girl line

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Dialogue
Returning to the dormitory after school, the first thing Liu Nianfeng does is to practice, then log in to the game, continue to enter the novice intelligence training camp, and rely on the stubborn stone-level star light cruiser to engage in one-on-one battles with brutal-level opponents.

But the result is still predictable, Liu Nianfeng's crappy operation is impossible to be the opponent of cruel AI intelligence, Liu Nianfeng has been defeated by opponents repeatedly... After such repeated failures, Liu Nianfeng feels I am a little confused, and my performance is not even as good as when I first entered the game.

At this time, Liu Zhuangtian also entered the game.After checking her friends, she was shocked to find that Liu Nianfeng was still in the novice intelligence training camp.

Without further ado, Liu Zhuangtian immediately entered Liu Nianfeng's room through stealth mode as last time.

This time Liu Zhuangtian did not step into the air again, but managed to meet Liu Nianfeng who was fighting.

"Is he torturing himself?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's battle, Liu Zhuangtian couldn't help talking to himself.From Liu Zhuangtian's perspective, Liu Nianfeng's star warship is like a piece of duckweed in a storm, letting crazy opponents destroy it in the boundless universe.

Although Liu Nianfeng tried his best to launch a counterattack, his shells couldn't hit the opponent at all. The opponent was as cunning as a loach. No matter how Liu Nianfeng fired, he could be dodged by the opponent... Sometimes there was no need to dodge , Fleeting Maple's landing point was already a thousand miles away.

This hundred and eight thousand miles is not an adjective, but the true meaning of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

But the opponent's shells were as precise as a surgical knife, and Liu Nianfeng was defeated by the opponent after only 50 seconds.

"What's going on? When he was fighting with me, his skills wouldn't be so clumsy!" Seeing this scene, Liu Zhuangtian frowned deeply.

Liu Zhuangtian originally thought that after a few failures, Liu Nianfeng would give up the battle with the brutal opponent like everyone else... But unexpectedly, Liu Zhuangtian stayed in this room for a whole hour. In the hour, Liu Nianfeng never gave up.

After one battle was over, the next battle started immediately, without even a single pause in the middle, just endless repetition of the extremely boring battle of being abused by one side.

If it wasn't for the usual breakup with Liu Nianfeng, then Liu Zhuangtian must have thought that Liu Nianfeng was a masochist.

"I lost in 46 seconds this time!" When Liu Zhuangtian watched the 72nd battle, the time from the start to the defeat of Liu Nianfeng had been shortened from 50 seconds to 46 seconds.

To a certain extent, Liu Zhuangtian's character can be described as extremely resolute to be able to appreciate such a boring and unilateral killing of 72 battles!
This is obviously a huge improvement if this is a running race.It's a pity that this is not a running race, but a life-and-death battle...

"He won't just seek abuse! He must be trying to do something?" Liu Zhuangtian was pondering in his mind while watching Liu Nianfeng's battle.

It's a pity that Liu Zhuangtian received news from her mother before she could figure out what to do.She had no choice but to withdraw from the room and go to her mother to participate in the training.

In the next few days, Liu Nianfeng repeated this kind of training, but what troubled Liu Nianfeng was that not only did this kind of training not improve, but it got worse and worse, and the persistence time gradually decreased to 44 to the extent of seconds.

This situation is also reflected in daily battles, because Wednesday and Thursday are for one-on-one confrontation training, and the person in charge of the one-on-one confrontation training of Liu Nianfeng is naturally Liu Nianfeng's new deskmate, that is, the operator of the fourth class. The strongest classmate Xu Yang.

Xu Yang taught very seriously, telling Liu Nianfeng many things to pay attention to in operation while fighting, but what Xu Yang didn't expect was that with his own teaching, Liu Nianfeng not only didn't make any progress, but instead regressed more and more. He is also a little dazed during the battle, and often makes some low-level mistakes.

"What's wrong with you?" In the third week when Liu Nianfeng joined the fourth class, Xu Yang finally couldn't bear the situation and asked Liu Nianfeng, "Is there something wrong with my teaching? Why is your performance getting worse and worse?" It's getting worse?"

"I..." Liu Nianfeng didn't know how to answer the question of his deskmate. The reason why Liu Nianfeng's performance was getting worse and worse was very simple. This was completely a manifestation of failure in the game.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, don't give up on yourself! Don't give up on yourself!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's sluggish expression, Xu Yang encouraged him sincerely!
"Thank you!" Liu Nianfeng was able to sense the sincerity of the other party, and said very moved.But moving is not enough, Liu Nianfeng's actual combat is still declining rapidly... so that in the end, Liu Nianfeng even saw Xu Yang secretly wiping tears.

This made Liu Nianfeng feel extremely guilty in his heart, and at the same time his heart became more and more panicked.


"It's no wonder that the game has been born for 600 years, and no one has discovered that it is possible to use cruel AI for training... The torture of such failure is really unbearable for ordinary people. If it weren't for Marshal Elizabeth's swearing guarantee in the notebook, I would die. I will not continue to be tortured like this!"

After experiencing another failure in the game, Liu Nianfeng did not restart the game immediately for the first time, but stood in the room and said to himself.

"After all, this is just a research of Marshal Elizabeth that is still being conceived! Maybe her research is wrong. This kind of training will not only fail to improve a guy with poor operational talent like me, but will mess up our minds and make us change. It's even worse!" Liu Nianfeng sighed and said to himself.

"Admiral, shall we continue to fight?" Just as Liu Nianfeng felt a little bit of self-pity, the stubborn stone beside him suddenly said.

"Huh..." Liu Nianfeng was very surprised by the stubborn stone's opening. This simple and intelligent starship girl never took the initiative to talk to herself except for mechanical responses. How did she make an exception today?

"Tell me, should I give up? I've been working hard for so long, but my record is getting worse and worse!" Although I don't know why this simple and intelligent starship girl would take the initiative to talk to herself, but facing such an NPC However, Liu Nianfeng didn't take too much precaution, but opened his heart and communicated with her.

In fact, what Liu Nianfeng needs now is someone who can open up and speak.

This NPC seemed to be a puppet for Liu Nianfeng to vent, and Liu Nianfeng told this NPC all the hesitation and helplessness in his heart.Including that he picked up the notes of Marshal Elizabeth and learned of such a brand-new training method, but he trained according to this method, but in the end he kept failing... Liu Nianfeng, who had been depressed for a long time, told everything to this NPCs listen.

"Tell me, should I give up!" After saying all the words in his heart, Liu Nianfeng asked the NPC again.It's just that in Liu Nianfeng's heart, he doesn't have much hope...he hopes that this NPC can answer his question.

"Yes!" What Liunianfeng never expected was that this NPC actually answered his question.

"Why?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback, and asked back.

"Tired!" The NPC's answer was still very straightforward.

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, even you, an NPC, are tired, hahahaha!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly laughed.

"You all persuade me to give up! I don't think so, who am I, Liu Nianfeng, I am a real man!"

"Every man in this world is dead, but I, Liu Nianfeng, am not dead. I, Liu Nianfeng, will never give up...I will never..." Before Liu Nianfeng could finish speaking, he felt dizzy, and he fell into a coma in the game past.

The game cabin immediately issued a shrill alarm, and Ping Hai, Ning Hai, and Kujo Miyuki rushed into the room immediately, forcibly interrupted the game cabin and reported Fleeting Maple.

"Why bother! I will protect you and take care of you for the rest of my life!" Looking at Liu Nianfeng whose figure disappeared in an instant, Liu Zhuantian emerged from the invisible and muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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