girl line

Chapter 460 The Vanishing Fleeting Maple

Chapter 460 The Vanishing Fleeting Maple
At this moment, 40 minutes have passed since the departure, and 20 minutes have passed since some of the admirals set off for the second route. At this time, the stargates of the two routes are particularly quiet. They all lined up honestly, and never changed the queue and route.

In fact, these elite admirals soon discovered the trap of the second route just like Liu Nianfeng, knowing that choosing the so-called second route is also a result, so everyone is too lazy to move any more, just want to continue After passing through the Stargate, how to increase the driving speed as fast as possible, hoping to be able to exert strength on the distance between the Stargate and the Stargate, surpassing one or two opponents, and shorten the waiting time as much as possible .

So at this moment, changing the route is undoubtedly a very stupid thing in the eyes of most admirals.

Those admirals at the end of the queue are fine, anyway, they will always be at the end of the queue no matter what they change.But for those admirals who are in the middle of the queue, it is absolutely impossible to change the queue, which means that they have to queue up from the last position again.

But it was such a situation where all the admirals had reached a consensus, but there were unexpected waves. A fleet in the first line suddenly left the queue, and then went away without hesitation... This made the fleet in the line The admirals at the back of the fleet were overjoyed, while the admirals in front of the fleet spat out the word "idiot" in disdain, and if they changed the route at this time, it would undoubtedly be an absolute idiot for these admirals to come. up.

But soon, not only this fleet, but also four fleets lined up one after another, following the fleet that left at the beginning and flew away... In this way, the few fleets at the bottom The admiral laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out. Once the five fleets left, they could save an hour or so of queuing time. There is nothing more wonderful than this.

What they couldn't figure out was, what was in the heads of these five admirals? Could it be that there were some fools with no brains mixed in among the Jinshi?

"Liu Nianfeng, where are you going to take us? I am at the front of the queue, and I will be able to pass through the Stargate after waiting for at most three hours. If you harm me, I will never end with you." !" Chen Shihan said in the team communication.

But even though he said that he would never end with Liu Nianfeng, in fact Chen Shihan's tone was quite cheerful, without any sense of blame or worry in it.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure. I'm just telling you that there is such a thing. Since you followed, it's your own choice. Don't blame me in the future!" Liu Nianfeng said very It was said calmly, and these words were not only addressed to Chen Shihan, but also to the other three admirals present who left with him.

Just now, Liu Nianfeng sent a communication to all the admirals in Qingzhou. The content of this communication is very simple, that is, he may have discovered a new route, but Liu Nianfeng is not 100% sure about this route. Sure to succeed, this is a risky choice.Those who are willing to take risks with him can go with him, and those who don't want to stay here and wait in line.

Then Liu Nianfeng left directly, and as a result, among the seven people who received this communication, four made a quick decision, directly gave up their original position at the front of the team, and left with Liu Nianfeng.

These four people are Chen Shihan, Om Shaleton, Jialu Sonas, and Xueluo who chose to believe in Liu Nianfeng. Although the rest of them hesitated for a while, they finally hesitated, and then chose to give up, still old. Honestly stay there and line up.

"By the way, did you send this message to Miyamoto Musashino as well?" Chen Shihan suddenly asked Liu Nianfeng.

"Sent it!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, but her expression was a little ugly. "She doesn't seem to want to believe me anymore, and she didn't choose to leave with us."

"I said I guessed right, you must have thought that Miyamoto Musashino didn't come out on purpose... In fact, she set out very fast, and she was the first five admirals who arrived at the Stargate, so she was early She already left here through the Stargate, and when your news was delivered to her, she couldn't turn back!" Chen Shihan took the initiative to explain for Miyamoto Musashino.

"'s none of my business..." Liu Nianfeng said this, but the expression on his face improved a lot. Even if the two of them can't be friends, they should not be enemies in the future!

"Hey, sister, I think you have completely overestimated this Fleeting Maple. He is still thinking about changing the route at this time. He has no brains!" In His Majesty's palace, our Emperor Leng Qiuzhi was talking with My good brother Leng Qiumin watched the live broadcast this time.

"Didn't I ask you to follow Liu Nianfeng? Why are you back?" Looking at this younger brother, Leng Qiuzhi asked angrily.

"Don't talk about it, although Gu hates Liu Nianfeng very much, but in fact Gu also wants to go with Liu Nianfeng. After all, Gu has not seen a real battle from the perspective of an admiral. But that damned Liu Nianfeng actually forced the I threw it down, and said that I was a burden, that I would never be allowed to board the ship, and I was almost pissed off... Sister Huang, please judge me, is Liu Nianfeng guilty of deceiving the emperor? "Leng Qiumin pouted, very unhappy.

"Show me some respect with your mouth, what the hell is that Fleeting Maple?, he is your boss and your teacher now, whether in front of me or in private, you have to call him Master Otherwise, don’t blame the emperor for being rude to you!” Leng Qiuzhi glared at her younger brother viciously, which startled Leng Qiumin, and she didn’t dare to say anything else, so she could only obediently nod her head. .

"Also, don't think your master is some kind of idiot. Take a closer look, what exactly is your master going to do now!! Where is he going!" Leng Qiuzhi snorted coldly, and Leng Qiumin refocused on on the live screen.

And it wasn't until this time that he discovered that the goal of Liu Nianfeng didn't seem to be any of the starting star gates in the first route and the second route. direction.

And this stargate does not belong to any of the first and second routes.

"Could it be that there is really a third, faster route?" Not only Leng Qiumin was taken aback, but all the audience who were watching the live broadcast were also taken aback.In the previous program, the host and experts of the live broadcast had already analyzed all the difficulties faced by the admirals, so at this time, the audience also knew that, except for the first and second routes, this exam did not exist at all. The third possible route.

Then Liu Nianfeng's sudden turn became extremely weird. Could it be that whether these experts or elite admirals are fools and blind, can't they see that there is a third hidden and better route?

And after seeing Liu Nianfeng driving towards the third star gate, the hosts who were broadcasting the live broadcast immediately began to deduce the possible course of action of Liu Nianfeng based on this star gate. The first route is also two days and seven hours slower than the previous first route... Even if the Stargate of this route is smooth and there is no congestion, then Liu Nianfeng is also doomed. It was two days and seven hours later than the admiral who arrived No. 1, and by that time, I am afraid that the star beast had already been killed by the swarming admirals.

"Is this Fleeting Maple really brain-dead?" Including Leng Qiumin, this thought popped into the hearts of all the audience, but our emperor, Leng Qiuzhi, had a faint smile on his lips.

"Sure enough, I saw you right, Liu Nianfeng!!!" Leng Qiuzhi clenched her fist tightly, and then let it go in an instant, His Majesty the Emperor became extremely quiet.


"Where did Fleeting Maple go?"

"What kind of route did he choose?"

"Where is he now?"

This is a question that all audiences have paid close attention to in the past two days, because at this moment, except for the high-level military and the royal family who control the quantum radar network, no one knows where Liu Nianfeng's fleet is. What is his route?

Liu Nianfeng's fleet seemed to have completely disappeared, and he lost his trace forever.On the contrary, the admirals of the other two lines, following the live broadcast of the National Central Television, are being delivered to the eyes of every audience in an orderly manner.

Because this time it is not an exam in the virtual world, but a battle in reality, so it is obviously impossible to broadcast live from all angles in the virtual world. The National CCTV can only send two different teams. The film crews took the battlefield interview ship to conduct long-distance follow-up interviews and live broadcasts.

The two film crews naturally followed the two large troops. As for Liu Nianfeng, who took the third route alone, I'm sorry, the national CCTV does not have so much spare capacity to report your whereabouts.

Although according to the previous practice of National CCTV, as the No.1 of the last exam, Liu Nianfeng must be the focus of the camera, and even sending a professional film crew to follow Liu Nianfeng is a matter of course.

It's just that this time, due to various reasons, the National CCTV refused to send an additional third film crew, so it broke the tradition, and Liu Nianfeng became the first in history to achieve the position of Huiyuan, but in the early stage of the palace examination Huiyuan, who can't even find a single shot, is really pitiful.

And the people of Qingzhou are equally pitiful. They can only watch the traces of the admirals in other star districts on the TV station, and at the same time secretly feel anxious about the whereabouts of Liu Nianfeng. Where is the hope of this Qingzhou star district now?

(End of this chapter)

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