girl line

Chapter 52 Christina

Chapter 52 Christina

The other party came very fast, and after just over 20 minutes, the doorbell of Liunianfeng's dormitory rang.

"Liu Nianfeng, unexpectedly it's really you!" When Liu Nianfeng opened the door of the dormitory, a red-haired woman rushed in very excitedly, looking up and down Liu Nianfeng.

Muttering something in his mouth, he quickly took out his notebook and started recording.

"Do you know that I bought the game cabin?" Liu Nianfeng said a little surprised seeing the behavior of the red-haired girl.

"Of course, when I saw the address you reported, I knew it was you!" the red-haired girl said triumphantly.

"Could it be that my address has been disclosed to this extent?" Hearing what the red-haired girl said, Liu Nianfeng said that he was very distressed.

"That's not true. Only those who bought the information know where you live... About 100 people. After all, the price is a bit expensive, and there are not many people who buy it!" The red-haired girl had a very regretful expression on her face.

"Come on! Have you brought my things?" Liu Nianfeng didn't want to talk to the red-haired girl anymore, he just wanted to finish the deal quickly.

"Of course the things are brought here. It's right at the door. Pay with one hand and deliver with the other!" The red-haired girl pointed to the door, and Liu Nianfeng indeed saw a game cabin that looked like a coffin.

"No! I'm going to try it anyway, to see if the game cabin can be used normally, otherwise I'm not at a big loss!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Are you questioning my credit, Christina?" Unexpectedly, Liu Nianfeng's words seemed to irritate the red-haired girl, and the other party said very dissatisfied, "I have been doing business in the school for ten years, who is not Give me a thumbs up, so far my transaction satisfaction is 100%, please don't insult my honor!"

"Sorry! I'm a novice in trading for the first time. I don't know how much satisfaction you have in trading. I only know that I have to try it myself before buying something. Isn't this my legitimate right?"

Liu Nianfeng said without showing any weakness, "Whether you like to sell or not, if you don't want to trade, just take the things away. At worst, I will endure it for a few more months and buy a brand new one!"

"You..." The expression on Christina's face changed for a while, she gritted her teeth for a long time, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll give you a try first! If it weren't for the fact that this thing has been stored here for ten years and hasn't been sold yet." Fall, I won't be angry with you!"

After Christina finished speaking, she walked to the side of the game cabin, and under Liu Nianfeng's astonished eyes, she lifted the entire game cabin with one hand, and then swaggered into Liu Nianfeng's room.

After the game cabin landed on the ground, Liu Nianfeng lifted it a little harder, and found that the entire game cabin weighed at least two hundred catties, and it was impossible for him to lift it with both hands at the same time. This Christina actually managed it with one hand... Could it be that this is a natural power?

"Hurry up if you want to try, I'm very busy, I don't have so much time to waste with you!" Christina said bitterly.

"It's easy to say!" After turning on the power, Liu Nianfeng pressed the start button of the game cabin, and the hatch of the game cabin opened immediately.

"Why is there a combat rhythm suit inside?" Liu Nianfeng opened the door of the game cabin, and found that it was basically exactly the same as the virtual cabin in the virtual classroom.

In fact, the virtual battle is actually a virtual game, and it is extremely normal that the access devices of the two are exactly the same.It's just that Liu Nianfeng discovered that there was a combat rhythm suit in the game room, which was a bit abnormal.

Judging from the appearance of this combat rhythm suit, it should be a combat rhythm suit that has been used many times. The color is dark purple, and the style is of course a female-only style. There are signs of damage in many places.

"Oh! It was left by the original owner of the game cabin and said it was sold together with the game cabin." Christina rolled her eyes and said with a slightly greedy expression, "Don't you want it? If you If you don't want it, just leave it to me, and I can sell it for a lot of money!"

"Forget it! I want it!" Liu Nianfeng touched the combat rhythm suit, probably because it has been kept in the sealed game cabin, so the combat rhythm suit is still very clean, and there is not much accumulated on it. dust.

More importantly, Liu Nianfeng's family does not have a second combat rhythm suit, and those who are not wearing a combat rhythm suit cannot access the game through the game cabin.The test is about to start now, if there is still a chance to buy a new combat rhythm suit, it will be used for a while!

"Hey, do you really want to wear this old combat rhythm suit?" Christina saw that Liu Nianfeng was really going to put on this suit, and an expression of disbelief appeared on her face.

"What's the matter, is it strange that I wear an old dress?" Liu Nianfeng asked very strangely when he saw Christina's expression.

"No... I'm a little excited when you say that..." Liu Nianfeng blushed and said to himself in his heart.

It's a pity that Liu Nianfeng is not a man of this era, so he went to another room without hesitation and changed into this combat rhythm suit.

"This combat rhythm suit actually fits quite well!" After putting on the clothes, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that this combat rhythm suit actually fit very well.The height and leg length are just right.

"It's a pity! This combat rhythm suit has already been used, otherwise it would be fine to wear it all the time!"

As a result, Christina reacted faster, turned around and avoided it, then quickly hid the booklet in her arms, and eagerly opened the hatch of the game cabin and said, "Come on! Master Liu Nianfeng, hurry up!" Give it a try!"

"Welcome to the world of "Stars"...Checking your account card...Account card detection completed...Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy's special exclusive account card...Game permissions are open...Creating a character for you."

"Please set your game name!" Liu Nianfeng said shortly after entering the game, he heard the system's voice ringing in his ears.

"Peking University madman!" Liu Nianfeng thought for a while, recalling his youthful years in Peking University, he couldn't help saying.

"Detecting whether the name is repeated...the name is not repeated, the character name can be used...detecting your character's gender...this account card is the exclusive account card of Starship Girls Academy...skip the gender detection link...gender detection default For: female."

"Hey! That's not right! You should test it! I'm obviously a man, okay!" Hearing what the system said, Liu Nianfeng immediately protested loudly.It's a pity that the system ignored Liu Nianfeng's protest at all, and proceeded with its own program in a formulaic manner.

"The appearance of your character is being determined. You can choose your character image from 365 standard appearances, or you can choose to make random fine-tuning within 10% of your own appearance!"

(End of this chapter)

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