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Chapter 58 Some explanations about the data of the Star Warship

Chapter 58 Some Explanations on Star Warship Data

Some readers said that the star battleship is hundreds of kilometers long, but why there are only a few cannons, this is unscientific.

Here the author explains, in fact, all the warship size data are set according to the warship prototype enlarged by a thousand times.The unit of the captain changed from meter to kilometer, and the caliber of the cannon changed from millimeter to meter, so there was no problem with the wrong number of cannons. After all, the prototype battleship had such a large number of cannons.

The author is not an author born in hard science fiction, and the theory of common sense of science fiction is far from enough, so there will definitely be many scientific errors in future novels.

The author welcomes everyone to point out some mistakes that hinder common sense in this chapter, and the author will correct it after seeing it.

Of course, because this is a novel about ship girls after all, the author also hopes that everyone will not demand this novel with a hard sci-fi attitude, after all, ship girls are not scientific!So there are some unscientific settings, even if you bring them up, the author can't change them, just like that...

(End of this chapter)

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