girl line

Chapter 602 The Reunion with Choo Ja Hei

Chapter 602 The Reunion with Choo Ja Hei

"I thought this Alfred number had already been bought by Liu Zhuangtian, but unexpectedly it's still here!" Chen Shihan said with a smile seeing that the status of "convertible" was still displayed on the back of the Alfred.

"Maybe she wants to leave it to me!" Liu Nianfeng said with a heartbeat.Apart from this explanation, no second explanation can make sense.After all, for the admiral, a powerful starship girl is the greatest wealth.As long as there are enough resource points, otherwise you will not choose to exchange for other commodities.

"Would you like to exchange the Alfole number now?" Chen Shihan asked in a low voice.

"Don't you want her?" Liu Nianfeng asked with narrowed eyes.

"Come on, it's not that you don't know that this time it's all due to you. I'm already satisfied if I can be promoted to major general. All the resource points are yours, and you will take away all the things you bought at that time. I don't care. I'll ask you for every penny!"

"Ah! Major General Chen Shihan has a good relationship with this starship girl!"

"Yes! I'm afraid the relationship between the two of you is..."

Because the amount of information implied in this passage is too large, and Chen Shihan was afraid of being heard by the people around him, so he almost said it by biting Liu Nianfeng's ear.In the eyes of the surrounding admirals, such a scene is an extremely intimate scene, and women are the most gossip creatures, so all kinds of gossip quickly spread among the admirals.

"Okay! I want this!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and Chen Shihan no longer hesitated, and directly clicked the exchange button, and bought the Alfred star light cruiser worth 300 million resource points, which was originally "exchangeable." ", and instantly turned into a red "converted"

"Oh my god! I bought it, I really bought it! Admiral Chen Shihan bought that peerless ship Alfura!" There was a sudden commotion in the entire exchange shop.Since the beginning of the battle, the admirals have been speculating about which admiral will end up with the Alfred.

Unexpectedly, in the end they were able to witness the process of the exchange of the Alfura with their own eyes... Because almost all the admirals here knew in their hearts that it was impossible for them to obtain 300 million resource points no matter what, so for Chen Shihan to give the Alfole to They didn't feel too jealous about the exchange.

And because all the exchange stores are in the same network, other admirals who were operating the store at this time discovered the news that the Alfred had been exchanged, which made many The admirals who coveted Fule were furious, but they had no choice but to firmly remember the name Chen Shihan.

In the exchange shop, in addition to the most valuable Kuangshi-class Alfura, there are also ten elite-class starship girls. The unified exchange price is 30 resource points, which is exactly 1/10 of the Alfura.It's just that for many admirals, they are willing to exchange 20 times the value for a peerless starship girl.

"It will be difficult for you to get Starship Girls in the future, or the remaining resource points can be exchanged for Starship Girls!" Chen Shihan suggested.

"No..." Liu Nianfeng shook his head, "Starship Girl, I have other ways, it's better not to use this method!"

"Then why don't you change the equipment box!" Chen Shihan suggested again, "If we can produce a piece of world-class equipment, then we will be developed!"

"I don't want the equipment box either!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head again, "My current equipment is enough!"

"Then buy the Lingyou relic. It can be used to transform the starship girl, and it can also be used as currency in the black market. This is quite valuable!" Chen Shihan couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

"Ahem, this is still unnecessary. Since the ghost relic can be sold in the black market, it can be bought in the black market. I also don't need to come here to exchange it!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Then what do you want?" Chen Shihan was completely speechless.

"I want this!" Liu Nianfeng's finger finally landed on an icon at the bottom of the store!
"What do you want this thing for?" Chen Shihan was stunned for a while, "This thing has no practical significance to us at all, okay?"

"No, I think it's very meaningful to me!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

Through the position pointed by Liu Nianfeng's finger, we can clearly see a small fragment icon, with the words "unidentified earth fragments, 1000 resource points a piece" written next to it.


"Finally home!" Returning to the Heavenly Court Star Guardian Mansion, Chen Shihan finally showed a bright smile on his face.Although he didn't stay in Tiantingxing for a long time, Chen Shihan obviously regarded this place as his home. When he returned to Tiantingxing, he felt completely relaxed and unrestrained.

"You are comfortable, but I still have a lot of things to do!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile. At this time, Liu Nianfeng is indeed very busy, because he still has to deal with the problems of those prisoners. Tianting star stays too long and must be transported to Zulong star non-stop.

"Okay, I'll take these people back to Ancestral Dragon Star!" Liu Nian Feng said.

"Then when can we meet again?" Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, Chen Shihan's expression suddenly became depressed.It was the first time that she and Liu Nianfeng had been together so intimately for such a long time, and now that they were about to be separated suddenly, Chen Shihan suddenly became extremely reluctant in her heart.

"Don't worry, the two of us are so close, it's a two-day journey together. Besides, the rewards exchanged for resource points are coming soon, and I'll be back soon, don't worry!" Liu Nianfeng said Said, Chen Shihan smiled through tears, and there was a smile on his face.

"Master Admiral! These are the various affairs accumulated in the past 20 days, please take a look!" At this time, a starship girl who stayed behind in the town guard came over and handed over to Chen Shihan the accumulated affairs in the past 20 days. Various tutelary affairs.

So Chen Shihan began to browse at a fast speed. Liu Nianfeng felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he was about to leave with the fleet, but when he just walked to the gate, Chen Shihan suddenly said in surprise, "Liu Nianfeng, there is someone here. came to find you!"

"Looking for me?? Who is it?" Liu Nianfeng suddenly became vigilant, unexpectedly someone outside knew that he was in the Heavenly Court Star, which is very bad!
"Don't worry, when she said she was looking for you, my people had already put her under custody. She has been under surveillance for more than ten days, so it should be fine... Well, it was a woman named Qiu Cixi The starship girl, hey, this woman is actually the chairman of some kind of group, and she has more money than me!" Chen Shihan said curiously after taking a few glances.

"It's Cixi!" Liu Nianfeng showed a sudden realization expression on his face, how could he forget her!

So under the urging of Liu Nianfeng, Chen Shihan's people quickly brought Qiu Cixi over. As soon as they saw Liu Nianfeng, this mature woman in her 30s threw herself into Liu Nianfeng's arms and started Wow burst into tears, and murmured while crying, "Admiral, they locked me up as soon as I came, I thought you were also taken away by the bad guys here, and you are going to sell us..."

Liu Nianfeng comforted her for a long time, explaining that she only explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly after she went to participate in the battle, Qiu Cixi broke through her tears and smiled, but her hands tightly grasped Liu Nianfeng's clothes, not daring to let go .

"Admiral! All my affairs have been dealt with, all assets have been dealt with, and everything that can be exchanged for cash has been exchanged for cash. In addition, the group has also been handed over to the professional management team to operate. I can now devote myself to Stay by the admiral's side and help the admiral handle the matter!" Qiu Cixi said while hugging Liu Nianfeng's waist.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work! You paid such a high price!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, then thought of something, immediately grabbed Qiu Cixi's hand and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see Yixian."

"Yixian? Who is she? Why do I want to see her?" Qiu Ci asked curiously.

"Well, she is also my starship girl, but she has a very magical ability, that is, she can see through the attributes and information of her own starship girl at a glance, so if she sees you, she may be able to recognize your The soul of an ancient battleship that no one has ever seen!" Liu Nianfeng said excitedly.

Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, Qiu Cixi also became excited instantly.

To say that in these days, the thing that bothers Choo Ja Hei the most is probably this mysterious ancient battleship soul... This ancient battleship soul without any weapons, which is several circles smaller than a destroyer, has always been The greatest pain and doubt in Qiu Cixi's heart, if she can now figure out the mystery of the soul of this ancient battleship, it would be great for Qiu Cixi!

But at the same time, Choo Ja Hei also had deep worries in her heart.If the final result is the worst result, and I really don't have any fighting ability, even the most basic ability of the starship girl, then it is undoubtedly an extremely serious blow to Choo Ja Hei. huge.

"Okay! This is the Yixian, and you will see Yixian soon!" Under the torment of such double thoughts of curiosity and resistance, Qiu Cixi was finally able to board the legendary Yixian .

It's just that at the moment when Qiu Cixi uploaded it, the entire Yixian suddenly began to tremble inexplicably. This feeling seemed to be capsizing...



"Natasha, you can go, an admiral has already bought you!" In a rather huge room, a woman who looked about 25 or six years old sat quietly on the bed.After hearing the voice from outside the door, the whole girl's body suddenly trembled unconsciously, and then a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Admiral... can I finally have my admiral..." There was a strange smile on the corner of the woman's mouth, "Admiral...I will definitely destroy you...just like you ruined my life !"

(End of this chapter)

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