girl line

Chapter 62 Predicting Rankings

Chapter 62 Predicting Rankings
The grade-level entrance examination held four times a year can be said to be the most important exam for each Starship Girls Academy, and it is also an exam that determines the future fate of a star admiral and starship girls.

There are still three exam items, namely the theoretical knowledge exam, the value-added exam, and the practical simulation exam.

Among them, the theoretical knowledge test is the same as before, by answering the test paper, correcting the score for ranking, and recording the total score of the test at the same time.

The added value of bee value is only ranked and not included in the total score of the test.

Most of the actual combat simulation exams are the same as before, but the biggest difference is that during the exam, all the second-year starship girls will watch the battle outside the exam room.

And these starship girls hold love letters in their hands. Once they meet a star admiral who can make their hearts beat, they will cast their love letters and apply to become the starship admiral's subordinate starship girl.

This is also the only chance for Star Admirals to have a new starship girl in three months.

This exam is so important that even Class [-], which does not take any exams on weekdays, must hold a class meeting on Saturday to discuss matters related to the grade-level joint exam.


"Students, you all know the significance of the grade-level entrance exam. Teacher, I won't say anything more."

"The teacher only hopes that everyone can find out their true level in this exam. Everyone must not do things that are superfluous to tarnish the reputation of our fourth class."

"Examination scores are important, but a person's moral character and behavior are even more important. The teacher does not have too high requirements for your grades, nor does he force everyone to be in the grade, and does not expect our class to be in the whole grade second or something"

"The teacher only hopes that everyone can play to the highest level that you have now, to play to the skills you have learned during mutual training with your classmates, to gain sincere happiness and happiness in this exam, and to find the ability to be with your classmates. The starship girl that everyone gets along with friendly, all this is enough!"

Hearing this opening speech from the head teacher, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help curling his lips, feeling somewhat sad about the future of Class [-] for no reason.

It can be seen from the opening speech of the class teacher Ri Fumi that Class [-] really has no expectations for the grade entrance exam... When a teacher hopes that everyone can gain happiness and happiness from the exam, the grades of this class are basically It is also abolished.

It's no wonder that Class [-] hovers at the end of the year all year round. This is completely determined by the class style of this class.

Rifumi went on to say, "Although our class doesn't care about rankings, according to the rules of our school, each student must report his or her expected score and ranking, and each class must also report its expected average score and ranking."

"Now, I will give you 20 minutes. In these 20 minutes, everyone will evaluate the learning results of the past three months, compare with yourself three months ago, and then give your expected ranking!"

"Although this expected ranking does not have any substantial rewards, it can reflect whether the students have a clear understanding of their own cognition! The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win all battles. For a star admiral, self-awareness is It is also a very important ability!"

"Okay! Everyone can make self-judgment!" Hifumi's speech finally ended, and the students in the audience were also immersed in the prediction of my own strength.

"Student Xu Yang, why do I feel that this self-expectation doesn't have much meaning!" Liu Nianfeng asked Xu Yang who was beside him with some confusion.

"This is to tell you that you must be self-aware!" Xu Yang didn't even look at Liu Nianfeng, and said in a dull voice with his head down, "The expected ranking will be announced together with your results, and it will be given to all starships who are choosing star admirals." The girls see."

"So the expected ranking must not be too different from the actual ranking. If it is high, it will appear that you are arrogant or mentally retarded. If it is low, it will appear that you are inferior or mentally retarded. Only when you maintain the difference between the tenth and the last, will the starship girl They maintain a good impression of us, so the chances of winning their approval are even greater!"

"Thank you!" Liu Nianfeng thanked him sincerely, but Xu Yang didn't speak anymore.

There are a total of four expected rankings that Liu Nianfeng needs to fill in. In addition to the three expected rankings for individual items, there is also an expected ranking for the total score.

The first two expected rankings are easy to fill in, but the last two expected rankings can't help but make Liu Nianfeng scratch his head, because Liu Nianfeng really doesn't know what his real level is now after fighting against the brutal AI for almost a month , Liu Nianfeng couldn't find a way to judge at all.

It's a pity that the time for consideration is only 20 minutes. When the time is about to end, Liu Nianfeng can only bite the bullet and write a prediction ranking.


"Student Liu Nianfeng, are you sure this is your final answer?" Ri Fumei glanced at the predicted results collected in her hands, and asked Liu Nianfeng with a stiff face.

"Yes teacher! This is my last prediction!" Liu Nianfeng nodded very seriously.

"Okay! I respect your prediction!" Hifumi smiled bitterly, and the blackboard behind her directly displayed the prediction rankings given by all the students.

And the four most conspicuous names in the first place are all the same name.

"Theoretical Knowledge Examination Prediction Ranking: Fleeting Maple First Grade"

"Peak Value-Added Exam Prediction Ranking: Fleeting Maple First Grade"

"Prediction Ranking of Virtual Practical Examination: Fleeting Maple, No. [-] in Grade"

"Grade total grade prediction ranking: Fleeting Maple, No. [-] in grade"

This Fleeting Maple actually predicted all the test results as the number one.

The predictions of the second-ranked students are:
"Theoretical knowledge test prediction ranking: Xia Shiyu, fifth in grade"

"Peak Value-Added Exam Prediction Ranking: Xia Shiyu No. [-] in Grade"

"Virtual actual combat test prediction ranking: Xu Yang Grade No. 20"

"Grade grade prediction ranking: Xia Shiyu Grade No. 20"

In addition to the predicted rankings of the theoretical knowledge test, the predicted rankings of Liu Nianfeng and other students averaged more than 15 places.

"Are you crazy?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's prediction, Xu Yang couldn't help turning his head and questioning Liu Nianfeng.

"I don't know either!" Liu Nianfeng smiled, "I just know that in the future there will always be a time when I, Liu Nianfeng, will be number one!"

"..." Hearing Liu Nianfeng's answer, Xu Yang was silent for a while before asking, "Aren't you afraid of becoming the laughing stock in everyone's eyes?"

"Maybe!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes shone brightly, "Today may be a joke, but the future may be a good story!"

(End of this chapter)

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