girl line

Chapter 53 On Appearance and Women's Clothing

Chapter 53 On Appearance and Women's Clothing
Hearing the system say 365 standard looks, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but recall a statement he had read in Taoism books.

It is said that Zhang Daoling and Tianshi Zhang of the Han Dynasty once said to his disciples when he was giving lectures in Sichuan that there are thousands of human beings in this world who seem to have thousands of appearances.

Zhang Tianshi meant that the appearance of human beings, regardless of gender, can actually be attributed to 365 standard appearances.

If you are a friend who has frequent contact with many people, you will definitely find that you can see two people who look very similar almost every day. They obviously have no blood relationship, but they look like they are carved out of the same mold.

This is because the appearance of these two people belongs to the same standard appearance.

Of course, Buddhists have different opinions on the total number and classification of standard appearances.

Taoism generally divides them into 365 standard appearances, while Buddhism divides them into 3000 standard appearances. This is why Buddhism says that Tathagata Buddha has 3000 Dharma appearances.

Although Taoism has said this for a long time, Taoism itself has not made the 365 standard appearances into catalogs and albums. Some of them are just simple textual descriptions.

Now seeing that the future can actually list these 365 looks in detail, Liu Nianfeng's interest was immediately aroused.

"Then take a look at the 365 standard looks!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Yes! 365 female dolls with standard appearance will be generated below. If the player is satisfied with the target, touch its body to choose!" The system's voice fell, and countless beautiful human women appeared beside Liu Nianfeng in an instant. They were neatly arranged like an army, and they were allowed to be inspected by Liu Nianfeng.

What made Liu Nianfeng even more jealous was that these women were all wearing white swimsuits, *************************************************************************

You must know that although these human women are called dolls, they are actually designed with real people as templates, and they look exactly like real humans... No, they are not exactly the same as real people. Real human figures cannot be absolutely perfect. If it is perfect, there will definitely be various blemishes and spots on the skin.

But the figures and skins of these models are all perfect, just like the photos of beautiful women that Liu Nianfeng saw in his previous life that had been meticulously photoshopped.

Liu Nianfeng resisted the urge to pounce on them, and began to examine these beauties dolls seriously, and found that these beauties dolls were not intentionally beautified in appearance, they had all sorts of strange appearances.

There are peerless beauties who are stunningly beautiful, and ugly girls who are pitifully ugly.

In these appearances of Liu Nianfeng, I saw those very famous beauties in the previous life, such as Liu Xfei, Lin Xling, Lou Xxiao, etc... These people in the previous life Liu Nianfeng liked very much, but it is impossible for them to develop The beauties and stars are wearing swimsuits at this time, standing straight in front of Liu Nianfeng, as long as Liu Nianfeng stretches out his hand, he can touch them.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't dare to reach out, because if he touched a lot, he would directly choose the body. Although Liu Nianfeng liked the looks of these women, it didn't mean that Liu Nianfeng wanted to become that kind of woman.

Of course, apart from beauties, there are also many ugly women, such as Sister Feng, who also has a lot of looks. Liu Nianfeng even saw among these female dolls the same girl as Ru Hua in the previous Stephen Chow movie, which made Liu Nian Feng couldn't help feeling that there are women in the world who look like this.

If you think about it carefully, this is normal. After all, these 365 standard appearances are gender-neutral, and the same appearance can be generalized for men and women. It’s just that God gave you an extra handle when creating humans.

"Hey! Isn't this my standard appearance?" Liu Nianfeng stopped suddenly, because he found a standard appearance that was very similar to his own, with a similarity of about 80%, except for some minor differences. Apart from the fact that they are a little different, from a distance, even Liu Nianfeng's parents might admit their mistakes.

It's just that this model is a woman, with long black and straight hair, and a bust with at least a D cup... This makes Liu Nianfeng feel a little bit pained, as if seeing herself in women's clothing.

When it comes to women's clothing, many readers may wonder why some men are prettier and more feminine than women in women's clothing!
In fact, this is a false proposition, because purely in terms of appearance, men and women have the same appearance, but because of the differences in figure, skin, hair accessories, clothing, and daily behavior, people can clearly distinguish them. male and female.

If a man can imitate women's dressing and daily behavior, then this man is no different from women in appearance, it's just a matter of changing clothes... From the moment these women's big men were born, Their looks are better than many women, not because of women's clothing.

Well, I have said a lot of digressions, so let's get down to business.Since Liu Nianfeng found a standard appearance that was very similar to himself, he didn't bother to make other choices, and directly grabbed the right hand of the women's version of Liu Nianfeng.

The other 364 dolls around disappeared in an instant, and at the same time a mirror appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng...Liu Nianfeng looked at the mirror and found that he had become the girl Liu Nianfeng he had seen just now.

"So have I also become a master of women's clothing?" Liu Nianfeng smiled bitterly, only to hear the system continue to prompt, "Please choose your hair... You have 108 ways to choose..."

"No, just this hair!" Liu Nianfeng said immediately, now Liu Nianfeng only wants to be the simplest and least prominent, and don't let others notice him easily.So I didn't dare to choose those eye-catching hair accessories, I just chose the simplest black long straight.

"Please adjust your height!" Then the system said again.

"Not conspicuous... not conspicuous... then 1 meters is fine!" Liu Nianfeng muttered, in the future with the continuous evolution of human genes, the average height of human females will be around 70 meters, So Fleeting Maple directly chose a standard height.

"Please adjust your bust size!" the system said again.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng has a **** bust, when he lowers his head, all events are blocked by that ****, unless Liu Nianfeng lifts his feet up , otherwise you won't be able to see your lower body at all.

Then Liu Nianfeng tried to walk a few steps, feeling as if he had two watermelons hanging on his chest, walking wobbly, and even the center of gravity was a little hard to control.

"No... I don't want to attract attention..." After some deliberation, Liu Nianfeng made up his mind to directly set his bust to A-... Well, this bust is no different from that of a man.

The same is true for the next waist and hips of Liu Nianfeng, which are set according to the principle of being as unobtrusive as possible. Finally, all the body attributes are set, and Liu Nianfeng's figure becomes like a flat plate, which looks like A skinny, underdeveloped poor kid.

"Please choose a career. You can choose to be a starship boy or a star admiral!" Because in order to satisfy the wishes of some men, the setting of "Star" is different from the reality. It is also possible to become a Starship Girl just like a woman, so the name of Starship Girl was changed to Starship Boy.

"I choose Admiral Xingchen!" Liu Nianfeng said firmly.

"The occupation has been determined. Welcome to the world of "Stars". The system detects that you are entering the game for the first time. May I ask if you want to enter the novice training battlefield and practice your basic combat skills with the robot IA!"

"I want it!" There was a smile on Liu Nianfeng's face, this is exactly the purpose of Liu Nianfeng entering this game.

 This chapter does not seem to promote the plot, but it is actually the author's conclusion after studying the appearance of human beings and the attributes of women's clothing, which can be regarded as helping everyone to raise their posture
(End of this chapter)

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