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Chapter 501 Fleeting Maple's Father

Chapter 501 Fleeting Maple's Father
Regarding this petition, the attitude of the marshals was very tangled.

It is absolutely impossible to ignore this petition. Although the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Star District is not good, if the admirals in the Qingzhou Star District are really going to retire, then this term’s military department and this term’s Supreme Military Council , I am afraid that it will become the most ridiculous Supreme Military Council in history. This is something that has never happened in the thousands of years since the creation of the human empire!

The marshals were a little reluctant to agree to this petition. If they agreed this time today, then in the future, as long as the admirals of other star regions also come up with such a petition, the Supreme Military Council will also Are they allowed together?

More importantly, where does this save the face of the marshals.

So for a while, the Supreme Military Council fell into silence, not knowing how to deal with this difficult petition.

"Coincidentally, I happen to have a petition like this here, and the admirals of our Youzhou Star District also have the same idea. Of course, they don't want to retire. They just think that such humans have no need to protect them. In the future It is enough to protect your own Youzhou star area!" While the marshals were silent, Marshal Ji from the Youzhou star area suddenly threw out a petition, causing the rest of the marshals to shout again. Turn pale.

What a joke, this Liunianfeng is from Qingzhou, and it is only natural that the admiral who was born in Qingzhou should protect Liunianfeng.

But what are you doing here as a Youzhou native?So Liu Nianfeng is also from Youzhou?
Although everyone couldn't figure out why the admiral of Youzhou would also get involved, but with the appearance of these two petitions, the Supreme Military Committee certainly could no longer advocate sending Liu Nianfeng to Mount Mengdu. Marshal Fa also had to give up his persistence, gritted his teeth, and closed his mouth.

In the end, the Supreme Military Council unanimously decided that if Liu Nianfeng's merits and demerits are balanced, he can still retain his status as admiral, and he can also retain all his starship girls, but he can't give up punishment at all. Only found out on the day of the public trial!

"Boss, everything you told me has been done. According to your intention, I have arranged for you to send the son to the Jiangzhou Galaxy." After the meeting of the Supreme Military Council, in the room of one of the marshals, The majestic marshal who was still in the meeting just now was standing obediently beside a man, and said respectfully.

"There's no need to be so polite. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm a little embarrassed to ask you to help me!" The man said with a smile.

"Look at what you said, Boss, compared to the friendship between the two of us, as long as you say a word, Xiaoxuan is willing to go through fire and water for you!" The marshal said sincerely.

"Hey, don't say such things anymore. This is not our era anymore, and I'm tired of playing. Normally, I don't want to interfere in the affairs of this world. If it wasn't for someone trying to bully my son this time, I would I won't come to ask you!" The man laughed.

"Boss, why did you let the young master go to Jiangzhou? Come to my star area. With me, the young master will be able to travel smoothly without encountering any danger!" The marshal said with some doubts.

"Running under your wings, is there any possibility for that little bastard to grow up?" The man curled his lips, "It's best for that kid to go to the Jiangzhou galaxy, which is the most training place in the entire universe, and there are There are some strange things in that place, the child may suffer a little bit in the early stage, but after he grows up, you marshals may all have headaches, think about how to deal with him who has fully grown up!"

"Is the young master as good as you, the boss?" Marshal asked curiously.

"Hmph, it's impossible to surpass me, but it's normal to be half my level!" The boss said triumphantly.

"...Then we will have to bear it in the future!" The Marshal smiled even more bitterly. It seems that another devil king is coming to this world.


May 8029th, 5 A.D., was a day that attracted worldwide attention, because on this day, Liu Nianfeng, who had been in a turmoil for 25 days and disturbed the entire human empire, finally ushered in the day of trial. .

In fact, the trial started on April 4th. During the one month in between, the prosecution and the defense launched five debates around Liu Nianfeng, submitted dozens of evidences, and tens of thousands of TV stations broadcast live at the same time. It is said that 25% of the population of the entire human empire has more or less watched the process of court debate.

Finally, on May 5th, the day of final judgment ushered in.

In the solemn courtroom, it took the judge a full three hours to finish reading out the 67-page trial statement.

The trial is too long, so there is nothing more to say, just talk about the result of the trial directly.

The public prosecutor charged Liu Nianfeng with three crimes, namely "military rebellion", "damage to major state property" and "major traffic accident".

Yes, you read that right, Liu Nianfeng also committed a serious traffic accident crime.The reason is very simple, because Liu Nianfeng destroyed the star gate and caused a serious impact on the nearby traffic, so this major traffic accident crime was placed on Liu Nianfeng's head reasonably.

To put it bluntly, as long as any one of these three crimes is convicted, then Liu Nianfeng will not escape death.

As for the trial of these three charges, the process is still very interesting.

The first is the crime of military rebellion. According to Liu Nianfeng's lawyer, the crime of military rebellion consists of two parts. The first part is the premise, that is, the criminal violated the order of the military department, and the second part is the consequence, that is, the criminal caused had serious military consequences.

After careful calculation of Liu Nianfeng's behavior, he only met the premise of the first part, but did not cause the consequences of the second part. On the contrary, Liu Nianfeng's behavior also made great military contributions, so the military rebellion It simply cannot be established.

In the end, the judges unanimously held that the crime of "military rebellion" was not established, but for the first part of the crime, Liu Nianfeng was sentenced to the crime of "disobeying military orders".

For the second crime of damaging major national property, Liu Nianfeng fell into an irrefutable situation, because the Stargate, a major national property, was indeed destroyed in Liu Nianfeng's hands, so this crime was also established.

As for the last major traffic accident crime, after a heated debate in the court, the crime was completely revoked.The reason is very simple, because the crime of major traffic accident has a premise result, that is, serious casualties must be caused.

Liu Nianfeng's traffic accident not only did not cause casualties, but saved a large number of human lives, so in the end the traffic accident crime was dismissed by the judge.

All in all, there were two charges that finally fell on Liu Nianfeng, one was the crime of disobeying military orders, and the other was the crime of damaging major national property.

After that, the punishment for these two charges will be decided.

The first is the crime of damaging major national property. After a careful collegial judge, the judge believed that the reason why Liu Nianfeng damaged major national property was to save people, so he was exempted from criminal responsibility for this crime, but the damaged national property must be compensated. Feng compensated the Stargate Administration for a total of 1300 billion star coins in compensation.

Well, when hearing this verdict, Liu Nianfeng was so heartbroken that tears flowed, 1300 billion star coins, killing Liu Nianfeng, Liu Nianfeng would not be able to get the money.The only dramatic thing is that the Stargate Administration happened to have a representative in court, and when the court announced the verdict, the representative immediately jumped up and said that the Stargate Administration was grateful for the great contribution made by Admiral Fleeting Maple to mankind, and decided to send 1300 The compensation of [-] million star coins has been reduced to one star coin. In other words, Liu Nianfeng only needs to pay one yuan for compensation.

And after Liu Nianfeng expressed his gratitude in court, the representative also excitedly took out a commendation order from the bag, as well as a heavy gold medal, saying that it was a reward for Liu Nianfeng's heroic behavior.Liu Nianfeng looked at it, and found that this gold medal was actually made of extremely rare star gold. Depending on the intensity of the light, the star gold can change into more than 1000 and [-] different colors. In the era, the most sought after jewelry by beauty lovers is equivalent to diamonds in the earth era.

By the way, as for real diamonds, they are no different from ordinary stones for human beings now, because after entering the cosmic age, human beings discovered that in the harsh cosmic environment, many planets themselves are made of a huge diamond. As a result, diamonds have completely lost the characteristics of being rare and expensive. Although the scarcity of diamonds on the earth is also artificially hyped.

Afterwards, Liu Nianfeng asked someone to estimate that this medal made of Xingchen Gold was worth about [-] million Xingchen coins. In the end, I made a hundred million.

If it was heard in the past that the government spent [-] million to reward other people, it would probably cause quite a stir.But if this reward is given to Liu Nianfeng, it will be different. People have praised the Stargate Administration for making the most sensible decision. It is the righteousness of society, the positive energy of human beings, and the only government agency that still has a conscience. , and the director of the Stargate Administration was also highly praised for this decision. In which year, he participated in the election of members of the star region, and was later elected as a member of the country, and finally became the vice president of the Imperial House of Lords. His position can be called a legend.

The crime of damaging major national property was solved in this way, but the final crime of disobeying military orders could not be solved in this way. I also don't want Liu Nianfeng to continue to leave without taking any punishment.

Finally, the court pronounced that Liu Nianfeng was convicted of "disobeying military orders".

(End of this chapter)

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