girl line

Chapter 521 The final battle that determines the fate of the stars

Chapter 521 The final battle that determines the fate of the stars

"Xue Long, how is the construction of the Stargate going?" Although the work of the Holy See of the Stars on Tianxing is in full swing, but for Liu Nianfeng at this time, the most important thing is the construction of the Stargate. This is related to whether Liu Nianfeng can arrive at Ancestral Dragon Star as scheduled, otherwise, if the time limit set by the military department is exceeded and the military department does not arrive at the town guard mansion, then the military department will have a fair and just reason to toss itself.

"The work is going very smoothly! The construction of the Stargate will be completed in three days!" Xue Long said, patting his tail.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Liu Nianfeng said gratefully. Indeed, if there is no Xuelong, if there is no her all-powerful ship, I am afraid that my fleet will establish a guard house in Tianxing and completely cut off from the human world. Contacted.

"This little thing is nothing to worry about, but Admiral, when will you help me do what you promised me!" Xue Long said with a sad expression, and this sentence also surprised Liu Nianfeng, yes, I almost forgot all about Xuelong.

Xuelong, a mermaid girl from the Emerald Galaxy, has only one purpose for staying by her side, and that is to hope that she can help her find Chicheng...but now she has been sent to this wild place, and she wants to return to human beings. It will take about a year to reach the empire's territory. If Xuelong stays by her side, she will never be able to find Chicheng.

"I'm sorry for you!" Liu Nianfeng's face was full of shame, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help you find Chicheng, or I will terminate the contract with you after the Stargate is built, and then send you to the Human Empire." , I ask my friends to help you find the trace of Akagi."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes!" Xue Long's words made Liu Nianfeng's heart feel even more bitter. These words showed that Xue Long really didn't want to stay by his side anymore, and this starship who had established a deep friendship with him The girl is about to leave herself.

Although the conversation with Xue Long cast a lot of shadows on Liu Nianfeng's heart, but at this moment, Liu Nianfeng didn't have time to think about it, because a minor change happened in the Holy See of Stars on Tianxing, Anxiously, Yuan Lian night contacted Liu Nianfeng, hoping that Liu Nianfeng could help.

It turned out that as the natural tribes continued to conquer other tribes, they even believed in an evil god in the eyes of other tribes, so other tribes only wanted to maintain their own beliefs, or to maintain their own rule, and the remaining tribes were all united in Together, they formed a joint army, ready to launch a counterattack against the Tianshan tribe.

The strength of this joint army is quite strong. According to the reconnaissance scan of the brilliance in the sky, this joint army has assembled the power of more than 60 tribes, with hundreds of ghost priests, more than 3000 ghost mages and Ghost fighter.

In contrast, the power of the natural tribe is much smaller. There are less than ten Lingyou priests, and there are only a few hundred Lingyou mages and Lingyou fighters.

The reason why there is such a disparity in the strength of the two sides is naturally because the natural tribe was conquered by force all the way. At the same time, because of the great god of stars, most of the spirit priests with firm beliefs all chose to commit suicide and become benevolent, and they were really willing to join the natural tribe. There are only seven or eight priests in the tribe, and they are still the kind of ghost priests who do not have pious beliefs and are not very powerful.

With such a huge disparity, it is natural to jump up and down in a hurry, and can only ask for help from Liu Nianfeng in the sky.

To this, Liu Nianfeng's reply was rather simple, he just told Yuan Yuan lightly, let her face the challenge openly and aboveboard, and he would naturally make a move when the time comes.

Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, Yuan also had nothing to say, and could only start to form his troops, preparing for the battle that would determine the fate of the natural tribe.

If the Natural Tribe wins this battle, the Star will no longer be invincible. The Natural Tribe will unify the entire planet and become the only king of the planet.But if the Tiansheng tribe is defeated, it is far from knowing what will happen to Liu Nianfeng, but far away from himself, he will definitely die without a place to bury him.

Because the humans in the primitive tribes didn't know any advanced tactics and strategies, they only knew that fighting in the wilderness with a wide view was the easiest to command, so the battlefield of the two sides was set on a plain.

The tribal coalition army rushed to the battlefield first. More than 3000 ghost fighters and ghost mages formed the battle formation. It is a powerful lineup that has never appeared in the entire history of Tianxing. It can be called the largest number in the history of Tianxing. an army.

Although this army was noisy, they also gathered around the priests of their respective tribes. It was not so much an army as a group of unorganized mobs.But in any case, the number of more than 3000 people is real, and the psychological deterrence caused to the opponent is also real.

So when he saw that his opponent's army was so huge, the poor army of hundreds of people in the natural tribe began to tremble with fear, and even the weapons in his hands were a little unsteady.If it weren't for the fact that before the battle, Yuan tried his best to encourage these fighters, saying that the powerful and invincible star god would definitely display his divine power at the last moment and kill all opponents who dared to fight against the god.I am afraid that about half of this army has already collapsed on its own.

Without any talk, and without any self-proclaimed justice, after the armies of both sides arrived on the battlefield at the same time, the decisive battle to determine the fate of the entire Tianxing began.

From the beginning of the battle, the army of the natural tribe fell into an absolute disadvantage. Because of the huge gap in numbers, the army of the natural tribe was directly beaten by the opponent's magic attack, and it took only 10 minutes. , more than 100 ghost fighters were hit by the opponent's spell, and after a desperate wail, they fell to the ground covered in blood and cut off their breath.

In contrast, the ghost mages of the Natural Tribe only killed more than a dozen opponents.

And when the ghost fighters of the tribal coalition army stuck to the Tianshan tribe army, the battle situation was completely irreversible. Those ghost fighters put the sharp daggers in their hands on the throats of the ghost mages, and the ghost mages held their hands. His own throat didn't even have time to let out a few wailing sounds, and he fell down covered in blood.

So this decisive battle to determine the fate of the ownership of the stars seems to have been settled 15 minutes after the start of the battle. There are only less than 200 troops left in the Natural Tribe, and they are surrounded by the troops of the United Tribes. To be surrounded by opponents, there is no chance of survival.

"Why? Where's the God of the Stars? Why didn't the God of the Stars come to save us? Didn't you say that the God of the Stars would definitely let me win?" Faced with this situation, the last fighters of the Tiansheng Tribe seemed to have completely collapsed. Before the attack came, they surrounded Yuan and questioned Yuan angrily.

Although he was equally panic-stricken, he also didn't understand why the master's power hadn't come to the battlefield yet, Yuan even wondered if the eccentric master had decided to abandon him.

But even though he had such doubts in his heart, Yuan didn't show the slightest bit on his face. Instead, he uttered two words to the people around him more firmly: "Pray"

"Pray? What do you want us to pray for? What else is there to pray for?" Facing Yuan's words, the faces of the surrounding people turned pale, but Yuan closed his eyes and sat down slowly. He got down, clasped his hands together, and prayed to the sky, "The supreme god of the stars! Please have mercy on your loyal servants, and kill all these beasts who dare to blaspheme your majesty!"

Yuan used his actual actions to tell others what his "prayer" meant. ?
"Praying now! What's the use!" A ghost priest cried bitterly when he saw the enemy army getting closer and closer.

"It doesn't matter... Even if we surrender, there is no way out, we can only pray to the great star god!" Another Lingyou priest said so, but her expression told others that this Lingyou The priest has actually given up on treatment.

To say such a thing is purely a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Faced with such a desperate situation, it seemed that there was no other way to speak of except for a dead horse and a living horse doctor. So, in the end, the warriors with less than 200 people all sat down quietly and began to pray to the sky.At this time, the blades of the tribal coalition forces were about to stick to their necks.

"The Blasphemer! Die!" At this moment, a voice like an explosion sounded in everyone's ears. These soldiers looked around in horror, wanting to see whose voice was so loud. Then I saw that there were hundreds of huge human figures that were so huge that they were like ants to humans, slowly descending from the sky, and behind each human figure shone a light comparable to the sun, shining the light of everyone. Eyes are about to go blind.

It is recorded in the "Star Bible" written a year later: The devil tried to challenge the god's star, and the loving god sent down 108 angry god angels to wipe out the demons in the whole world. From then on, the god's star shone on the continent All living beings can enjoy the glory of God!

"Hey, it's too much for adults to bully babies in this battle... I think it's just adults stepping on some ants to death!" Liu Nianfeng said boredly after only looking at the battle on the ground.

"Admiral, you have sent me and the two peerless air-combat specialized air-breaking fighter teams, isn't it crushing?" Alice said with a smile, "Actually, there is no need to send so many, four air-breaking The mecha is enough to deal with these guys, and their ghost spells still can't penetrate the armor of the empty mecha."

"Of course I know it's a waste to send out such a large number!" Liu Nianfeng glanced at the battlefield on the ground again, and the battle was over at this time. Within 108 years, there will be no one on this planet who dares to provoke us again."

"As for ten years later, if there are still people on this planet who dare to provoke me again, then I will change the Pope for the Holy See of Stars." Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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