girl line

Chapter 54 Is it for sale?

Chapter 54 Is it for sale?

As the name suggests, the "novice training battlefield" is a battlefield specially designed for novices to practice their fighting skills... The opponents are AI with relatively simple settings.

To put it bluntly, this battlefield is to give new players who have just entered the game a chance to practice and build their self-confidence, so the game AI is very simple, as long as you are not a complete fool, you can definitely beat this AI.

"Welcome to Peking University madman, I am your subordinate Starship Girl Hummingbird-class Star Destroyer Hummingbird, responsible for teaching you the combat skills of novices!" After entering the novice training battlefield, Hummingbird's AI is very conscientious in teaching Fleeting Maple Novice tricks.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't need this AI to teach himself, so he simply took the AI's words as wind in his ears, directly entered the state of ghost resonance, controlled his own star destroyer, found the opponent cleanly... and then crushed this Intelligent AI.

"Is this how it feels to crush an opponent? It's really cool!" Liu Nianfeng admired, but after thinking about it, he was also crushed by his classmates in class, and he couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken. .

With Liu Nianfeng defeating AI, the novice training battlefield also came to an end. In the blink of an eye, Liu Nianfeng appeared in a somewhat simple room. This was Liu Nianfeng's initial residence in "Stars".

"I hope that the method written in Marshal Elizabeth's notebook will really work!" Liu Nianfeng took a deep breath, and pushed open the door of his room... Outside the door is an extremely wide, but also extremely lively road. Street, many people are walking up and down on this street.


Star Street is the busiest and lively street in the whole game, because all the functional buildings of the game are concentrated on this street, including the novice smart training camp.

The "Intelligent Training Camp for Novices", also known as the "Human-Machine Training Camp", is a special place for newcomers in "Stars" to practice themselves through the human-machine mode.

The "novice intelligence training camp" is a place where players are very entangled, because the AI ​​in it gives players a very bad game experience.

The first few AI levels are very simple, players can easily defeat them with a little training, and it doesn't feel refreshing to play at all.

In the end, the strength of the AI ​​at the cruel level is abnormally terrifying. Many masters in the game can't beat the AI ​​at the cruel level, let alone those newcomers.

Therefore, newcomers often leave directly after a few battles in the "novice intelligence training camp", and never return to this novice intelligence training camp.

On the contrary, some game masters occasionally return to the "novice intelligence training camp" in order to challenge the cruel AI.

Therefore, the "novice smart training camp" at this time is very deserted, and no players stop at the entrance of the training camp.

At such a deserted moment, a girl with a flat body like a coffin board walked into the training camp, applied for a training room from the lazy training camp administrator, and then entered the training room directly... the whole process Without attracting anyone's attention, it's like a drop of dew melting into the boundless sea.

At this moment, no one could have imagined that a legend in reality and in the game was slowly born at this moment.


"Please select the type and number of starship girls under your command!"

"A stone-class star light cruiser starship maiden."

"Please select the type, number, and difficulty level of your opponent's AI starship girls."

"A rock-class star light cruiser starship maiden, easy difficulty."

"Please set the speed of time passing."

"Normal speed!"

"Please choose the normal game mode or the fast game mode. In the fast game mode, the warships of both sides will directly enter the engagement range, without the need for early radar exploration and positioning."

"Quick game mode!"

Because it is a training mode for man-machine battles, the game does not give players any restrictions. Players can arbitrarily choose the number and types of starship girls they have until they reach the upper limit.

Even a novice player who has just entered the game and has nothing, can also set his subordinate starship girls to 99 space carriers, and experience the feeling of superior strength of his subordinates.

Of course, if players are interested, they can also set their opponents to 99 space carriers. Everything is free, and players can set it according to their own preferences.

Liu Nianfeng first set the most suitable configuration for himself, and also set the same configuration for the opponent, so as to experience the level of the weakest AI.

There is nothing to say about the situation and result of the battle. Of course, Liu Nianfeng won the victory.It is worth mentioning that because Fleeting Maple chose the fast game mode, he directly entered the artillery battle with this opponent at the first time, and the battle ended in less than 1 minute, which is better than the battle in the normal mode. It took ten minutes.

In the second battle that followed, Liu Nianfeng's own settings did not change, but raised the opponent's difficulty from easy to normal.

Of course the result was the same, Liu Nianfeng still won, but the time was increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes.After all, the normal difficulty computer AI already knew how to use some tactical trajectories to dodge shells, which made Liu Nianfeng's already somewhat lame hit rate drop even more.

In the third battle, Liu Nianfeng increased the difficulty of the opponent from normal difficulty to difficult difficulty.

The victory still belongs to Liu Nianfeng, but Liu Nianfeng can no longer win the battle by crushing, but spent a lot of hands and feet.

Because on difficult difficulty, the intelligent AI's dodge has become better, and the hit rate of the artillery fire has also increased a lot... It is almost at the same level of operation as the dish's foot-picking Fleeting Maple.

In the fourth battle, the difficulty level was raised from difficult to terrifying, and this time it was no longer Liu Nianfeng who had the upper hand.Both the opponent's evasion ability and the accuracy of the bombardment are far higher than Liu Nianfeng's operation level under the ghost resonance, and finally rely on the opponent's IQ gap, by finding the advantageous position, and killing it with a face-to-face torpedo opponent.

By the fifth game, the difficulty level of the AI ​​has been raised to a brutal level.

At the same time, the AI ​​setting of the brutal level is not as free as other levels. Players can only have one star battleship with AI not higher than the cruel level.

As for the number of brutal AIs, it can be set according to the player's own wishes. As long as they are happy, they can be set to the limit of 99.

Just like what was said in the notebook, the cruelty-level AI and the previous four levels of AI are not AIs of the same dimension at all.

Both the design and the evasion have reached an extremely terrifying level. Just like the simple AI he dealt with before, Liu Nianfeng was easily killed by the brutal AI.

"It feels like Liu Zhuangtian is an opponent of the same level!" When Liu Nianfeng saw that his star battleship was blasted to pieces by the brutal intelligent AI in just 1 minute, he couldn't help but recall the memory of the battleship in the sixth year. The only few scenes where Ban He fights Liu Zhuangtian.

The feeling of facing Liu Zhuantian is almost the same as facing a brutal AI...or in other words, Liu Zhuantian is much scarier than a cruel AI.

Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, then chose to quit the game and climbed out of the game cabin.

"How is it? Can it be used? Give me the money!" Christina, who had already waited impatiently, directly asked Liu Nianfeng for the debt.

"Give it to her!" Liu Nianfeng gestured to Miyuki Kujo, Miyuki Kujo took out 9000 star coins and handed them to Christina.

"Very good! We are happy to cooperate!" Seeing the cute little Qianqian, Christina's eyes were crooked with a smile, and the expression on Liu Nianfeng was no longer so ugly, but she smiled sweetly and said.

"By the way, Liu Nianfeng, if you have any worn clothes that you don't want, sell them to me!" Christina said with a smile.

"Not for sale! I'm not that rich!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head, he was not rich enough to wear one and sell another.

"No, no, no... How much did you pay for it, and how much I paid for it... I will never let you lose a penny!" Christina said immediately.

"What did you say?" Liu Nianfeng's expression froze for a moment, and then the words "original underwear" suddenly appeared in his mind, and his face suddenly turned purple.

"Miss Miyuki, see off!" Liu Nianfeng said without hesitation.

"Don't! Let's discuss it carefully, or I will pay [-]% more for the clothes you wear... What a deal... [-]%... I will pay [-]% more."

In the end, even though Christina offered a very attractive price, Liu Nianfeng drove her out without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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