girl line

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

"He's online!" In the game, Liu Zhuangtian, who was fighting an opponent, suddenly received a system notification, and was instantly distracted.In the end, the opponent seized the opportunity, found a flaw in Liu Zhuangtian, and killed her.

"Zhuangtian? What are you doing? Why did you suddenly lose your mind?" After the battle, the two sides appeared in the waiting room of the arena.

Liu Zhuantian's opponent, one looks about 30 years old, but she has a seductive charm all over her body, and her appearance is [-]% to [-]% similar to Liu Zhuantian... The only difference from Liu Zhuantian is that this woman is full of body They all exuded a domineering arrogance, which is obviously the temperament that people who have been in high positions all year round can possess.

"Mother, a friend sent me a message asking me to have a competition!" Liu Zhuangtian replied very respectfully, not at all like a daughter, but like a subordinate.

"Friend? What kind of friend? A friend from school?" Liu Zhuantian's mother frowned and asked a little unhappy.

"Yes! Mother!" Liu Zhuantian's body trembled, but he replied honestly.

"I told you a long time ago that apart from von Hindenburg and Miyamoto Musashino in your school, there is nothing worthy of making friends with you." Liu Zhuangtian's mother said disdainfully.

"Yes, mother, I am competing with sister von Hindenburg!" Liu Zhuangtian replied.

"Oh! Then you go! Remember that you must not hold back, teach her a lesson, let her understand who the future leader of the younger generation of Uranus is, and the glory of our family depends on you to pass on! "

"Yes! Mother!" After Liu Zhuantian's voice fell, he disappeared into the lounge.

"This child! Why does he seem to have lost his soul recently?" Looking at the place where her daughter disappeared, Liu Zhuantian's mother said very puzzled.


"Although his combat talent is really bad, it is not necessary to train these basic things! Why does he still stay in the novice intelligence training camp and fight against AI?" Seeing the news on his friend list, Liu Zhuang Tian murmured to himself suspiciously.

Although he was puzzled, Liu Zhuantian still came to the door of the novice intelligence training camp, and asked the NPC at the front desk, "Which room is the player named Peking University madman?"

"Sorry, this is the player's personal privacy. Without the authorization of the other party, I can't tell you the player's personal situation!" The NPC refused cleanly.

"Look at this!" Liu Zhuangtian stretched out his hand, revealing a black ring on his hand.And on this black ring, there is also a peculiar family crest that resembles a bull's head.

The moment this intelligent NPC saw the black ring, its eyes began to spin rapidly like glass beads, turning into a strange white color, and finally replied dully, "Player Peking University madman is training in Room 1103, please Select entry mode."

"Stealth mode!" Liu Zhuangtian said lightly.

As the name suggests, the so-called stealth mode is to appear in the opponent's training room without arousing any suspicion or attention, and silently watch the opponent's battle.

This is obviously a mode and right that are not allowed to appear in the game under normal circumstances, but because of the identity and specialness of the Liu Zhuangtian family, the impossible has become possible... It seems that no matter how the times pass, the pyramid structure of society There will always be, and those with power are able to be willful.

But what Liu Zhuangtian didn't expect was that the moment she entered Liu Nianfeng's room, she heard the prompt that the room was closed, and then looked at the Peking University madman in the address book, and the other party had already entered the offline state.

"Hey! It's still a step late!" Liu Zhuantian sighed inwardly, and also went offline.

What Liu Zhuangtian didn't know was that just 10 minutes after Liu Nianfeng went offline, he went online again, and then started the battle with the man and machine again.

Liu Nianfeng didn't know how long he had been fighting, but he heard the news that someone outside the game cabin reminded him to leave the game.

When Liu Nianfeng quit the game, he found that the sun was already shining outside the window.

"Master, it's already 8:[-], and there's still half an hour to go to class!" Miyuki Kujo respectfully reminded beside Liu Nianfeng.

"Finally I can be free... I really don't want to enter this game anymore." Liu Nianfeng showed a painful smile, rubbing his headache head.

In one night, Liu Nianfeng didn't know how many times he had fought. He only knew that he didn't even have a record of success, and he kept repeating failures throughout the night. That massacre-level AI was too perverted, perverted To the point of horror.

If a cruel AI can be installed on the star warship to assist the star warship in fighting, then Liu Nianfeng and other star admirals with ordinary qualifications would not need to train so hard.

It's a pity that the suppression of electronic products by psychic energy and psionic energy is really terrible. Some simple electronic devices can still work under the shield of Starship Girl.

However, high-intensity electronic computing equipment such as a computer can't even work with the shield of the starship girl. Even if it is installed, it can only be used as a decoration on the starship.

Therefore, the Star Warship cannot install and use advanced computers. All artillery and torpedo launches still rely on the judgment and control of the starship girl or the admiral... and in the state of ghost resonance, the star admiral can link all the starship girls under his command. The consciousness of the admiral greatly strengthened the reaction ability of the admiral and the starship girl, and multiplied the admiral's fighting instinct.

But there is no such restriction in the game, because everything in the game is fictitious, and there is no psionic or psionic energy, so the effect of the light brain can naturally be fully exerted... and the cruel AI is It was born entirely by the calculation of an optical brain that is more advanced than a computer.

If you want to defeat a brutal AI in a one-on-one situation, you can only defeat it with extremely high fighting instincts under the resonance of ghosts, that is, those top star admirals can do this... and Liu Zhuangtian is probably the Among the people Liu Nianfeng has met, he is the only admiral who can defeat cruel opponents one-on-one by virtue of his fighting instinct.

In fact, in one-on-one situations, the entire human world has the ability to kill cruel AIs in one-on-one situations. All of them are the aces of the major fleets, Admiral Stars, and the real aces of mankind.

This point can be seen by opening the leaderboard of the game. All opponents who can defeat the brutal AI one-on-one are all listed on the leaderboard.

In the past 600 years, a total of 12869 players have defeated the brutal computer one-on-one. This is a number based on the hundreds of billions of players in the entire game over the past 600 years!

 Thanks to the readers: Pirate-class battleship, Luochen, Chunri Shengxing, Dragon Emperor Yuexin, Houkai poi, Diejiesming's rewards... Recommend a book: The Daily Life of the Protagonist Turning into a Bear "I am a national treasure, I am afraid" Who", you can go and see if you like. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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