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Chapter 502 The Third Star Sector

Chapter 502 No. 13 Star Sectors
It stands to reason that the crime of disobeying military orders is also a crime sufficient to beheaded, but unlike the crime of military rebellion, as long as the crime of military rebellion is confirmed, the only result is shooting.However, the final penalty for the crime of disobeying military orders is determined according to the comprehensiveness of the crime, and there is a relatively large room for manipulation.

In the 67-page verdict of the court, a full ten pages were devoted to discussing how the crime of "disobeying military orders" was considered and discussed. In the end, the court believed that Liu Nianfeng's behavior of disobeying military orders was very bad, but the original intention It is for the sake of human beings and for the consideration of comrades-in-arms. What they have done has indeed made great contributions to human beings, saving the lives of tens of thousands of people, so they are exempted from all criminal punishments for disobeying military orders. In other words, Liu Nianfeng does not need to in jail.

But military orders cannot be abolished, disobedience to military orders cannot last long, criminal punishment can be avoided, but military punishment cannot be escaped, so Liu Nianfeng's original merits and rank of second lieutenant were all erased, and Liu Nianfeng returned to the original rank of private soldier.

In addition, the upper-class tutelary mansion that originally belonged to the champion and could be freely chosen has no chance with Liu Nianfeng. As a punishment, Liu Nianfeng went to a lower-level tutelary mansion for punishment, and he was not allowed to change it for 30 years. tutelary mansion.

What does this mean for a lowly tutelary mansion?
It means that this is one of the worst tutelary mansions in the universe. First of all, such a tutelary mansion is located in an extremely remote location. It is very likely that there are no other administratively inhabited planets within a distance of hundreds of light years. Secondly, this The resources of the tutelary mansion are very poor, and there are almost no resources for the admirals to mine to make money. This kind of place is placed on the earth, which is a place similar to the Sahara desert. For an admiral, he was assigned to such a desert. On the planet, if he stays for 30 years, it is estimated that his future will be completely destroyed.

Of course, it was not decided by the judges, but by the Supreme Military Council.The Supreme Military Council didn't want to see a man rise up completely in the human military system, so he simply threw him to a lower-level tutelary fort, making Liu Nianfeng unable to make any achievements for at least 30 years.And 30 years later, Liu Nianfeng is already 55 years old.

In the end, you only need to wait another five years, and when the 60-year-old retirement deadline comes, Liu Nianfeng will be forced to retire immediately, so that Liu Nianfeng can only become an anecdote in military history at most, and it is impossible to truly affect the current human empire. pattern has any effect.

So in the end, the court announced in court that Liu Nianfeng was assigned to the Zulongxing Guardian Mansion in the Jiangzhou Star District, and became the admiral of the tutelary mansion there, and asked to go to the post immediately after the trial, and give Liu Nianfeng some time to rest and prepare The time is only one day.

In Jiangzhou Star District, when the netizens who watched the live broadcast heard the name spit out from the mouth of the judge, many netizens were stunned for a moment, feeling a little inconceivable about the name.

The human beings in the Human Empire have been educated since childhood that there are a total of 12 different star regions in the entire Human Empire, namely the Yizhou Star Region, the Guanzhong Star Region, the Youzhou Star Region, the Bingzhou Star Region, the Xuzhou Star Region, and the Yuzhou Star Region. Qingzhou star area, Yanzhou star area, Sili star area, Yangzhou star area, Jingzhou star area, Jiaozhou star area, they have never heard of it, what kind of Jiangzhou star area is there in the human empire!

So when they heard the name of the Jiangzhou Star District from the mouth of the judge, everyone was stunned. When did the Human Empire have the 13th Star District?

"Jiangzhou star actually arranged in this place..." At this moment, our Zhang Juzuo is also in the studio of Qianqiu TV station, explaining the process of the trial of the century together.

It is worth mentioning that Qianqiu TV station was forced to shut down for about three days after broadcasting the program of redressing Liu Nianfeng's grievances.Later, under the pressure of the public, the Qingzhou Star District announced the reopening of Qianqiu TV Station. At the same time, it commended Qianqiu TV Station for its pursuit of news justice. Closed, but the fame has become even greater, the ratings have become higher, and the ratings have also skyrocketed.

Closer to home, I went back to Zhang Juzuo's explanation, only to hear Zhang Juzuo continue to say, "I know everyone must find it very strange. When did our human empire add a 13th star sector. In fact, here I want to give you a popular science An unknown history, about 1200 years ago, a great explorer of the human empire, also known as Saarhu, discovered a bug that no one had ever discovered before. When he passed through this wormhole and reached the other end, he was surprised to find that he actually reached a starry sky that humans had never reached before."

"This explorer has been exploring this strange starry sky for 20 years, and found that it is an extremely rich starry sky. In just 20 years of traveling faster than the speed of light, he discovered hundreds of According to the data currently available, the density of administrative planets in this starry sky is as high as [-]%. human survival."

"After Salhu's return, she immediately reported the news to the empire, and the empire immediately organized a more professional expedition team to conduct all-round exploration, and found that this fact was indeed as what Salhu said, and even more so. The wonderful thing is, according to the observation of the photon quantum telescope, the area of ​​this strange star area is not within the range of the Milky Way where our humans live, but in a starry sky between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, 160 meters away from the border of the Human Empire. A full [-] million light-years away."

"With this discovery, the imperial government was very excited at the time, and immediately announced that this strange starry sky is the territory of the human empire, and at the same time named this strange starry sky the Jiangzhou Star District, hoping that this starry sky can become a place for human beings. The 13th Sector of the Empire."

"But with the passage of time, human beings found helplessly that they could not control this starry sky at all. The reason is very simple, because apart from the wormhole discovered by Sarhu that directly leads to the Jiangzhou star area, human beings have no Any wormholes have been found inside the Jiangzhou star area, in other words, human beings have no way to move fast except for flying faster than the speed of light in the Jiangzhou star area."

"In this way, the movement range of human beings in the Jiangzhou star area is limited to within 1000 light-years. If the distance exceeds 1000 light-years, it will take at least 10 years for human spaceships to arrive. Such a high time cost is not something we humans can bear. Therefore, although the Jiangzhou star area is the administrative unit of the star area, humans are currently only building on hundreds of planets within a hundred light-years near the exit of the wormhole. Without the management system, other than that, there is no management and control of any planets in the Jiangzhou star area."

"So, although the official name of the Jiangzhou Star District is still reserved, in our daily use, we generally call it the Jiangzhou Special Zone, which means a special management area. The Jiangzhou Star District was established more than 1200 years ago. It was famous for a period of time, but as time went by, it gradually became unknown. Except for people like me who specialize in military studies, most ordinary people have never heard of this place. Yes!" Zhang Juzuo finally explained the origin of the Jiangzhou star area.

"That constellation, where is the Zulong star in the Jiangzhou star area?" the host asked again.

"Here... Let me look at the map..." Zhang Juzuo said with a little cramping. It can be seen that Zhang Juzuo's research on this Jiangzhou star area is not very deep.

"I found it, it's here!" Zhang Juzuo searched the map for a long time, then pointed to a small red dot and said, "It's right here, located in the outermost area of ​​Jiangzhou Special Zone, a full distance from the Jiangzhou Interstellar Gate." There is a distance of one hundred light years, even if it takes ten months to arrive by sailing, my God, this is not only the outermost area of ​​Jiangzhou Special Zone, it can be called the farthest from our human empire If there is no wormhole, if he wants to go back to his hometown Zhiyuan Star simply by traveling faster than the speed of light, Liu Nianfeng will have to travel a distance of 320 million light years to get there!"

"My God! Is it this far?" The host covered his mouth in surprise.

"Yes, according to legend, in ancient times, there was a saying called Tianya Haijiao, which means that there is the end of the whole world. Now this word can also be used on the body of Admiral Fleeting Maple. The ancestor dragon star is the Tianya Haijiao of our human empire, In our human empire, there is no place farther away than the Ancestral Dragon Star!" Zhang Juzuo sighed.

"In that case, will Admiral Liu Nianfeng be lonely? Will it be dangerous?" the host asked sadly.

"Loneliness is certain, but if it's dangerous, it's not necessarily so!" Zhang Juzuo smiled wryly and said, "This Zulong star may be the safest planet in the universe."

"Why? Admiral Fleeting Maple is guarding such a place. Admirals around him have to sail for several months to support him. Admiral Fleeting Maple can only fight alone. Isn't such a place the most dangerous place?" The host said incredulously.

"The danger is due to the existence of the star beasts, but what if there are no star beasts in the Jiangzhou star area?" Zhang Juzuo said.

"Ah!" The host was a little confused.

"Think about it, the reason why the Jiangzhou star area is difficult to be controlled by humans is because the Jiangzhou star area cannot establish a complete and fast transportation network, and the inability to establish a complete and fast transportation network is because there are no other wormholes to allow Humans build stargates."

"Where do wormholes come from? Wormholes are formed by the movement of star beasts. If there are no star beasts there, naturally there will be no wormholes. In other words, the Jiangzhou star area is a The star area that the star beast has never reached before."

"Actually, according to the records of the past 1200 years, although the Jiangzhou Star District has always guaranteed the existence of four town guard mansions, the admirals of these four town guard mansions have never seen any star beasts appear. It proves the fact that there will be no star beasts in the Jiangzhou star area, so this Jiangzhou star area can be called the safest star area in our human empire!"

"That's fine, though in this way, Liu Nianfeng won't be able to make meritorious deeds and wash away the humiliation on himself. But we don't have to worry about the safety of Liu Nianfeng's life. In the future, Liu Nianfeng will definitely be able to return to us safely. Live happily ever after!"

(End of this chapter)

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