girl line

Chapter 539 Kepler Star

Chapter 539 Kepler Star

[PS: A little explanation, why girls from Planet Emerald are classified as wild girls, that is because wild girls refer to girls who have not been trained well, and it can be seen from the name that being able to make a contract is only a part of its characteristics . 】

After that, Liu Nianfeng browsed the price of the Bright Moon Pearl again, and found that compared with himself whose trading price was fluctuating, the price of the Bright Moon Pearl was relatively stable. The price has stabilized at around 30 ghost relics... In other words, someone posted a news about buying the Bright Moon Pearl at a high price, and also very arrogantly marked it as much as you want. Obviously, they are buying a large number of Bright Moon Pearls.

Seeing this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken for the bright moon beads he sold to Liangpin Store. If he had known about this trading market earlier, he would have put that bright moon beads here to sell, and lost 10 of them in vain. Ghost relic!

Although Liunianfeng is heartbroken, it is obviously impossible to buy back that bright moon bead. Maybe that bright moon bead has been sold by Liangpin Store in this trading market. All Liunianfeng can do is He took out his remaining five bright moon beads and contacted the buyer through artificial intelligence.

Liu Nianfeng originally thought that after contacting him, he would be able to communicate directly with this buyer, but the people who contacted him were actually the staff of this trading market throughout the whole process. After any contact, it seems that in order to keep his own tap, there will be no loopholes in this trading market.

The entire transaction process was very smooth. Liu Nianfeng only needed to show the five Bright Moon Beads in his hand in the storage room, and after being identified and confirmed to be genuine, the transaction was completed in just 20 minutes.

The bright moon pearl in Liu Nianfeng's hand was handed over to the trading market, and he got 150 ghost relics from the trading market.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there is still a 5% commission in the trading market, so only 142 ghost relics actually went to Liu Nianfeng.

After completing the transaction of the Bright Moon Pearl, Liu Nianfeng finally made up his mind to complete the transaction of the starship girl worth one hundred ghost relics.

Some people may think that it is a very disadvantageous thing for Liu Nianfeng to accept such a low-quality starship girl.But Liu Nianfeng didn't care too much about it. There was no absolute upper limit to the number of starship girls the admiral had, but it was based on the upper limit of the bee value in his body.

Calculated based on the current terrifying bee value accumulation speed of Fleeing Maple, the bee value of about 2 bees can be increased in about a week, and now the bee value of Fleeing Maple has reached 185 bees, after excluding the 15 already owned After Starship Girl, Liunianfeng still has about 60 bees to spare, and a destroyer needs about 2 bees. As long as Liunianfeng lives for an extra week, these two bees will be able to come out. So Liu Nianfeng didn't feel distressed at all, on the contrary, exchanging two bees for one Xili, it's not too cost-effective!
Cough cough, let’s get down to business, since Liu Nianfeng has made up his mind, he will immediately prepare to contact the buyer through artificial intelligence, but soon a staff member in the trading market contacts Liu Nianfeng, saying that they must confirm that Liu Nianfeng really knows Liu Nianfeng, Liu Nianfeng did have a way to persuade Liu Nianfeng to agree to accept the starship girl, so that they could then contact the buyer for Liu Nianfeng.

This sentence sounds a bit convoluted, but it probably means this anyway, and it will be understood after reading it a few times.

Regarding this, Liu Nianfeng was speechless, and he could not directly reveal his identity, explaining that he was Liu Nianfeng himself, so he could only tentatively ask the market how he could prove that he was capable of persuading Liu Nianfeng.

In this regard, the market quickly responded, expressing the hope that Liunianfeng can provide an original video file recorded by Liunianfeng's personal terminal and bearing the DNA certification mark of Liunianfeng. In the video file, Liunianfeng himself must clearly indicate that I am willing to accept this buyer as a starship girl, so that they can start the next step.

Well, Liu Nianfeng said that he could only hehe, and then hurriedly left the trading market, found a room where no background could be seen, quickly recorded a video, and then handed it over to the staff of the trading market!
"So fast! Didn't this Fleeting Maple hear that it is in the distant Zulong star? Isn't it a place where there is no quantum network? Why did the video come over!" The staff was shocked, it only took a short day , Liu Nianfeng has already taken out the video of Liu Nianfeng, which is too fast!

"Ahem! Actually, Admiral Liu Nianfeng is not in Zulong Star now, but on the way to Zulong Star, and is still within the coverage of the Quantum Network!" Liu Nianfeng coughed and said flickeringly.

The staff members watched Liu Nianfeng with extreme suspicion, but after the extremely detailed video verification, they found that this video was indeed a real video, and the DNA certification inside it was indeed Liu Nianfeng's DNA certification mark , the video itself does not have any traces of ps, the possibility that the video was recorded by Liu Nianfeng himself exceeds 99%.

"Okay! I'll help you contact the buyer now!" Although the staff still didn't believe in Liu Nianfeng, according to the rules, they quickly contacted the publisher of the acquisition information. After a short communication, the staff Dui Nianfeng said that the buyer is very happy now and has transferred one hundred ghost relics to the account of the trading company.

However, these one hundred ghost relics cannot be given to Liunianfeng right now. Only after Liunianfeng himself has reached a contract with the buyer and received confirmation from the buyer can he transfer the hundred ghost relics to Liu Nianfeng. Fleeting maple.

"What! Doesn't this mean that I must... no, Admiral Liu Nianfeng is required to meet this buyer in person." Liu Nianfeng said in surprise.

"Is that right? What's the problem?" the staff member asked in confusion.

"Of course there is a problem. Admiral Liu Nianfeng is on his way to Ancestral Dragon Star. His affairs are so busy that it is impossible to leave in a short time. In that short time, there is no time to have a starship girl with this buyer. The contract? Do you think you should give me the ghost relic first..."

"You really are a liar!" The staff gave Liu Nianfeng a hard look, and then snorted coldly, "In order to protect the rights of our customers, we can only give you the Lingyou relic after confirming that the transaction really happened. As for how long the transaction process takes, we don't care!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng was speechless, this company is indeed a conscientious company, and it is very responsible for the economic and property safety of its customers, but this time I am in trouble, although it is not impossible for me to find the buyer immediately.But the question is how should I explain my speed at that time, explain how I appeared in front of her in just a dozen days from a place half a year away from my childhood?
"Wait... The buyer just sent a message. The buyer said that she can board the passenger ship to the Jiangzhou star area tomorrow. She doesn't need Admiral Liunianfeng to come to see her. She can go to Admiral Liunianfeng's place by herself. Go to Zulongxing!" The staff member suddenly said to Liu Nianfeng after receiving a communication.

"What! She came to see me in person... not... came to find Admiral Liu Nianfeng in person!" On a fixed planet, it will be troublesome if you want to contact the other party again!
"That's right? Is there any problem with this? Isn't this the best result for Admiral Liu Nianfeng? Does Liu Nianfeng still have time to find this buyer in person? He is a big shot, but he is not as cheating of money as you are." Free time!" The staff said disdainfully.

"I said, you guys, why do you always think I'm a liar!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile, "Well, you should contact the buyer immediately so that she doesn't have to go to Zulongxing, and just say that Admiral Liu Nianfeng will personally deal with it at that time." Go find her! Otherwise, even if she arrives at Ancestral Dragon Star, Admiral Liunianfeng won't accept her!"

"Aren't you kidding me?" The staff looked at Liu Nianfeng suspiciously.

"If I ask you to contact you, I will contact you. Isn't this your job task? Admiral Fleeting Maple will recruit a new batch of starship girls after a while, and when he passes by this buyer's planet, he will make a contract with her by the way." It's gone, do you understand!" Liu Nianfeng yelled violently, the staff was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng, they could only nod obediently, then contacted the buyer, and finally told Liu Nianfeng, to buy The family has agreed to wait for Admiral Fleeting Maple's arrival on the planet.

"Which planet is she on? Where is the exact address? I want to tell Admiral Liu Nianfeng!" Liu Nianfeng asked angrily.

"Okay, she's on Kepler planet and lives in XXXXX, here is her contact information XXXXXXX!" The staff handed over the buyer's contact information to Liu Nianfeng, who gave the contact information with a wry smile on his face. I took it up.


The Kepler planet is a very famous planet, because it is the first planet observed by humans in the earth era, which is similar to the earth and can provide humans with an excellent living environment.

In fact, when human explorers arrived on the Kepler planet, they found that the planet only looked similar to the earth, but the actual living environment was similar to Mars, which was not suitable for human survival.

Therefore, the Kepler planet's immigration plan was shelved. After the technological level of human beings reached a certain level in the later stage, Kepler planet was finally included in the list of immigration development. After 100 years After the transformation, it finally became a planet suitable for human habitation.

After a four-day voyage, Liu Nianfeng and Ming Yue'er arrived at the planet Kepler and dialed the number of the starship girl.

(End of this chapter)

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