girl line

Chapter 46 Wizards of the Year

Chapter 46 Millennium Wizard
"Amazing! You are really amazing! Tsk tsk, the limit value added is 0.510, which even exceeds the limit value increase of 0.010 for Liu Zhuangtian. Are you really a man? Are you really not a woman?" When Liu Nianfeng When he appeared in front of Lexington once, Lexington couldn't help but wonder.

Just now, when Lexington received the real results of Liu Nianfeng from Lyanna, he fell off the chair in shock.Then in the next second, he called and called Liu Nianfeng over.

"Principal Miao praised!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly, "I am a real man, if the principal doesn't believe it, I can let the principal experience the taste of a real man!"

"Speaking of which, you are a boy, you should be clean and self-respecting!" Lexington stretched out her little pink tongue, and licked this lip hungrily, fully revealing the desire and dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Ahem, what's the matter with you? Why did the limit increase value a week ago was only 0.4, but now it has skyrocketed to 0.510?" Lexington quickly changed the subject and asked.

"Reporting to the principal, to be honest, most of my energy was spent on improving the basic knowledge last week. I didn't concentrate when I was practicing, and I didn't practice all the time, so the added value was extremely low. It also makes the calculated limit increase value lower."

"But this week, I went all out to practice and brought out my potential to the extreme. Only then did I reveal the real limit value added!" Liu Nianfeng nonsense.

"I guess it's the same!" Lexington had an expression that I had guessed a long time ago. He obviously believed in Liu Nianfeng's explanation, because there was no other explanation.

Otherwise, will you convince Lexington that Liu Nianfeng has increased his bee value so much just by writing some scriptures silently?

Lexington is no fool!
"But I really didn't expect that your talent actually surpassed Liu Zhuantian! It really surprised me!" Lexington brought the topic back to Liu Zhuantian.

"It's just Liu Zhuangtian, it's no big deal to surpass her." Liu Nianfeng said with some disdain, with a proud and complacent look.

"What! You actually said that it's no big deal to surpass Liu Zhuantian..." Liu Nianfeng's big words made Lexington gasp, and after a while he breathed out and said, "You know Liu Zhuantian, she Who is it? She is..."

In the middle of speaking, Lexington seemed to think of something, and immediately choked back the words, and changed his words, "Anyway, you just need to know that whether Liu Zhuangtian is talented or strong, she is our Zhiyuan starship girl." No.300 in the past 1 years of the college"

"Then my principal, I surpassed her by 0.510, so I should be the No.1 of our Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy for hundreds of years?" Liu Nianfeng asked with a slightly obsequious smile.

"I'm so proud of you!" Lexington gave Liu Nianfeng a white look, "Forget it, just like you are proud of, in the history of our Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, there are only five people who can exceed your limit increase value .”

"Even in the entire history of mankind, your 0.510 can be ranked among the top [-]!" Speaking of this, Lexington's face turned into a flower.

"What! It's only in the top [-]!" On the contrary, Liu Nianfeng looked a little unhappy, and said very dissatisfied, "I thought there was a top ten."

"Okay, don't look so long here, there are more than 3000 million star admirals for more than 1000 years, and you are lucky to be ranked in the top 1000 among these [-] million people, but you still want to be in the top ten... ...Is this something you can covet?" Lexington looked at Liu Nianfeng with an idiot look.

"Maybe No.1 is really me!" Liu Nianfeng said secretly in his heart, this 0.510 is not the limit added value of Liu Nianfeng.

In fact, in the past week, Liu Nianfeng spent all the first three days writing all the "Tao Cang" that he remembered, except for writing the four scriptures silently, which increased by 0.21.

Later, when I tested which scriptures were effective in three days, I wrote them silently again, which increased by 0.21 bees again.

I haven't had time to write verses today, that is to say, in this week, I have written a total of four verses twice, which has increased the total amount of 0.42 bees.

In addition, during this week, Liu Nianfeng had a total of two days of normal practice, but he did not practice for eight hours, but he also increased by 0.087 bees.

The sum of the three is exactly 0.507 bees.

That is to say, the bee value that Fleeting Maple can increase in a week is far from reaching the limit.

If Liu Nianfeng writes four scriptures silently every day, and completes all four hours of normal practice.The total number of bees that Fleeting Maple can increase in a week is: 1.87 bees.

If the limit increase value of 0.510 bees can be ranked among the top 1.870 in human history, then Liu Nianfeng believes that the limit increase value of 1 bees is definitely No.[-] in human history, and there will be no exceptions.

If this fact is announced, Liu Nianfeng's name will be known to all human beings in an instant, and even if thousands of years pass in the future, it is impossible for humans to surpass Liu Nianfeng.

It's just that Liu Nianfeng didn't have the guts to announce the facts. As a male star admiral, he probably already attracted the covetousness of various scientific research organizations who wanted to dissect people for research all day long.

If they knew that Fleeting Maple could reach the limit increase value of 1.870 bees, I am afraid that Lexington would not be able to protect himself, and he could only accept the fate of being treated as a guinea pig and used for research all day long.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng was quite thankful that he hadn't maximized his cultivation this week, otherwise his test results this time would have completely exposed himself.

Therefore, when Liu Nianfeng faced Lexington, he deliberately showed the attitude of a proud and complacent young man.

Because this is the most normal posture, and it is also the easiest for Lexington to believe that this is the ultimate posture of Fleeting Maple!
Only with this gesture can Liu Nianfeng's next request be met.


"Principal, I don't think there's any need to hide things about my talent. I might as well just announce it!" Liu Nianfeng continued to say with a look of self-satisfaction.

"You're crazy! Do you know how many people out there want to take you away from me now? They don't necessarily give you a chance to study hard or be a student."

"If you want to be locked in the laboratory for the rest of your life, then you can announce your talent now, and I have no objection!" Lexington said with a look of hatred.

"Then what should I do?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback, and quickly said, "Principal, help me, I don't want to be imprisoned, let alone be a guinea pig!"

"Then you just listen to me. No one can tell about this matter. Apart from me, you, and your class teacher Lyanna, no one else in the whole school should know about this matter!" Lexington said .

"...The fourth person should never know..." Liu Nianfeng complained in his heart, but Lexington's attitude was exactly what Liu Nianfeng needed, and Liu Nianfeng continued to say, "The principal, I think it’s too dangerous to take the exam once a week, and the news will be leaked out easily! Otherwise, I won’t take that kind of exam in the future!”

"It makes sense!" Lexington was indeed brought into the pit by Liu Nianfeng, but the conversation changed in the next second, "But you have to take the exam, otherwise it will arouse the suspicion of others!"

"What?" Liu Nianfeng rolled his eyeballs, feeling that his pretense of being an idiot just now was all in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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