girl line

Chapter 56 Class 4 【Thank you for the reward】

第56章 四班【谢赏加更】

[Thanks to the readers: Uncle Miao who passed by gave a reward of 10000 starting coins, this chapter will be updated for you]

[Thanks to the readers: Anonymous Wutian, K Yuan Chuyu, じ迷迷い,, Is it okay to not have a name, Luochen, Liubaiqianxia, ​​reading in the second style, I want to die~ Playful, S, S world , No name and no sky, snails also have big dreams, the coach of 800 million lolitas in Tokyo, Xingyue Lingmeng, Yan Moshang, quietly hiding in the corner, Viscount Taiman, Yuankong, Wulangqiu, Suifeng, unscrupulous swordsman, Shenbu Tianyin, Remnant Mustache, Book Friends 20170328182248219, Meteor Scars, WSR with You, Geographical Advantage, My Heart Flies 110 Rewards

"Have you made your decision?" Seeing the application form for changing classes in her hand, Lianna solemnly confirmed to Liu Nianfeng again.

"Hmm! I've thought about it. Although I really like Class [-], Class [-] is indeed a place to cultivate strong people. But my talent in operation is really too bad. If I continue like this, I won't feel any improvement at all. Opportunity, so I decided to transfer to Class [-], the education method there may be more suitable for me!" Liu Nianfeng also replied solemnly.

"Very good, since this is your choice, then I respect you!" Lyanna nodded, took out her own seal, stamped it on the application form, and then scanned it again with the scanner. submitted to the management system.

A few seconds later, a reply came from the computer, and the head teacher of Class [-] also signed and approved it. In this way, the matter of Liu Nianfeng changing classes became a certainty!
"Teacher! I want to change to Class [-] too!" As soon as Liu Nianfeng's affairs were finished, Chen Shihan also rushed in with an application form.

"You...I don't approve..." Unexpectedly, Leanna rejected Chen Shihan cleanly!
"Why?" Chen Shihan stared at Lyanna with aggrieved eyes.

"The reason is very simple. You are different from Liu Nianfeng. You have the potential to be cultivated, and the potential is extremely high!" Lianna said lightly, "Compared with those old students in the class, when you first came, you were ranked second to last in all subjects. .”

"Although your basic knowledge is still second to last, your practical combat training has already entered the top 25 ranks of the class... This is a result that surprises even me. Your talent in operations is very strong. As long as you train carefully, it’s hard to say anything else, you can still be sure of being in the top five in the class.”

"So unless you have the ability to persuade the principal to approve your transfer application, I won't let you go!"

"Why is this!" Chen Shihan raised her head in despair, this was the first time in her life that she expected her talent to be worse.

"It's okay, we are still friends, you are welcome to come and play with me in Class [-] in the future!" Liu Nianfeng patted Chen Shihan on the shoulder, and left the office under the watchful eyes of Chen Shihan and Leanna.


"Students! We have a new classmate transferred to our class today!" In Class [-], an oriental woman with glasses and a gentle demeanor said to the whole class.

"Teacher Rifumi...why is there a new classmate...our class can hardly fit..." Some students in the class couldn't help complaining, although the classrooms of Class [-] and Class [-] are the same size, but Class [-] The classroom is very loose to sit in, but the fourth class is already overcrowded, and the students in the last row even squeezed into the corner.

According to a rough estimate, Class Four has at least 100 students, more than twice that of Class Six.

This is already the result of class four rejecting many transfer students, otherwise the current number would have doubled.

"Students! Didn't the teacher educate you? We are all a loving group. Since there are new students coming in, everyone should show their love and enthusiasm to welcome them and let them feel the love of our fourth class." warmth."

"The teacher has always firmly believed that in addition to strict elimination, love and care can also make our students grow!" the head teacher Ri Fumi said firmly, and then there was a burst of warm applause from the class... This is the fourth class in the second class. The reason for the most popular grade is that Class [-] can be said to be the class with the best atmosphere and the most relaxed and warm life among all the classes in the second grade.

"Teacher! Who is our classmate this time? Please introduce it to me quickly!" Several female classmates asked.

"That's good, then the teacher won't play tricks on everyone anymore, everyone applauds in unison, welcome Liu Nianfeng to join our big family of Class [-]!"



The entire classroom was eerily quiet, and all the students looked at each other in disbelief, unable to believe their ears.

When Liu Nianfeng really walked into this scary-looking classroom, the whole class burst into applause instantly.

"Student Fleeting Maple welcomes you!"

"Welcome, classmate Fleeting Maple!"

"Liu Nian Feng, let's form a loving family!"


Liu Nianfeng was a little at a loss as he looked at the students in the class who warmly welcomed him. Each of these students had warm and sincere smiles on their faces... It would be even better if this smile removed a bit of slut .

"Okay, Liu Nianfeng, please introduce yourself!" Next came the old-fashioned self-introduction process, but what flattered Liu Nianfeng was that every time he finished speaking, there would be enthusiastic cheers from the podium. applause.

The applause was so warm, it seemed as if the entire ceiling was about to be toppled over.Liu Nianfeng said a total of 20 sentences, followed by applause 20 times, and the warm Liu Nianfeng was almost at a loss.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, after unanimous discussion among the students, I have decided to give you the seat in the fifth row by the window!" The next step is to allocate seats, which is different from the rude way of assigning seats directly according to grades in Class Six. The seats in the class are all humbly given up by the students.

As a result, this humility gave up the seat dedicated to the protagonist to Liu Nianfeng.

"Hello, I'm your deskmate, and my name is Xu Yang!" Probably because there are really a lot of people in the class, Class [-] has reverted to having two tables in a row. In an extremely familiar environment.

Looking at the girl next to him who is not very beautiful, but has a very gentle temperament, Liu Nianfeng can't help but feel a little glad that he has changed to a different class.

"Cough cough, Liu Nianfeng, there is one more thing about you." Class teacher Ri Fumi continued, "In order to cultivate your operational ability, the teacher arranged you and Xu Yang into a school support group. Xu Yang is our The student with the best operating skills in the class, I believe that with her help, you will definitely be able to improve!"

"I actually became the object of the support group?" Hearing this news, Liu Nianfeng only had a wry smile on his face. Since he was a child, he has been helping others in his studies, and now he needs to be helped by others It's time.

(End of this chapter)

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