girl line

Chapter 461

Chapter 461
"This is National Central Television, here is National Central Television! Dear viewers and friends, we have now arrived at the entrance of Burrard's Stargate. According to the report from our rear camera crew, the first Jinshi admiral is about to arrive. Burrard Stargate."

"And after passing through the Burrard star gate, this admiral will finally arrive at the battlefield and become the first Jinshi admiral to fight against the star beast, so let us look forward to which admiral it is You can get such an honor!" In the TV program, the host said excitedly.

In order to arrive at the Burrard Stargate, the last node, one step ahead of schedule, and successfully film the first admiral who arrived here, the National CCTV dispatched a film crew from a nearby planet early and arrived one day earlier. Passed through the Burrard Stargate, ready to record this historic moment, to see which admiral arrived first.

And there is no doubt that the admiral who arrived first will also get everyone's attention.

Whether it is ordinary people or those admirals who have the right to vote, the first admiral who arrives will give everyone a very good impression. If it is said that all Jinshi admirals start from zero , then the first Jinshi admiral who arrived started at 30 minutes. It is conceivable how important this first position is.

At the same time, the lovely people of Qingzhou are also waiting in front of the TV, looking forward to Liu Nianfeng being the first to appear in the camera... Although Liu Nianfeng has disappeared completely for two days and two nights, it is precisely because of this disappearance Therefore, everyone in Qingzhou has great expectations for Liu Nianfeng... Maybe Liu Nianfeng has really found a new and ingenious way, and is the first to reach the Burrard star gate!
There are quite a few people who have such thoughts, and almost everyone in Qingzhou has such expectations. After all, Liu Nianfeng has taken away more than half of the Jinshi admirals in Qingzhou. If Liu Nianfeng can arrive first, the others will follow. The admiral of Liunianfeng can also arrive first, which is a great victory for the whole Qingzhou. No matter whether these Qingzhou people like Liunianfeng or hate Liunianfeng, they absolutely love Qingzhou itself.

It's just that the reality has completely disappointed these hopeful people in Qingzhou. The first thing that appeared in the camera lens was not the Liunianfeng they were eagerly looking forward to, but the one guy Qingzhou people didn't want to see the most, that is, Liunianfeng's Old rival Liu Zhuangtian.

That's right, this one who defeated Liu Nianfeng at the end of the hospital examination, and at the same time slapped Qingzhou people on the face fiercely, now he can be said to be the most hated Jinshi admiral by Qingzhou people, and also this Liu Zhuangtian, who was the most popular in the college entrance examination, was hailed as the only No. [-] candidate, and was the first to arrive at the Burrard star gate.

"Wow! So handsome! Our classmate Liu Zhuangtian did not live up to our expectations. She arrived at the star gate of Bollard first, and she will soon become the first Jinshi admiral to fight against the star beast. Let us applaud And cheers for our classmate Liu Zhuantian! This is the pride and hope of our human future..." In the TV, the host did not shy away from putting all kinds of compliments on Liu Zhuantian's head, It's almost blowing Liu Zhuangtian to be the unparalleled No.1 in the world.

This made these Qingzhou people frowned involuntarily, showing a disgusted expression.

However, the host's flattery is not surprising. After all, National Central Television is a TV station whose buttocks will always sit in the Sili Star District and the Imperial Capital Star. It is also a consistent tradition of National Central Television to praise a Jinshi admiral of the Imperial Capital Star. of.

But there are also some viewers and admirals who feel a little bit strange, that is, the national CCTV's flattery of Liu Zhuangtian is too naked, it doesn't even need basic cover-ups and restraints, and it is so vigorous. Liu makeup days.This day is different from the previous college entrance examination. In the previous college entrance examination, even if the buttocks of the National Central Television were outside, it had to be treated equally on the outside. How can it be so unscrupulous like this year? It can be said that you don’t even need a mask. up.

"Student Liu Zhuantian, can you accept our interview? We have some questions to ask..." The interview warship of National CCTV headed towards Liu Zhuantian's fleet, and at the same time expressed his willingness to interview through communication.

It's a pity that Liu Zhuangtian directly ignored the National CCTV with a very clean and neat "don't", and then went directly through the Bollard Stargate without looking back.

"Hehe, you really deserve to be the most powerful candidate for the champion this time, and also the only candidate. This decisive, decisive, and unmoved style of behavior is what the champion should really look like! Liu Zhuangtian The classmate is so handsome!" Although he was rejected, the host still praised Liu Zhuantian with a smile on his face, and then ignored the other admirals who arrived later, and chased after Liu Zhuantian. They passed through the Burrard Stargate together, but the people in Qingzhou who wanted to see if Liu Nianfeng could arrive in the future were disappointed, and then blacklisted this damn host, vowing that they would never want to see this host Any show hosted by someone.


"Dear viewers and friends, have you seen the huge fleet that appeared at the end of the universe? This is Admiral Yimaer, the colonel and admiral from the planet Bingzhou, and her fleet guarding the Shuiyong Star Guarding Mansion. At the same time, it is also the admiral acting as the exam guard this time, and the fleet of classmate Liu Zhuangtian is about to contact the fleet of Admiral Yimaer. After some information registration and exchange with her, they can officially go to the battlefield and fight with the damn stars. The alien beasts are in a decisive battle!"

The host explained on the TV that at the same time, the screen of the TV also switched to the cockpit of Admiral Emaar's flagship. The admiral, with rigid words written all over his face, sat upright in the cockpit, as if he was waiting for something.

After about 3 minutes, a person's image was directly projected in front of Admiral Yimaer, and this person's image was naturally the image of our classmate Liu Zhuangtian.

"Report! Candidate for the college entrance examination of Starship Girls Academy in the Imperial Capital of the Human Empire, exam number 00002514, Admiral student Liu Zhuantian sees Colonel Emaar, may the colonel's star luck last forever!" After seeing Emaar, Liu Zhuantian clicked , is a standard military salute that can't find any faults.

"Hello, student Liu Zhuangtian, I am Imaer, the admiral of the Shuiyongxing Township Mansion in Bingzhou Star District, and welcome to this battlefield!" Even if it is a serious face, the face is full of inaccessible Colonel Emaar , also nodded approvingly to Liu Zhuangtian, and said in a gentle tone at the same time.

"Thank you, Colonel, for your concern. Admiral student Liu Zhuantian is reporting to you that all procedures have been completed. Please, Colonel, be the first to approve the students to enter the battlefield and fight for mankind!" Liu Zhuantian said loudly.

"Okay, very good! This kind of momentum is what I want, and it is worthy of being the pride and elite of our new generation of admirals." Yimaer nodded in satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with Liu Zhuangtian, "But student Liu Zhuantian, although your strength Not bad, but not complacent."

"You know, what you will face next is not an opponent in the virtual space, but a living star beast that really exists in this universe. On this battlefield, you can't lose, and you can't If you lose, you can't even escape. Because once you lose, once you lose, once you escape, it means the death of tens of millions of human beings. Your starship girl, and even your own life, may also be confessed in the future. on the battlefield."

"Remember, this is the real battlefield, where you will face real death. Here, you must face everything meticulously, and you must fight with all your energy. You must not make any mistakes or hesitation. You You must make the most correct decision, because behind you is your starship girl, your compatriots, and the safety of our entire humanity, do you understand?"

"Yes! The students understand that the students must live up to the colonel and their starship girl!" Liu Zhuangtian replied decisively.

"Very good! I don't have anything to say. Since you are ready, go to fight!" Yimaer finally showed a smile on his face, and told Liu Zhuangtian that he could leave.

"Students have a question, I don't know if I can ask it!" Liu Zhuantian didn't leave, but seemed to have some questions.

"What do you want to ask?" Emaar looked at Liu Zhuangtian curiously and asked.

"Excuse me, is this the first one to arrive at the battlefield?" Liu Zhuangtian asked.

"Oh..." Emaar raised his eyebrows, his face became more curious, and at the same time he looked at the field interview ship outside which was broadcasting live, "Student Liu Zhuangtian, why do you think so? Don't those Didn’t the reporter wait at the Burrard stargate and enter with you who was the first to arrive there? Could there be an admiral who passed through the Burrard stargate earlier than you?”

"Impossible! We have been waiting there for a day and a night. There is no way that there will be an admiral who entered the Burrard Stargate one step earlier than us. Liu Zhuangtian was the first to arrive there. Jinshi admiral!" Hearing Yimaer's question, Liu Zhuangtian didn't answer, but the host who was also watching the broadcast in the cockpit replied first.

And this is exactly the voice of most of the viewers, because many viewers have been watching the live broadcast of this camera crew, and they also know that there is indeed no Jinshi admiral who arrived at Borrard's star gate earlier than Liu Zhuangtian … Unless that person can arrive more than a day earlier than Liu Zhuangtian, this is simply an impossible thing to do!

"No, I'm sure I'm the first admiral to arrive at Pollard's Stargate!" In Emaar's cockpit, Liu Zhuantian also said firmly, but Liu Zhuantian spoke quickly After turning around, he said lightly, "But I always feel that with that person around, nothing is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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