girl line

Chapter 538 The Valuable Fleeting Maple

Chapter 538 The Valuable Fleeting Maple

"Wow! There are quite a lot of things on this trading platform!" After Liu Nianfeng asked about the situation, he entered a trading room alone.Originally, Liu Nianfeng wanted to stay in a trading room with Chen Shihan.Unexpectedly, Chen Shihan was unwilling, saying that they should buy their own things and not peep at each other's secrets, and then entered a trading room alone, so that Liu Nianfeng could only helplessly shrug his shoulders, Then he entered a trading room by himself.

The decoration of the trading room is very simple. There is only a sofa and a projector. When Liu Nianfeng entered the trading room and locked the door of the trading room, the three-dimensional projector immediately projected the figure of a beautiful woman. Start to introduce yourself to Fleeting Maple.

It turns out that this beautiful woman is a completely virtual image, that is to say, it is an artificial intelligence, which can search for various materials and transaction information at will according to Liu Nianfeng's order, and interact with Liu Nianfeng in the most convenient way.

"Very good, then check it out for me first, and see how much the world-class fighting specialized air-breaking mecha can sell for? Is there anyone buying it?" The main purpose of Liu Nianfeng coming to this trade conference is to collect money. With enough funds to buy Xili, now is the right time to inquire about the price of the equipment he intends to sell.

"Okay, a total of 231 pieces of acquisition information have been retrieved, the highest price is 821 billion star coins, and the lowest is 227 billion star coins." The artificial intelligence replied.

"I don't want star coins, what price are you willing to buy with Lingyou relics?" Liu Nianfeng asked quickly.

"Okay, the search criteria are being added... The search is complete... The highest price is 356 ghost relics for purchase!" The artificial intelligence replied.

"Hey! Isn't the public exchange price of the star coin and the ghost relic worth [-] million? It has more than doubled here!" Liu Nianfeng smashed his tongue, but this search information at least made Liu Nianfeng feel relieved. It seems that his own air-breaking mecha can be sold at a good price.It's just that there are still more than ten days before the completion of the construction of his Stargate, but the trade conference is only held for three days a month, so what if we can't catch up with the trade conference?
So Liu Nianfeng immediately said, "Please give me the seller's contact information!"

"Sorry, in order to ensure the safety of the transaction, our company will not provide any contact information of buyers or sellers. Transactions can only be conducted through our company!" the artificial intelligence said lightly.

"Shit, I think you are afraid that we will conduct transactions in private, so that you will not earn the 5% transaction fee!" Liu Nianfeng snorted coldly, but this is also a normal business behavior, there is nothing to say.Moreover, it is also a good thing to absolutely conceal the identities of buyers and sellers in this way, so you don't have to worry about troubles after the wealth is exposed.

It's just that, if it's like this, if you have to wait until a month later to trade, then Xili has already passed the one-month protection period, and the 20 ghost relics that you have already paid are all in vain?
"Dear guest, if you are worried that your goods will not be delivered within three days, don't worry, you can apply for transaction information preservation, then in the next three months, you can contact us through our company Contact the buyer, and then conduct the transaction through the company's intermediary to ensure the safety of your wealth!" It seems that the IQ level of this artificial intelligence is not low, and it can actually see through Liu Nianfeng's mind.

" seems like this is the only way!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, and could only accept such a result.Just thinking of a piece of peerless equipment leaving his palm like this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel a severe heartache.

"Dear guest, if you don't want to sell what you cherish, you can also sell some other supplies. Our search for the trade conference covers most of the needs of the entire human empire. You can try to search, See if there are any more suitable products for sale!" This artificial intelligence is really smart, and it actually started to actively help Liu Nianfeng with ideas.

"Come on, besides equipment, what else can I sell now? How about you see how much I'm worth? Sell me!" Liu Nianfeng complained helplessly. Just complaining.

But what Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that the artificial intelligence beside him actually took Liu Nianfeng's complaints seriously, and said solemnly, "Of course, you can betray yourself, please enter your occupation, identity, and this ability information , we will find the right buyer for you!"

"Damn it! You can really sell yourself!" Liu Nianfeng was startled, but quickly reacted, and said to the artificial intelligence, "I see, your function is actually a job introduction, right? Just like It’s like the agency that helps people introduce jobs!”

"It's not just as simple as introducing a job. If you want to meet a certain star, have a meal together, or have sex together, or simply buy his life, we can provide it Relevant needs!" The artificial intelligence continued to say seriously.

"Damn! Let's meet together? You can sell money for a meal?" Liu Nianfeng curled his lips, and was about to end this boring topic, but his body trembled suddenly, thinking of an ingenious possibility.

"What, do a search, does anyone buy Liunianfeng?" Liunianfeng said in a low voice, a little excited.

"Flowing Maple? May I ask which Fleeting Maple you want to buy?" The artificial intelligence paused for a while and said, "In my database, there are a total of seven different Fleeing Maples. May I ask which Fleeing Maple you want to inquire about?" material?"

"What! There are six other guys named Liu Nianfeng in this world!" Liu Nianfeng stuck out his tongue, he always thought that his name was unique in this world.But think about it, this is also very normal. After all, the human population is several million trillion, and there are six names with the same name. This is already a very lonely name.

"Ahem, I'm talking about that Admiral Liu Nianfeng!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Okay, there is only one Liunianfeng related to Admiral Liunianfeng. I am searching for all related requirements, and found a total of 68721 requirements! Would you like to check them one by one?" The artificial intelligence's words shocked Liunianfeng!

What are you kidding?There are actually 6 transaction requests related to me. What the hell is this? Are there 6 people in this universe who want to buy me?Is he so valuable?
Liu Nianfeng was frightened by the figure of 6, but what he didn't know was that it was often open to some dignitaries, space pirates, etc., or a few people who were powerful or hidden in the dark. Trading conference, so there are only 6 entries.And the things that need to be purchased are mostly shady things that cannot be put on the bright side.

If Liunianfeng goes to the public Tiangou trading platform to search, you will find that on this platform that all human beings can use, there are as many as trillions of transactions related to buying Liunianfeng. Became a trillionaire!
"May I ask the guests if they want to check them one by one?" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng fell into silence, the artificial intelligence asked again.

"Ahem! No need, I can't see the 6 transaction requests. Tell me first, among the 6 transaction requests, what is the most expensive one?" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Okay, according to the sorting results, the one with the highest price is the physical needs of buying Liunianfeng, and the seller is required to deliver Liunianfeng intact to the place designated by the buyer, and hand over to the buyer without leaking any information. Home, the total price is 3600 ghost relics. At the same time, there is an additional condition, if the buyer can train Fleeting Maple in advance to make him a loyal dog slave, an additional 100 ghost relics can be added as a training fee." Smart said lightly.

"Damn it!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly turned cold when he heard this purchase demand. Damn, if he was really bought by that buyer, he would probably live a life worse than life and death from now on. It's terrible!

Immediately, Liu Nianfeng felt that everything around him became extremely dangerous, and the artificial intelligence beside him was even more dangerous... If this guy recognized his true identity, wouldn't he be unable to escape!
"Damn! It seems that I can no longer appear alone on a certain planet, I have to bring my fleet!" Liu Nianfeng thought very vigilantly... It's not that Liu Nianfeng is too neurotic and sensitive, but this The demand of buyers is too perverted.

"What about the demand with the second highest price?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"The buyer with the second price hopes to get Liu Nianfeng's only love, and asks to kill all the women who have been around Liu Nianfeng, and at the same time design a whole set of plans so that Liu Nianfeng will only fall in love with the buyer in the end, and with The buyer will live together forever. The total price is 3500 ghost relics."

"Oh my god! This woman is even more terrifying!" Liu Nianfeng felt chills all over his body again, women are really scary.

Liu Nianfeng browsed some of the previous buying information one after another, and found that the publishers of these buying information are almost all guys who are interested in Liu Nianfeng's body. Apart from wanting to get a living self, there are actually some What do they want to do with their own corpses who want to die in the name of perverts?Want to play Bing (Harmony) Love?
Later, Liunianfeng changed the setting to start searching from the lowest price, and found that they didn't want their own bodies, but wanted things around them... For example, there was information that they were willing to spend 1 ghost relic to buy Liunianfeng's. A pair of original underwear (harmony) pants made Liu Nianfeng so excited that he almost agreed directly.

Isn’t it just inner (harmonious) pants? I’ll take off this pair for you now, so it’s fresh.

Of course, Liu Nianfeng did not do such a shameful thing in the end, but looked down all the way, and when the purchase information reached below 500 ghost relics, finally it was no longer some pervert who wanted Liu Nianfeng's body, some relatively Some normal requests also popped up.

For example, such a demand made Liu Nianfeng really excited.

"My aptitude is very low, my psychic evaluation is only D-level, and my test scores are very poor, and my combat instinct is very bad, but I want to be Lord Fleeting Maple's starship girl, very, very much want to be Mr. Fleeting Maple's starship girl If someone is willing to make a match and guarantee that Mr. Liu Nianfeng will accept me, a starship girl with low qualifications, I am willing to pay 100 ghost relics!" It was such a piece of news that made Liu Nianfeng's heart skip a beat.

If only one starship girl with low qualifications is accepted, it will not have any impact on Liu Nianfeng, but this way, he can get a hundred ghost relics, plus the remaining moon beads on his body, that is completely fine. Collect enough 200 ghost relics, so that you can buy Xili!

This is really a good deal.

(End of this chapter)

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