girl line

Chapter 51 Two-hand trading platform

Chapter 51 Second-hand trading platform
"Ping Hai, how much money did you two make selling buns recently?" Liu Nian Feng came out of the room and asked Ping Hai and Ning Hai.

"I don't know!" Ping Hai blinked and said innocently.

"Why don't you know? Didn't I say that you are in charge of Baozi's affairs?" Liu Nianfeng said with a headache.

"Yes! So I handed over the management of funds to sister Miyuki! Admiral, you don't know, my sister and I are not good at math, and there is too much money to count, so handing it over to sister Miyuki for management becomes It's much more relaxed!" Ping Hai's cute expression when she spoke, aptly explained her talent in mathematics.

"Yes! It's much easier for you, but God knows if the money will be lost in the end. Hey, you are still too easy to trust people!" Liu Nianfeng sighed. Helped Fleeting Maple in many places.

But Liu Nianfeng knows that this person is very naughty, clever and clever, no one knows what is going on in her heart, and if she is given such an important right to her, if she plays tricks, it will be Liu Nianfeng , it is impossible to detect it for a while.

"Could it be that the master doesn't believe me?" The most embarrassing thing in life is when you say bad things about someone behind your back, and that person pops up just right.

When Liu Nianfeng finished speaking, Miyuki Kujo came out of the kitchen with a plate of steamed buns.

It's just that although Liu Nianfeng said bad things about him just now, there was no angry expression on Miyuki Kujo's face. On the contrary, he looked very calm, as if Liu Nianfeng had never mentioned himself.

"Ahem! You must not have the intention of harming others... You must also be defensive... Let's understand each other!" The embarrassing Liu Nianfeng could only speak the truth.

"Report to the master, over the past month or so, our steamed stuffed bun shop has earned a total of 24263 yuan of star coins regardless of all costs. Take away 10% of mine, and the master can control a total of 21836.7 yuan of star coins." Kutiao Miyuki's face The expression on her face was undeniable, but she quickly reported the income that Liu Nianfeng could control.

"Is there only more than 2 star coins?" Liu Nianfeng's expression is a little bit painful, a game cabin needs 5 star coins, and there are more than 2 left, where should Liu Nianfeng find it!

"That's not right, Admiral! My sister and I each have 1250 star coins, so what goes to you, Admiral... is... is..." Ping Hai counted on his fingers for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out the result.

"19336.7 yuan star coins!" Liu Nianfeng knocked on the heads of these two little guys, and reported the final number.

Come on, this time there are only more than 19000 star coins left, and the figure of 50000 is even more out of reach.

"Forget it! Since you can't afford the game cabin, why don't you just return this account card to Liu Zhuangtian first, and it will save me explaining the account card to her!" After finding out that his funds were not enough, Liu Nianfeng started to retreat.

"One more question, my servant, I don't know why the master suddenly needs so many star coins?" Kujo Miyuki asked respectfully.

"It's like this. I got a "Star" game account card, and I want to play the game to experience it, but I need to spend [-] star coins to buy a game cabin... Forget it, since there is still so much money, It's fine if you don't buy it first!" Liu Nianfeng didn't hide anything, and directly told the truth.

"So that's the case!" Kujo Miyuki frowned slightly when she heard this, "Do I have to buy a new game cabin?"

"What do you mean? Are there old game pods for sale in the school?" Liu Nianfeng asked immediately after hearing this.

"I don't know if there are any servants, but I know that the school has a secret trading platform, and many things can be purchased on this trading platform. Including some things that the seniors who are about to graduate can't take away and are going to sell, maybe in this There are game pods that the owner needs for sale on the platform!" Kujo Miyuki said.

"Oh! It turns out that there are such things in this era!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly remembered that whenever Peking University starts or is about to graduate, you can see countless seniors placing things in the school and selling them to those who just arrived. The younger brothers and sisters who came to school.

In addition to some more normal books and notebooks, there are also some seniors and seniors who sell some indescribable things... For example, the hard disks carefully selected by the seniors, or the old books that the seniors have built for several years with the seniors Deodorant quilt... All in all, it's full of unexpected goodies.

"Take me to take a look!" Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't wait.

Kujo Miyuki quickly entered the website address into the computer of Liu Nianfeng, and a slightly crudely made, but small and exquisite website appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng.

Sure enough, as Kujo Miyuki said, it is full of unexpected things.

For example, the textbooks that the starship girls have used for several years, or the leftover cosmetics they use, and even the underwear that they have only worn once or twice for sale... Because the entire academy is full of girls, Liu Nianfeng doesn't have to worry at all. Like in Peking University, I met unscrupulous liars, under the banner of senior sister underwear, and finally sold you a bunch of stockings worn by men.

But this trading platform is not just about real objects, Liu Nianfeng found that there are also many guys who sell information... such as "Top Ten Masters of Reach Star Academy", "Reach Star Academy Cup Ranking" and "Reach Star Academy Background Ranking" There are all kinds of information like this, and the types are very complete.

Liu Nianfeng even saw a piece of information exclusive to him: "Detailed information of the only male star admiral Liu Nianfeng in the academy"

Liu Nianfeng took a look at the brief introduction of this information, which listed simple information such as height, weight, hobbies, etc., and the results were all correct.

Surprised, Liu Nianfeng was about to buy this information and take a closer look, but the price of 1500 star coins that popped up made Liu Nianfeng secretly speechless, and gave up buying directly.

"Unexpectedly, I'm quite valuable! When I run out of money in the future, it's okay to sell my own information!" Liu Nianfeng said.


After simply browsing the entire website, Liu Nianfeng also began to search for information about the game pod, and found a game pod that was on sale, and the price was very low, only 9000 star coins, which was much cheaper It's beyond expectations.

It’s just that this game pod was posted on this website ten years ago. Although it still shows that it’s for sale, after all, ten years have passed. God knows if the owner of this game pod has forgotten to be deleted by this post. Actually It was no longer for sale.

Finally, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Liu Nianfeng dialed the personal terminal number left on the sales information, that is, the phone number.

As a result, the connection was quickly connected, and the person on the other end of the phone patted his chest to ensure that the game pod was still on sale, as long as Liu Nianfeng needed it, she could do it!
 [The author’s fleet has been recruited: readers and players of the Azur Lane generator project can join the big fleet: 402653324]

(End of this chapter)

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