girl line

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
"This...isn't that good...I'm a girl after all...How can I enter your boy's boudoir...If this gets out, your reputation will be ruined!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng inviting herself into her bedroom , Chen Shihan said shyly.

But even though he said words of refusal in his mouth, Chen Shihan's heart was filled with 1 willingness.It's just that the necessary restraint needs to be persisted, otherwise it would be bad for Liu Nianfeng to look down on herself and feel that she is a pervert.

"Ahem, has boudoir in this world become a proper term referring to a boy's bedroom?" The muscles on Liu Nianfeng's face twitched, and a few black lines appeared on his forehead and asked.

"Oh... Both boys and girls can use it... It's just that it's more used in boys' rooms... Why do you have to ask me this kind of basic knowledge?" Chen Shihan asked curiously while answering.

"Ahem! You forgot, I lost my memory, I'm 18 years old, I don't remember any previous memories!" Liu Nianfeng immediately prevaricated.

Finally, under Liu Nianfeng's repeated insistence, Chen Shihan finally entered Liu Nianfeng's bedroom.

What made Chen Shihan a little disappointed was that Liu Nianfeng did not have the development in the H novel with him, but pulled himself to his desk, and at the same time put a booklet full of words, and an empty booklet. The booklet was handed to Chen Shihan.

"Come on! Please copy every word well!" Liu Nianfeng finally revealed the fundamental reason why he invited Chen Shihan to come to his dormitory... He just wanted to do a simple experiment, to see how to cultivate Dafa through silently writing scriptures that he invented exclusively. Whether it can also work on other star admirals.

If it can really work, then Liu Nianfeng has really made a world-class achievement for mankind!
"Ah!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's request, Chen Shihan's face instantly became as ugly as a donkey's face.

Chen Shihan was not a comrade who loves to learn, otherwise he would not have taken Liu Nianfeng's position and became the bottom No. 1 in basic knowledge in the class.Ask Chen Shihan to copy more than 1 characters, of course Chen Shihan is unwilling from the bottom of his heart.

But seeing Liu Nianfeng's expectant eyes and handsome face, how could Chen Shihan say no... It's like your goddess standing in front of you, hoping that you can help her copy homework, you It's also hard to say no to.

So Chen Shihan finally had no choice but to bite the bullet and start transcribing... This transcribing took three hours, and the transcribing was not completed until 20 minutes before class.

What Liu Nianfeng asked Chen Shihan to copy was "Qing Wei Dan Jue", which was the least number of words among the four golden books, only 3400 words.

If Liu Nianfeng was asked to write silently, it would take no more than 40 minutes to complete the silent writing.But it took Chen Shihan three hours to copy.

"I said, what are you asking me to copy? It's Dan, it's gold, and it's Tao... I can understand every word, but when these words are put together, I can't even say a word." I don’t even understand, what is the meaning of this writing?” After copying, Chen Shihan asked very puzzled.

"This is an ancient Taoist scripture, which I just discovered." Liu Nianfeng explained briefly, and handed the scripture copied by Chen Shihan to Chen Shihan with a smile, "Don't ask so many questions, this book Take it as a gift from me."

" can anyone give this thing as a gift?" Chen Shihan smiled wryly, but still carefully put away the scripture he had copied, and the two rushed to the classroom to prepare for the afternoon exam .


This afternoon happened to be the day to inspect the cultivation progress of the students' Lingyou Harbor. When Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan entered the class with one foot in front, the class teacher Lyanna stepped in with one foot in the back.

Just like last time, the practice test will start soon!

"Liu Zhuangtian! This test is 117.500 bees, the last test is 117.000 bees, the personal limit growth value is 0.500 bees, and the total growth rate is 0.500 bees in a week, the limit growth rate is 100%, and the test is passed!" Of course Liu Zhuang started the test first God, and the result is self-evident, Liu Zhuangtian still leads the pack with a limit growth rate of 100%.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't care about Liu Zhuangtian's matter, what he really cared about was Chen Shihan's growth rate.

"Chen Shihan, this test is 18.722 bees, the last test was 18.520 bees, a total increase of 0.202 bees within a week, the personal limit growth value is 0.21, the limit growth rate is 95.6%, the test is passed!"

"Huh! I'm amazing! I'm qualified again!" Chen Shihan patted his chest and said triumphantly to Liu Nianfeng.

"Could it be that this "Qingxu Dan Jue" has no effect on Chen Shihan?" Liu Nianfeng frowned. If "Qing Xu Dan Jue" has an effect on all the star admirals, then after copying it once, Chen Shihan should also The total number of bees has increased by 0.03, and the final test result should be 0.232 bees, which is normal if it exceeds her limit growth value of 0.21.

But in fact, Chen Shihan's test results this time were almost the same as the previous test results, which meant that "Qingxu Dan Jue" had no effect on Chen Shihan.

Later, in a period of time in the future, Liu Nianfeng conducted more extensive tests, including Ning Hai Ping Hai, several other star admirals and starship girls, and found that the results were exactly the same, except for himself. , these scriptures have no effect on others.

Later, Liu Nianfeng asked the other party to memorize the entire "Qing Xu Dan Jue", and then wrote it down silently, but the result was still the same, without any effect.

"It seems that this effect is due to my status as a time traveler. After all, I am the most special human being in this world!" Liu Nianfeng finally made such a judgment.

And because copying the scriptures and practicing Dafa only works for him alone, Liu Nianfeng doesn't intend to make this method public... Even if it is announced, it will be nothing more than a lying sensationalist in the eyes of others Just a clown.

So this secret was temporarily buried in Liu Nian Feng's heart.

Closer to home, back to this test, seeing Lyanna put the test crystal ball in front of her, Liu Nianfeng put her hand on it very calmly.

"Liu Nianfeng, this test score is 5.706 bees, the last test score is 5.502 bees, an increase of 0.204 bees in one month, the limit increase value is tentatively set at 0.210 bees, the growth rate is 97.1%, qualified," Lyanna said lightly.

However, this was only the result reported by Lyanna, but Liu Nianfeng's personal terminal soon received another real result.

"Liu Nianfeng, this test score is 6.640 bees, the last test score is 6.133 bees, an increase of 0.507 bees in a week, the limit increase value is tentatively set at 0.510 bees, the growth rate is 99.4%, qualified"


"You boy, come to my office right now! Immediately, immediately!" Not long after receiving the results, Liu Nianfeng received an urgent message from Lexington.

As for why Lexington is so eager to find him, Liu Nianfeng certainly knows it well. After all, his 0.510 bee's limit increase value has already pulled away Liu Zhuangtian's 0.500 bee. Lexington came to find him urgently. It is also a matter of course!
(End of this chapter)

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