girl line

Chapter 60 Misunderstanding 【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 60 Misunderstanding 【Thank you for adding more】

[Thank you book friend Space in the Darkness for your reward of 10000 starting coins, this chapter will add more for you]

[Thanks to the book friends: Song Fukun's novel road, nameless, no sky, K Yuanchuyu, Xiyanyu, Tokyo's 800 million lolita coach, love Yuluo heartbroken, Suifeng's reward]

"Ding dong!"

"็ Hello Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Liu Nianfeng's deskmate Xu Yang. I heard that he has asked for sick leave, so I came to visit him specially!"

"Oh, please come in!" Kujo Miyuki opened the door, and Xu Yang, Liu Nianfeng's deskmate, gently took off his shoes and walked into the room quietly.

"I heard that Liu Nianfeng is sick, and the illness is very serious. He is still in a coma. I don't know what happened? With the current technology, is there still a day to cure the disease?" Entering the dormitory Xu Yang in the room asked Miyuki Kujo in confusion.

"Physical illnesses are easy to cure, but mental illnesses are somewhat difficult. The master trained so hard that he exhausted his spirit, so he fell into a coma!" Kujo Miyuki replied.

"He trained too hard?" Xu Yang frowned slightly when he heard this. If he really fell ill because of training, then why did Liu Nianfeng not only have no strength in the one-on-one battle with her? Progress, but decline very sharply?
"Well...can I go and visit Liu Nianfeng?" Xu Yang asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, let me see if the master is awake." Kujo Miyuki said.

"Thank you!" Xu Yang nodded his thanks, and after a while Kujo Miyuki came over and replied, "Master has woken up, but his spirit is still very weak, so his voice should be as quiet as possible."

"I understand!" Xu Yang nodded, and entered Liunianfeng's room together with Kujo Miyuki.

Just the first time she entered the room, Xu Yang frowned, because she suddenly saw a game cabin in Liu Nianfeng's room, and the "Star" logo on it was particularly eye-catching.

"Thank you! Classmate Xu Yang, you still come to see me!" Seeing Xu Yang coming in, Liu Nianfeng, who was pale and extremely tired, struggled to sit up from the bed, and thanked Xu Yang.

"No need for Liu Nianfeng, you should take a good rest!" Xu Yang sighed, sat beside Liu Nianfeng's bed, and then put a delicate box in his hand on Liu Nianfeng's bedside.

"This is a little sympathy item that my classmates entrusted me to bring to you. I hope you can accept it, classmate Liu Nianfeng!" Xu Yang said.

"Thank you!" Liu Nianfeng was greatly moved, but why is the fragrance emanating from this box so familiar?
"What is this?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"This is the most popular delicacy that suddenly appeared in our school. It is said that it is steamed stuffed bun that has been lost for thousands of years. Try it, it is very delicious!" Xu Yang said.

"Thank you..." What else could Liu Nianfeng say, tell Xu Yang that the steamed stuffed bun was made by himself?
But after all, this was the students' wishes, Liu Nianfeng was still very moved, took out two hot buns from the box, and ate them on the spot.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, do you usually play "Stars"?" After talking some gossip, Xu Yang suddenly asked Liu Nianfeng.

"Well, I started playing recently, about a week!" Liu Nianfeng replied.

"How did you get the account qualification card? I heard that only grade No.1 is eligible to get such an account qualification card!" Xu Yang asked again.

"Oh, it was given to me by a classmate in class six!" Liu Nianfeng replied.

"It must be that classmate Liu Zhuangtian, right!" Xu Yang asked, biting his lip.

"How do you know it's her?" Liu Nianfeng put down the bun in his hand.

"The whole second grade...not the whole college, who doesn't know her. In the last midterm exam, Liu Zhuangtian swept the entire second grade. The five starship girls No.2 were in her hands for 10 minutes. The time of the battle has not survived, and no one in this school knows her!" Xu Yang said enviously.

"She's really good!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and refocused on the bun in his hand.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, let me ask you a question, is it because you played too long in the game that you fell into a coma?" Xu Yang looked at the game cabin not far away.

"That's right!" Liu Nianfeng fell into a coma not because the game time was too long, but because the intensity of the battle was too high. It's no wonder that he didn't have a mental breakdown after two or three hours of continuous high-intensity abused battles.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, maybe I shouldn't say this, but as your deskmate, I think I have to persuade you. Although the world in the game is very interesting, the battles and dungeons inside are also very attractive, but You must not be addicted to the Internet and ruin your future!" Xu Yang stood up, goosebumps all over his body, and persuaded him very excitedly.

Seeing Xu Yang like this, Liu Nianfeng remembered those Internet addicted teenagers who were taught by the teacher when he was in junior high school and high school.

"Xu Yang, don't get excited, I'm not playing a game, I'm training myself in the game!" Liu Nianfeng explained.

"Huh! Training in the game... okay... I won't ask you how to train in the game. Could it be that the result of training in the game is getting worse and worse?" Xu Yang's emotions became more agitated, like a Angry lion cub in general.

"Can't you throw away all the things related to the game in your mind? Forget about this game completely? Return to the correct way of learning?" Xu Yang's eyes were slightly moist.

"Thank you! Student Xu Yang!" Liu Nianfeng is not a person who doesn't know what is good or bad, and the other party can persuade him like this, obviously he is only thinking about himself.

When Liu Nianfeng was about to explain to Xu Yang, the words that Xu Yang said just now were reflected in Liu Nianfeng's mind again, making him suddenly enlightened.

"Could it be like this! Have I been wrong all along?" Liu Nianfeng threw away the quilt covering her body, jumped up from the bed, opened the hatch of the game cabin, and took out the combat rhythm suit inside. , and then said to Xu Yang, "Student Xu Yang, wait here, and I will explain to you after I get dressed!"

After Liu Nianfeng finished speaking, he hurried to another room to change clothes.

"Bastard... useless man... deserves to be a waste!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng going to wear the combat rhythm suit again, he was obviously planning to enter the game again.

Thinking of the painstaking efforts he had spent on Liu Nianfeng and the worries he had paid for Liu Nianfeng, Xu Yang felt a surge of anger spontaneously in his heart... The so-called hatred of iron is probably this feeling.

"I'm leaving! You can play this game by yourself!" Xu Yang didn't want to stay in this room any longer, let alone see Liu Nianfeng playing the game, he didn't even want to listen to Liu Nianfeng's explanation, so he took it directly. Picking up his own things, he ran away from Liu Nianfeng's dormitory.

"Should I explain it first?" Looking at the empty bedroom, Liu Nianfeng murmured bitterly to himself, he felt as if he had broken a girl's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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