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Chapter 49 The Notebook Under the Bed

Chapter 49 The Notebook Under the Bed
Liu Nianfeng, who was full of inexplicable thoughts and had no idea what Liu Zhuantian was planning, returned to his dormitory, and began to look for the account card, intending to return it to Liu Zhuantian immediately, so as to avoid entanglement with her.

What surprised Liu Nianfeng was that he searched the whole room, but couldn't find the small box containing the account card.

"Let me think about it! I seemed to have placed it on the bedside! Could it be that it fell under the bed?" After thinking about it, Liu Nianfeng found a flashlight, lay down on the ground and searched under the bed, and found it. The small box containing the account card.

What Liunianfeng didn't expect was that besides the account card, Liunianfeng actually found a book under the bed.

When Liu Nianfeng turned the book out, it was already covered with a thick layer of dust, which seemed to be at least a few hundred years old.Fortunately, this notebook is not made of ordinary paper, but uses future technology, otherwise it would have been rotten into a pile of confetti.

After finally cleaning up the dust, it was discovered that it was a notebook.

It seems that this should be left under the bed by a certain owner of this dormitory.

There is no text on the cover of this notebook. After opening the notebook, Liu Nianfeng found that it should be a personal note of a certain teacher.

Because the handwriting on it is very scribbled, and the logical order is messy, it is obvious that I wrote whatever I thought of, and it was completely written for the author to read.

Liu Nianfeng immediately became interested in this notebook. After careful study, he was surprised to find that this notebook actually proposed a rather wonderful training method.

The owner of this notebook should be a star admiral who has experienced many battles. He wrote in this notebook that those top star admirals have already forgotten all mathematics, formulas, and calculations. Instead, fighting has evolved into a kind of instinct, relying on fighting instinct to defeat powerful opponents.

Generally, new admirals need to learn a lot of calculation formulas, a lot of combat templates, and the experience of their predecessors, relying on these things to assist them in fighting.

At this time, Liannianfeng was in such a state. Liannianfeng's mathematics was very good, and he also firmly memorized many mathematical formulas to assist in calculating ballistics.When Liu Nianfeng was performing operations, he would first apply formulas in his mind to calculate the results based on various data obtained, and then attack.

But such a deliberate calculation takes a lot of time. Even if it is a mathematical genius, after helping him calculate the result, it will only be a few seconds later.

But every second on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and if the bombardment time is delayed by a few seconds, it will inevitably face failure.

Therefore, in the process of teaching students, teachers must focus on cultivating the fighting instinct of the students, that is, making fighting a student's instinct.

You don’t need to rely on any calculations, and you don’t need to apply any templates. You only need to see the opponent’s position in the state of ghost resonance, and immediately instinctively judge the opponent’s next direction, adjust the angle of the artillery with instinct, and finally break through with instinct. opponent.

This is why Squad [-] highly recommends combat training. Through the combat training of Admiral Stars, the combat instinct of Admiral Stars can be cultivated. The so-called operational talent actually refers to the talent of combat instinct.

The star admiral with higher operating talent can improve his fighting instinct faster.For example, von Hindenburg and Liu Zhuangtian are two guys whose fighting instincts have been raised to an extremely high level.

Especially Liu Zhuangtian, she has reached the point where she can use her fighting instinct to deal with the students of class [-] with perfect accuracy.

Of course, if you encounter an opponent with the same excellent fighting instinct, then the opponent can also use his own fighting instinct to dodge.

All in all, when these two star admirals are fighting one-on-one with the exact same fleet, the level of combat instinct will directly determine the victory or defeat between the two.

The normal training of the college is to hone one's fighting instinct through the students' fighting with each other and fighting with the stars and beasts, and there are no shortcuts to take.

At this time, the role of operational talent is revealed. Admirals with high operational talent only need to fight a small amount of battles to quickly improve their fighting instincts.

As for those admirals with low operational talents, no matter how many battles they have experienced, they will have little improved combat instincts. It is better to directly apply the calculation formula to be more effective.

For a long time, all human beings have believed that the fighting instinct is determined by the admiral's individual talent, and it is almost impossible to improve this talent.Those admirals with low operational talents will never be able to achieve the fighting instinct of those admirals with high operational talents.

But the owner of this notebook put forward a completely different opinion in the notes. He believes that no matter how low the admiral's operational talent is, as long as he has enough and cruel training with a strong enough opponent, he still has a chance to have a very high fighting ability. instinct.

The author put forward an ampoule theory, comparing those star admirals with high operational talents to an ampoule, and comparing training to water, then the star admirals with high operational talents can fill the bottle with very little water the height of.

And those star admirals with low operational talent are like a big bucket, requiring dozens or even hundreds of times the amount of water to reach the same height.

But once it reaches the same height, there is much more water in the bucket than in the flask.In the event of a storm, the flimsy ampoules may be blown away, but the bucket is rock-solid.

According to the teacher, as long as enough high-intensity training is given to those with low operational talents, they can also reach the level of operational geniuses.Even surpassing those geniuses... because once a strong person has been tempered through this kind of tempered method, he often has an extremely terrifying heart.

It's just that such a method is almost impossible to achieve... Not to mention whether a strong opponent is willing to be your training partner, just judging from the time required for training, I am afraid that training for a lifetime will not be able to reach the level of those top talents , In terms of cost performance, this is undoubtedly an extremely uneconomical thing.

Therefore, those star admirals with low talents had no choice but to give up the way of operation in the end.Then choose to become an outstanding strategic commander and improve yourself strategically and tactically.Then simply sink down and become a low-level star admiral.

For such a situation, the owner of the notebook couldn't come up with a good solution until the game "Stars" appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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