girl line

Chapter 522 Eight S-Class Qualified Girls

Chapter 522 Eight S-Class Qualified Girls

"Long live the Star God!"

"Long live the God of Stars!" The remnants of the Tiansheng tribe suddenly shouted such a shocking cry. They never thought that the God of Stars actually possessed such powerful power. It only took five seconds to wipe out the entire The battlefield was pacified.

Those god-like beings who descended from the sky easily killed about half of the enemies, while the remaining half of the enemies were completely terrified, dropped the weapons in their hands in fear, and fell powerlessly to the ground, deeply He buried his head deeply, expressing his surrender with his body language.

With the landing of these 108 air-breaking mechs, the decisive battle has come to an end. With the addition of crushing forces, the tribal coalition forces that had achieved an absolute victory can only accept their own fate and ending in horror. .

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and take the prisoners!" Yuan stood up domineeringly from the ground, glanced at the people beside him and said.Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they started to receive the captives.

It's ridiculous to say that the Natural Tribe's army obviously has less than 200 people left, but at this time the tribal coalition army still has about 1500 people left, and it still has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and strength.But faced with the reception of 200 people, these 1500 people did not have any resistance, but obediently captured them, and obediently sent their hands to their opponents, allowing the opponents to cast confinement spells on themselves, easily removing the blood in their bodies. Power is imprisoned.

The reason why these people are so obedient is also simple, because these giants who look like gods to them have black holes open one after another.Countless divine lights were shot from these dark holes before, and all the human beings hit by these divine lights were burned to the point where half of their bodies disappeared, and those who died could not die anymore.

Speaking of the corpse, the people on the ground suddenly realized that the entire sky was dark again, and two huge things that looked like cities in the sky descended on their heads.

"It's the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! It's the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!" The soldiers who had experienced the exciting incident of the coming of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss from the Tiansheng Tribe said excitedly, pointing at the huge monster in the sky, and those former opponents, Then he looked at everything above his head curiously, not knowing what the legendary Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss looked like.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of golden rays of light suddenly shot out from the bottom of these two behemoths, and these golden rays of light shone directly on the corpses on the ground. Led by these golden lights, he entered the city of the mysterious god.

"What is the Great Star God doing? Why did he take these corpses away?" Everyone who saw this scene, whether they were from the Natural Tribe or the United Tribe, showed puzzled expressions.

And after waiting for about an hour, the city of the gods once again shot down the golden light just now, and when the golden light dissipated, thousands of dazed humans returned to the ground, staring blankly at everything in front of them.


"Sister!!!" Suddenly, bursts of screams erupted from the crowd. Many people have discovered that these human beings who have returned to the ground are their friends and relatives... and these friends and relatives are clearly already in the They were killed on the battlefield just now, only half of the body was left, and they returned to their side intact.

This is really unbelievable, what happened here?
"It is the supreme god of the stars, the benevolent god of the stars!" Yuan appeared in the crowd with a solemn and sacred face, her voice was blessed by some mysterious power, so that everyone on the entire battlefield could hear her Clearly.

"The benevolent God of Stars is unwilling to see so many lives die. The great He has already regarded all people as his own people, so he generously and mercifully gave the chance of resurrection, and even gave those who had been with him Those who are enemies are reborn."

"Praise the great God! We are forever grateful for your grace!" Yuan prostrated himself on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty the Pope... Your Majesty the Great Pope... my disciple Niao, why hasn't she come back?? Why hasn't she been resurrected?" Suddenly someone said a little excitedly. He knew this person from afar and was another soul in the tribe. You priest, and that Niao is her most precious apprentice.

"It's her luck that she didn't come back!" Yuan said with a smile, "You should be happy. You have been favored by the God of Stars, and given her a rare opportunity in the world, let her enter the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, so that she can live forever. live in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

"So that's it! This is such a lucky child!" The Lingyou Priest said enviously, she was a little jealous of her apprentice.


"Report to Admiral, this time we found a total of 84 girls with A-level or higher psionic or psionic qualifications, and 8 girls with S-level psionic and psionic qualifications. They have now arranged to live in the Radiance !" Alice reported to Liu Nian Feng.

"There are actually eight girls with S-level qualifications! There are so many!" Liu Nianfeng's eyebrows twitched.You know, in Liunianfeng's fleet at this time, Alice is the only one with S-level qualifications and above. The other starship girls are all A-level qualifications, while Ninghai and Pinghai are C-level qualifications. qualifications.

And according to the information obtained by Liu Nianfeng, there are no more than three girls with S-level qualifications in the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy... Although this does not represent the talent of the entire Zhiyuan starship girls, after all, there are still some girls who have not yet arrived. The starship girls of school age, and some starship girls who are still fighting in the tutelary mansion, but according to Liu Nianfeng's calculations, all the living starship girls with S-level qualifications in the entire Zhiyuan Star, combined together will never More than 10 people.

10 people, it sounds like the number is more than the number of starship girls in Tianxing, and it seems that Zhiyuan Star is stronger, but there is no comparison between the two planets.

What is the total population of Tianxing?
According to estimates, the population of the entire Tianxing will never exceed 500 million people.

How many people does Reach have?
Fleeing Maple has official statistics. As of last year, Zhiyuan Star had a total of 392817231 people, and the total population was 60 times that of Tianxing!
With a population base of 60 times, the girls with S-grade qualifications born in the end are only 2 more girls than Tianxing... No, there are also girls with S-grade qualifications, and it is impossible for the tribes participating in the war to send out their own girls. All the main forces were dispatched in one go, and it is believed that some of their strength remained in their tribe.

In addition, in some remote places in Tianxing, there are still many tribes who don't even know about this decisive battle. How many girls with S-level qualifications in their tribes is also a question mark.

If we make a bold estimate, the number of girls with S-grade qualifications in Tianxing doubles, and there are about 16 girls.

Looking at it this way, the probability of a girl with S-level qualifications being born on a Tianxing is more than 120 times that of a Zhiyuan star. This is a frightening multiplier. Among the countless administrative planets in the human empire, there is no single administrative planet that has the same probability as a Zhiyuan star. In other words, the probability of the star girl's aptitude is more than 40 times that of all the planets in the human empire.

If this news is known by the military department, the entire Tianxing will be forcibly taken over by the military department.

"Actually, there's nothing surprising about this. Tianxing used that brutal method to reproduce, optimize the blood of his descendants, and exchange the suffering of countless men for the outstanding talent he is now!" Alice sighed, and what she meant It's very simple, the reason why Tianxing can have so many girls with S-level qualifications is because the barbaric seeding system was established with the blood and tears of men.

"That's the reason, but I always feel that there are some other factors!" Liu Nianfeng touched his nose, "By the way, this matter is also confidential, and not even a single word can be leaked. If this matter is If it is leaked, maybe the entire human empire will set off a torrential storm!"

"I know!" Alice nodded vigorously. The reason is very simple. If the story of Tianxing spreads, the men of the Human Empire will live in fear again. What if the Human Empire also promotes some eugenics? What should I do with the housing plan... Although secretly, the human empire has already put these things into action.

"But no matter what, we definitely made a lot of money this time. When we train all 92 indigenous humans into qualified starship girls, even if our tutelary palace fleet only has more than 100 warships, even if we face more than 300 warships I also have the confidence to completely defeat the fleet of battleships!" Liu Nianfeng raised his head and said.

"But the admiral...our enemy is not other tutelary forts, our enemy is the stars and beasts! The fleet of the tutelary fort is all our teammates!" Alice looked at Liu Nianfeng in surprise, with a twinkle in her eyes. A trace of fear.

"Ahem, I'm just making an analogy, just to illustrate the strength of our fleet! Then I'll change my mind, as long as we have these fresh blood, I can even face a demon-level star beast , and I am sure to kill it completely!" Liu Nianfeng said proudly.

"But Admiral... It's not that Alice wants to pour cold water on you, we stay in such a place, where are the stars and beasts to fight us!" Alice said with a wry smile, this is what Alice wanted to complain the most, the whole There is not even a single star beast in the Jiangzhou Star District.And if they wanted to leave the Jiangzhou star area to join the war, it would take nine months just to go from Zulong star to Jiangzhou star. By the time they arrived on the battlefield, the day lily would be cold.

"..." Liu Nianfeng was silent, and after a long time, he let out a long sigh, and said quietly, "This is not necessarily true. If you want me to disappear, Liu Nianfeng will not disappear so easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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