girl line

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

From Lyanna's office, Liu Nianfeng really felt that it was necessary for him to seriously consider Lyanna's suggestion.

It is now the third week of May, and Fleeting Maple is firmly in the second place in terms of basic knowledge. The growth rate of psionic energy and psionic energy is also under the control of Lingyou Baoyu, which can be stabilized at a normal high speed.

It can be said that there is no possibility for Liu Nianfeng to improve in these two test subjects.

It's a pity that these two test subjects don't account for the bulk of the class PK. The real bulk is the daily virtual battle six times a week, which is the real king of class competition.

It's just like what was said in the last chapter, Liu Nianfeng has already deeply felt how bad his talent in manipulation bad his talent in manipulation is no matter how high his talent in cultivation is.

Just like what Lyanna said, this is no longer a problem that can be solved with hard work.As a top student in his previous life, Liu Nianfeng knew clearly that he should never try to spend a lot of time on areas where he lacked talent...that was simply wasting youth, it is better to work hard on areas where he is truly talented.

Although relying on the income from selling steamed buns in Ninghai and Pinghai, Liu Nianfeng has sufficient funds to buy monthly points... But thinking of sending the hard-earned star coins of Ninghai and Pinghai to the class fee, it will be consumed in vain , Liu Nianfeng will feel instinctive guilt in his heart, and he is totally sorry for Ning Hai and Ping Hai's efforts.

So in Liu Nianfeng's heart, he had already begun to agree with Lyanna's words at this time.In other words, I have already started to think about changing a class for myself.

Some readers may be surprised that Liu Nianfeng was in a much worse situation a month ago than it is now. At that time, Liu Nianfeng chose to fight hard.Why is Liu Nianfeng's condition much better now, but he has the idea of ​​giving up?
The reason is very simple, because a month ago, Liu Nianfeng felt that it was possible for him to achieve breakthroughs in all three exams with his own efforts, turning Class Six, a place that lost money, into a place that made money.

But the facts have proved that although Liu Nianfeng has indeed made an amazing breakthrough in basic knowledge and cultivation speed, the problems in actual combat operation can no longer be solved with hard work. Liu Nianfeng can't see the hope of his possible breakthrough, so he gave up The idea was naturally born.

Liu Nianfeng has never been the kind of person who sticks to the horns of a dead end, he will only do things that are possible.


"What did the head teacher ask you to say?" Chen Shihan jumped out worriedly, and asked Liu Nianfeng with concern.

"It's nothing, I'm just persuading me to change classes! You know, my operational talent is too bad. It can't be redeemed by hard work. The head teacher is also thinking of me!" Liu Nianfeng said helplessly.

"Change! I support you!" Liu Nianfeng thought that Chen Shihan would persuade her to stay, but she didn't expect Chen Shihan to support Liu Nianfeng's change of class without hesitation.

"Five of the ten classmates who came with us have already left. I heard that they are doing well in other classes, and the increase in strength has not decreased much. They have all made the right choice, and you should do the same !"

Speaking of this, Chen Shihan paused, then raised her head, looked at Liu Nianfeng solemnly and said, "But if you decide which class you want to go to, remember to take me with you, the two of us will go together!"

"Why are you doing this!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, seeing Chen Shihan's determined eyes, how could he not understand the other party's thoughts?

"Okay! The class teacher said that he plans to arrange for me to go to class four, but I still haven't made up my mind yet, but if I make a decision, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible!" Liu Nianfeng nodded.

"En!" Chen Shihan nodded vigorously, and when she was about to say something more, a figure suddenly stood in front of Liu Nianfeng again.

"Von Hindenburg! What are you doing here again? Are you here to mock us?" Seeing his old opponent appearing, Chen Shihan immediately said angrily.

"You want to change classes?" Von Hindenburg ignored Chen Shihan at all, but stared at Liu Nianfeng with piercing eyes.

"I haven't made a final decision yet!" Liu Nianfeng said truthfully.

"Hmph! If you want to leave, just get out of this academy, otherwise you are a worthless piece of trash! You don't even have the courage to challenge yourself, and I was once defeated by you, it's pathetic!"

After von Hindenburg finished speaking, he strode away with an angry face, leaving Chen Shihan with a confused face, and Liu Nianfeng who bowed his head and remained silent.

"I said, is this woman crazy? What inexplicable words did she say? She is a crazy woman!" Chen Shihan said angrily.

"No! She's right, to a certain extent, I'm indeed a waste!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, you won't change your mind after she said that, and you don't want to change classes?" Chen Shihan asked worriedly.

"You made a mistake. I never made up my mind whether to change classes or not. So whatever choice I make in the future is possible." Liu Nianfeng laughed.

While talking, the two walked to the door of the teaching building, but another figure stood in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"Crazy! How could there be so many people blocking the way today!" Chen Shihan rolled his eyes, but after seeing clearly who was blocking in front of him, his aura shrank back, showing a somewhat fearful expression .

Although Chen Shihan is at the bottom of the class, she is not afraid of anything. There is only one person who is intimidated, and that is No.1 Liu Zhuangtian.

In a few months, Chen Shihan has fought against almost all the students in the class. Although he loses more and wins less, he can basically fight back and forth. The opponents in the front row were directly blasted.

But facing Liu Zhuantian alone, Chen Shihan didn't have any chance. After entering the combat range, all of Chen Shihan's skills turned into a ridiculous struggle in front of the opponent. Liu Zhuangtian was killed.

In this class, Chen Shihan is fine, but she can't accept anyone, but she just can't refuse Liu Zhuangtian.

So Chen Shihan quietly closed his mouth, and retracted silently.

"Hello Liu Zhuantian, what can I do for you?" Seeing Chen Shihan shrinking back, Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to ask.

"Why?" Liu Zhuantian raised her head abruptly, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, as if she had suffered from insomnia recently, "Why haven't you logged into the game yet?"

"Why is this question again?" Hearing Liu Zhuantian's question, Liu Nianfeng felt very strange.This is the third time that Liu Zhuantian has come to ask him why he doesn't log in to the game. It can be seen that Liu Zhuantian is very eager to log in to the game... But what good does this do for Liu Zhuantian?

"Sorry... I just want to study hard, not interested in games!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

What Liu Nianfeng said is the truth, he really doesn't know the benefits of entering the game, and he has no interest in playing the game at all!

"Yes!" After listening to Liu Nianfeng's words, Liu Zhuantian took a deep breath, "If you don't use it, return that account card to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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