girl line

Chapter 50 Marshal Elizabeth

Chapter 50 Marshal Elizabeth
That was when the "Stars" game was just launched, and the owner of the notebook also entered the game to play for a while, but was not shocked by the more PVP content of the game, but was shocked by the game's novice training mode.

The novice training mode is actually a battle between the player and the game AI. The game AI is divided into many levels, and the highest AI is the brutal AI.

She was surprised to find that the brutal AI's fighting instinct was extremely high, no different from a top star admiral.

Of course, this is only equivalent in one aspect. In fact, there is still a long way between the cruel AI and the top star admiral. Defeating the cruel AI does not mean that you can defeat the top star admiral.

But this also means that fighting against a cruel AI is equivalent to fighting against a top star admiral!

What's even better is that you can add cruelty-level AI freely, up to 99.This is equivalent to dealing with 99 top star admirals at the same time, and the training effect obtained has undoubtedly reached an extremely terrifying level!

If it is said that fighting an AI is watering drop by drop, then fighting 99 AIs is completely watering with a hose.

After thinking of this, the teacher excitedly started his own experiments. He spent a full year fighting AI in the game by himself, and finally summed up a whole set of training methods.

The teacher said that although fighting against 99 AIs is the best, for novices, it is tantamount to counterproductive.If there is no promotion, the bucket will be smashed first.

So for novices, the best way is to deal with a brutal AI first.

After being able to defeat a brutal level AI, the fighting instinct will be reduced, and the opponent can be upgraded to two cruel level AIs.

If you can defeat two brutal AIs, then your combat instincts will be moderate, and you can raise your opponents to four.

Then eight, then sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, and finally ninety-nine.

The teacher finally said that if you can defeat sixteen cruel AIs at the same time, it is equivalent to reaching the top fighting instinct. Among all human beings, there are no more than five people who can defeat you.

It's a pity that the note was scribbled after it arrived here, and there was no further text written on it.

"Is what is said in this notebook true?" I have to say that after reading this notebook, Liu Nianfeng was completely moved.

Without any hesitation, he directly turned on the computer and began to search for relevant information.

Liunianfeng first searched for the opening time of "Stars", and found that this is an old game that was launched 600 years ago. Liunianfeng couldn't help but sigh, the lifespan of this game is really terrible.

Then Liu Nianfeng searched for the well-known teachers of Zhiyuan Star Academy 600 years ago to see if he could find the owner of this notebook... A teacher who can write such a notebook must be an extremely famous character.

And between the lines in the notebook, it also reveals the teacher's full of arrogance and disdain for other opponents... If it is not a top expert, it is impossible to reveal such a temperament between the lines.

But to Liu Nianfeng's disappointment, the Zhiyuan Star Academy 600 years ago was still a low-ranking school, and there were no well-known teachers who were willing to teach in Zhiyuan Star after retiring.

Just when Liu Nianfeng arrived in despair, he suddenly found an old news from 600 years ago, saying that the great and invincible starship marshal and powerful star admiral Elizabeth passed away while visiting Zhiyuan Star Academy.

Seeing this news, Liu Nianfeng suddenly recalled that there was a series of English marks in the lower right corner of the title page of the notebook.At that time, Liu Nianfeng didn't pay attention to it, but looking it up now, isn't it the English abbreviation of Elizabeth!
"It seems that the owner of this notebook belongs to Marshal Elizabeth!" Liu Nianfeng said excitedly.

Marshal Elizabeth is a top legend in the human world. At her peak, she had more than 300 powerful starship girls under her command, including 24 space carrier starship girls. All the star beasts occupying it were expelled, advancing a full distance of 350 light-years for the human defense line.

Selected by humans as one of the ten most outstanding star admirals in human history.

After retiring, Marshal Elizabeth became a visiting professor of many famous Starship Girls Academy, dedicated to cultivating a new generation of human talents, and finally died of illness in Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy. Both strength and personality are great.

According to Liu Nianfeng's guess, the dormitory I live in now is likely to be the place where Marshal Elizabeth lived at that time, and when Marshal Elizabeth was about to die, he accidentally left the notebook under his bed. For 600 years.

It's a pity that Marshal Elizabeth didn't complete her experiment, nor did she finally announce it, otherwise, maybe mankind will face a brand new situation.

"It seems that what is written in this notebook is very likely to be true! It can help me solve the dilemma of my operation talent!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help clenching this fist, and all the depression and unhappiness before were swept away and replaced by What is full of fighting spirit.

"It's just that 600 years have passed. Didn't the other owners of this dormitory find this notebook? Don't they clean it up?" After the excitement, Liu Nianfeng looked at the notebook in his hand and fell into deep thought again.

It is normal for a notebook to be hidden under the bed for a few years, but it is a bit strange to want to hide it for 600 years in one go.

"Could it be that 600 years have passed? Has this dormitory never been used?" In the end, Liu Nianfeng could only guess like this, and then temporarily put this question aside, eager to enter the game to try it out.

If you want to enter the game, you must use Liu Zhuantian's account card, so Liu Nianfeng felt a little hesitation in his heart, after all, he promised to return the account card to Liu Zhuantian tomorrow.

"That's all! She can use me as she likes, but I can't miss such an important opportunity. I'm going to enter the game to test it out today!" Liu Nianfeng finally said firmly.

Then Liu Nianfeng searched a lot of information about "Stars" on the Internet, and it turned out that this game needs to rely on a special game cabin to play. If Liu Nianfeng wants to play the game, he must buy a whole set of game cabins.

But the problem is, this whole set of game pods cost a full [-] star coins, which is equivalent to ten months' personal allowance of Liu Nianfeng, where did Liu Nianfeng get the money to buy such a game pod.

"Hey! If I knew this, I would have told Liu Zhuangtian that I couldn't afford a game cabin!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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