girl line

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

After the bell for get out of class ended, unlike the students in class [-] who went home separately, more than half of the students in class [-] gathered around Liu Nianfeng, tightly besieging Liu Nianfeng on the seat, all kinds of chatter All the gossip questions were thrown out.

It took Liu Nianfeng a full hour to send back these overly excited girls, and Liu Nianfeng also learned a lot about Class [-] through communicating with these girls.

Class [-] is a completely different class from Class [-]. If Class [-] is a fiercely competitive hell, then Class [-] is a happy paradise.

The educational philosophy of Mr. Ri Fumei, the head teacher of the fourth class, is: family education, happy education, and mutual education.Encourage the students in the class to live together like relatives and friends, and hope that everyone can actively help their friends.

Those with good grades should help those with poor grades, and those with a good life should support those with a poor life. Internally, we must tolerate each other like open palms, and externally, we must act collectively like clenched fists.

Therefore, the class style of Class [-] and Class [-] is completely different. The class style of Class [-] is either a lone ranger-like character, or a small group of several people. There is absolutely no such thing as a large group.

And the entire class of Class [-] is a super big group, every student is very enthusiastic, to the extent that Liu Nianfeng feels a little scary.

In terms of the teaching rules of the class, instead of overly admiring and training the actual combat ability like the sixth class, the fourth class pays more attention to the theoretical foundation and teamwork, as well as the admiral's strategic command ability.

In terms of curriculum arrangement, the courses on Monday and Tuesday are all kinds of theoretical teaching, Wednesday and Thursday are individual training, and the same as the sixth class, the individual practical training ability is cultivated, and Friday is class joint training. The class will be divided into two groups for team training. war.

Closed on Saturday and Sunday...

rest! ! !

Hearing this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel tears welling up in his eyes. It has been more than two months since he came to this school, and this is the first time he has met a class that has normal rest on Saturdays and Sundays...

Finally, there is the exam... In addition to the class joint exam every three months stipulated by the school, the entire fourth class does not have any additional exams... Yes, you read that right, this class does not organize any class exams, This is simply the gospel that some students have dreamed of all their lives.

One more thing that must be said is that Class [-] is strictly forbidden to be late and absent from class... Except for Saturdays and Sundays, any absenteeism will be severely punished: you must submit a [-]-word self-criticism. All allowances are also fully deductible.

In addition to absenteeism, Class [-] has many other very strict class rules, which regulate the behavior of students and prevent students from doing anything out of the ordinary during class.

This is completely different from Class [-]. Class [-] doesn't care about whether you are absent or not. Anyway, if you don't come to the exam, you can just deduct points. Once the points are empty, you don't even have the qualifications to come to class.

The law of the jungle is the educational philosophy of Class Six.

But the educational philosophy of the fourth class is collective cooperation, so it attaches great importance to the collective construction.In the words of the head teacher, unreasonable absenteeism is a trample on collective construction and must be strictly stopped.

In this way, Liu Nianfeng's sloppy class habits developed in the past two months must be changed... It is no longer possible to attend classes when he wants to, and not to attend classes when he doesn't think about it.And for Liannianfeng who just started training in the game, the lack of time every day has become Liannianfeng's biggest opponent.

From this point of view, Class Six may be more suitable for Liu Nianfeng.

Closer to home, it is precisely because of this kind of class style that class four has become one of the eight classes in the second grade with the best wind rating, the largest number of students, and one of the classes that students yearn for the most.But on the other hand, the overall grades of Class [-] are very poor. The four joint exams for each class each year, that is, the two midterm exams and the two final exams are all in the bottom three positions.


After class [-], on the way back to the dormitory, Liu Nianfeng suddenly found that Liu Zhuangtian was waiting for him in front... Seeing Liu Zhuangtian, Liu Nianfeng began to feel pain in his stomach, and that account card had been blocked by Liu Nianfeng. I have used it, if Liu Zhuangtian asks himself what kind of account card he wants now, what should Liu Nianfeng give him?

"That... about the account card..." Liu Nianfeng walked up to Liu Zhuangtian and said proactively.

"Let's let you go first!" Before Liu Nianfeng could finish speaking, Liu Zhuangtian took the initiative to say, "My dormitory is very small, and I can't fit any more things!"

"Can your reason be any more unreliable..." After listening to Liu Zhuangtian's words, Liu Nianfeng complained secretly in his heart.How crowded is Liu Zhuangtian's dormitory?Only then can't even fit a small card.

But since Liu Zhuangtian took the initiative to say so, Liu Nianfeng felt at ease, at least he could use it first.

"By the way! The novice smart training camp is actually not very valuable for the students of our colleges. Only by being taught by the strong can we better improve ourselves." After Liu Zhuangtian said this, he didn't look back. gone.

"Why did she mention the novice intelligence training camp to me?" Liu Nianfeng was startled by Liu Zhuantian's words, and immediately realized that Liu Zhuantian must have known that he had entered the game, so he changed his attitude from yesterday , find a lame reason to keep that kind of game account card in the hands of Liu Nianfeng.

"But how does she know that I have logged into the game, and how does she know that I am training in the novice smart training camp?" Liu Nianfeng rubbed his head in distress, "Could it be that this account card can set up some back door? "


Considering that he must go to class on time every day in the future, he can no longer skip classes at will, and the time after class is extremely precious, and must be used for normal cultivation and fighting in the game, so Liu Nianfeng decided to put the task of copying scriptures in the daily class Finished... Anyway, for Xueba Liunianfeng, it only takes 10 minutes to learn all the basics in a day.

At the same time, in order to speed up the copying, Liu Nianfeng abandoned the habitual block letter-like fonts and began to write extremely fast cursive scripts. Because of repeated deep memory and writing in the past few days, coupled with the blessing of cursive scripts, this Fleeing Maple wrote the four scriptures faster and faster. In the end, it only took two hours to write all the four scriptures silently.

Of course, with so many words written in such a short period of time, the words written on the paper become like heavenly scriptures. Except for Liu Nianfeng himself, I am afraid that no one can understand what Liu Nianfeng wrote on paper. what was written.

(End of this chapter)

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