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Chapter 61 Final Exam

Chapter 61 Final Exam
The reason why Liu Nianfeng couldn't wait to enter the game again was because he already figured out what his problem was... When he was fighting, he still followed his instinct and kept trying to figure out where the shells would fall.

As a result, with more and more failures and more and more confused thinking, Liu Nianfeng's calculations naturally made all kinds of mistakes, and the accuracy was far from the beginning, and the grades would get worse and worse, which became a matter of course things.

More importantly, Marshal Elizabeth's training method is to directly train Admiral Star's fighting instinct.Naturally, the fighting instinct cannot be obtained through calculations. Relying on calculations to get the answer during the battle will affect the improvement of the fighting instinct.

To put it bluntly, Liu Nianfeng wants to let go of everything, follow his feelings, and fight with his own feelings instead of his own calculations.

Liu Nianfeng didn't realize this until he heard what Xu Yang said to him, telling himself to throw everything away.

Of course, Xu Yang's original intention was to let Liu Nianfeng let go of his obsession with games, but this instead awakened Liu Nianfeng... Wanting to understand all this, Lian Nianfeng couldn't wait to enter the game to try it out, so there was no Xingzhi and Xu Yang explained this in detail, and Xu Yang misunderstood himself as a result.

"Forget it! I will explain to Xu Yang after class tomorrow, the most urgent thing is to see if my thinking is right!" With this in mind, Liu Nianfeng entered the game.


"38 seconds!" Seeing her latest result, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help showing a wry smile. Compared with the previous 45 seconds, she completely emptied herself, and Lian Nianfeng, who relied entirely on instinct to fight, dropped 7 seconds in a straight line.

However, Liu Nianfeng didn't feel discouraged by this. This was originally expected by Liu Nianfeng. If he can't improve after training in the empty state, it will be a real failure.

In the next few hours, Liu Nianfeng completely emptied his mind and relied entirely on instinct to fight. Although the time remained at about 38 seconds without any progress, Liu Nianfeng felt a faint feeling in his heart.

The whole battlefield is becoming more and more familiar to Liu Nianfeng, and the brutal AI is also becoming more and more familiar to Liu Nianfeng. Liu Nianfeng faintly feels that he can already guess the opponent's trajectory!

Finally, in the third hour of the battle, at the 217th round, after Liu Nianfeng fired a cannonball instinctively, there was a loud bang in the distance, followed by a burst of continuous flames.

"Hit the opponent, causing damage to the opponent's 27th, 28th, and 29th cabins!" The system's notification sound came immediately!

"I hit my opponent!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the system's prompt in disbelief. This was the first time that Liu Nianfeng successfully hit his opponent after he completely emptied himself.

With the encouragement of this battle, Liu Nianfeng's spirit was completely lifted.Liu Nianfeng didn't know how long he had practiced, he only knew his spirit, and when he felt drowsy again, he crawled out of the game cabin.

Although the spirit is exhausted, Liu Nianfeng's face is full of endless joy, because when he left the game, he has increased the persistence time to 41 seconds, and the hit rate has also increased from the original 0% to 2%. about.

This is a gratifying progress for Liunianfeng, which means that Liunianfeng's fighting instinct has begun to develop.


"Student Xu Yang, I didn't have time to explain yesterday. In fact, I don't play games for fun, but to exercise myself. This is a skill I learned from a booklet left by my predecessors. ..." Returning to class again, Liu Nianfeng tried hard to explain to his deskmate Xu Yang.

"It's ridiculous... Playing games has become learning these days!" It's fine if Liu Nianfeng doesn't explain, the more he explains, the more guilty Xu Yang thinks, it's a completely unreasonable sophistry.

"Well, let's fight again. If you can perform better than last time, I believe you are practicing!" Xu Yang said after taking a deep breath.

Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to have another one-on-one battle with Xu Yang.Although it is true that Liu Nianfeng has started to make progress by letting himself go to fight, but compared with the calculated battle, there is still a big gap, so it is not surprising that Liu Nianfeng's performance is worse than the last battle.

"Okay! I don't want to listen to your explanation anymore, and I don't want to waste time training with you! When we are training in groups, let's practice our own!" Xu Yang finally said to Liu Nianfeng.

Facts have also proved that Xu Yang is a person who keeps his promise. She is no longer willing to fight one-on-one with Liu Nianfeng. In the end, Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to use the training time to silently write scriptures, thus investing more spare time Time is in the game.

But what surprised Liu Nianfeng was that Xu Yang didn't report his game play to the homeroom teacher Ri Fumi.Otherwise, with Rifumi's group education method, Liu Nianfeng will be severely reprimanded, and Liu Nianfeng will be forbidden to log in to the game again, which makes Liu Nianfeng very grateful to Xu Yang.

This kind of time passed for about two more weeks, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Nianfeng stayed in class four for a month, and this was also the third month that Liu Nianfeng entered the second grade.

There are 12 months in a year, but Zhiyuan Starship Girls only have four grade-level entrance exams each year, which are called the first mid-term exam and the first final exam.And the second midterm exam, the second final exam.

Fleeting Feng was promoted to the second grade because of his victory in the first midterm exam.And now three months have passed, and Liu Nianfeng is about to face the test of the first final exam.

This is the entrance exam for the whole grade, and every student must take it. This is also the time when the students in Class [-] have the most headaches. They are used to not having an exam, and when they think of the grade entrance exam, they have a severe headache.

At the same time, Ninghai and Pinghai also ushered in their grade entrance exams. For a while, everyone was immersed in reviewing, only Liunianfeng was still training in the game, until Rifumei called Liunianfeng into her office.

"Student Liunianfeng, have you encountered any difficulties in life recently?" Ri Fumei asked after looking at Liunianfeng suspiciously.

"Report to the teacher! There is no difficulty!" Liu Nianfeng replied.

"Then did you have any conflicts with classmate Xu Yang?" Teacher Hifumi asked again.

"No! Xu Yang is very kind to me, we don't have any conflicts!" Liu Nianfeng replied again.

"Then answer me... What's going on here? Why did you two play this kind of trick on me during the battle training?" Hifumi asked with a puzzled face, and Liu Nianfeng sighed in his heart. This thing was discovered by the teacher.

"Report to the teacher! I'm too stupid and useless, so that classmate Xu Yang spent a lot of effort to help me, but my grades did not rise but fell, which made classmate Xu Yang sad!" Liu Nianfeng replied decisively .

"So that's the case!" Hifumi nodded, a very reasonable explanation, and she didn't doubt it too much.

"Okay, you two need to communicate more, don't go on arguing with each other like this." Hifumi sighed, and then said, "Next Monday is the grade entrance examination, and our class will hold a general meeting this Saturday. All students must be present at the class meeting, did you hear that?"

"Yes! Teacher!" Liu Nianfeng replied cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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