to the game. I will let down your kindness, classmate Liu Zhuangtian!" Liu Nianfeng said to Liu Zhuang, who had no change in expression God said.

"You haven't even entered the game, how do you know that the game can't improve your grades?" Liu Zhuangtian finished this sentence lightly, stopped talking, and walked away in a blissful manner.

"Can playing games improve test scores?" Liu Nianfeng shrugged his shoulders, but still didn't take Liu Zhuantian's words to heart.


"Let's go eat first!" Walking on the road to Liunianfeng's dormitory, Chen Shihan said anxiously, her face was flushed even more, and any fool could see that she was in an extremely shy state.

"No! I'll treat you to something delicious today!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, and led Chen Shihan back to her dormitory amidst Chen Shihan's doubts.

"It smells so good! What kind of smell is this?" As soon as Chen Shihan entered Liunianfeng's dormitory, he was attracted by the fragrance that permeated the entire dormitory.After a closer look, I found that the fragrance came from a plate of white flowers placed on the table.

"Have you never eaten steamed stuffed buns? Aren't they sold at the entrance of the canteen recently?" Liu Nianfeng asked strangely.

"No, I never go to the cafeteria to eat, I prefer to cook by myself!" Chen Shihan replied, unexpectedly this carefree girl would cook by herself.

"This thing is..." Chen Shihan walked to the table unconsciously, looked at the white thing carefully, and looked at its bulging appearance, an image of something suddenly popped up in Chen Shihan's mind!
"Damn... this Fleeting Maple... is actually so *..." The blush on Chen Shihan's face increased several times in an instant.

Seeing the appearance of the white bun, Chen Shihan suddenly remembered a shameful part of her body... Take a closer look, it is exactly the same... This white thing seems to be made according to the appearance of that part .

Cough cough, readers who have the conditions, can find your girlfriend, and you will find... there is indeed a feeling of the same effect!
Let's talk about Chen Shihan's feelings at this time.

This feeling is like when you go to the girls' dormitory, you will definitely have a completely different idea of ​​the girl's perception from the past.

"What are you thinking?" Liu Nianfeng didn't know the real thoughts in Chen Shihan's head at all, because Liu Nianfeng never thought that the buns he had eaten for more than 20 years were similar to the dicks on girls.

"Nothing!" Of course, Chen Shihan was embarrassed to speak, so she could only say very tactfully, "Student Liu Nianfeng, you must hold back! Don't ruin your future because you can't control your desires! Boys must keep themselves clean. !"

"You're not crazy, are you?" Liu Nianfeng gave Chen Shihan a blank look.

After having such an association, Chen Shihan originally didn't want to eat this bun again.It's just that he couldn't pass Liu Nianfeng's repeated invitations, so he picked up a bun with the idea of ​​only eating one.

As a result, things got out of hand afterwards. Chen Shihan wiped away 2/3 of the steamed buns on the plate, and then touched his bulging belly and looked at Liunianfeng's kitchen, as if there were still a few buns left in it. A hundred buns are average.

"Okay! I've eaten all the steamed stuffed buns at home! You should do something for me now!" After speaking, Liu Nianfeng pulled Chen Shihan into his personal bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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