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Chapter 63 About the update plan of this book

Chapter 63 About the update plan of this book

Ahem, when the book was opened, the author made a big death, and proposed a promise of 10000 starting coins plus a new chapter, so that after four leaders appeared, the author could only negotiate with them friendly and reached a consensus.

Except for one alliance leader who contributed ten chapters to add updates, the remaining three alliance leaders agreed to contribute to the author's women's clothing business. As long as there are ten alliance leaders who don't want to add updates, the author will be able to wear women's clothing or something...

Leaders are only counted as rewards, not account numbers, that is to say, if a boss directly rewards Bai Yinmeng, then it will be considered that ten leaders have been collected.

The next step is to update the plan. Because of the promise made by the author, there will still be a reward of 10000 starting coins plus a new chapter in July, but after July it will be raised to 20000 starting coins and a new chapter.

This author really has nothing to do... The author's sword lady is updated every day, and the author has to go to work. In order to maintain the update, the author's hair is almost falling out.

There are still two rewards of 10000 starting coins that have not been updated, and the author will add updates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

There are also things after it was put on the shelves. Because of the witch's tragic failure, the author can't guarantee that this book is not too superficial. I can only say that it depends on the results. Never a eunuch.

If you can't exceed it, then it depends on the author's mood. As long as the author is still playing "Azur Lane", he will never be a eunuch.

One final word: 6-1 has no thunder at all.

(End of this chapter)

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