girl line

Chapter 603 Mulan Scorpion

Chapter 603 Mulan Scorpion

"What's going on? Why can't I board that starship battleship? Could it be that the starship girl can't board other starship girl's battleships?" Back in the landing craft, Choo Ja Hei looked to Liunian with pain and doubt on her face. Feng asked.

"This doesn't exist! I don't know why..." Liu Nianfeng frowned and said, before, her own starship girl was able to board any other starship girl's warship at will, and there was no such problem as Qiu Cixi said. .

But in fact, Choo Ja Hee was really unable to board the Yat Sen. Just now, Choo Ja Hee only boarded for about ten seconds, and the whole Yat Sin was on the brink of explosion.Liu Nianfeng was so frightened that he had to bring Qiu Cixi back to the traffic boat, and the entire Yat Sen was completely calmed down.

And such a scene, Liu Nianfeng has never encountered before.

"Wait for Yixian to come and ask!" Liu Nianfeng touched his nose and said, and soon, Yixian came out of his battleship and boarded the traffic boat that Liu Nianfeng and Qiu Cixi were on.

"Admiral? Who the hell boarded my battleship just now? It made me feel like I wanted to explode! I almost killed someone," Yixian said to Liu Nianfeng as soon as they met.

It's just that as soon as Yixian's words fell, Qiu Cixi suddenly jumped up like a ferocious lion, and immediately dug into Yixian's face, directly digging out a small hole in Yixian's face. blood tank.

"You old witch!!" But Yixian was stunned for a moment, and after seeing Qiu Jaxi's appearance clearly, he immediately cursed, and actually directly fought with Qiu Jaxi.

This is a situation that Liu Nianfeng never thought of. After a few seconds of blankness, he immediately inserted between Yixian and Qiu Jiaxi, and while forcefully separating the two, he called for work on the transport boat. With the help of the staff, Qiu Jaxi and Yixian were pressed on the seats respectively, and then they were restrained forcibly with safety belts, and the sudden fight was finally stopped.

But at this time, the condition of both of them was not very good, three bloodstains were dug out on Choo Ja Hei's face, her hair became completely disheveled, and half of her clothes were torn off, revealing her snow-white skin.

As for Yixian, in addition to the bloodstains dug out on his face before, Yixian's thighs were severely attacked, and the sexy black silk was torn several times, and the snow-white thigh meat was torn from the stockings. The opened cracks bulged slightly, showing an exceptionally beautiful scene... ah bah... an exceptionally miserable scene.

"What's the matter with you two? Explain it clearly to me today!" Liu Nianfeng was completely confused, he really couldn't figure out why this Yixian and Qiu Cixi were fighting so easily.

It is simply impossible to say that there is any grievance between these two people.Yixian had been living on the Zhiyuan star before, and Choo Ja Hee's business was a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Zhiyuan star. These two people had never even met each other, so how could there be any grievances?

Moreover, Yixian's character Liu Nianfeng knows very well. She is an extremely gentle girl who treats everyone with a very gentle attitude. She never said a single harsh word. The original personality will be treated with a smile, and it is absolutely impossible to beat someone.

But in fact, these two women beat each other like shrews, without any sense at all.

"I don't know... I want to beat this grandson thief as soon as I meet... I want to beat her, I want to bite her... I can't control myself at all!!" After Qiu Cixi was restrained, she was slightly He regained some composure, but still barked his teeth and claws.

"This old witch... old bitch... I'm going to kill her!!!!" Yixian also changed his previous character and said, which made Liu Nianfeng even more headache.And listening to the names of the two people, what kind of grandson thief, what kind of old witch and old bitch, they are simply a pair of classic shrews scolding each other.

"Yixian, can I trouble you to calm down a bit first, take a look at her attributes and information, and find out what her ancient battleship soul is!" Liu Nianfeng was helpless, but he did not forget to find Yixian. He ordered to Yixian.

"I'm not... it's... the admiral..." Yixian wanted to refuse instinctively, but seeing Liu Nianfeng's strong commanding eyes, he used his investigative skills on Qiu Jiaxi, and then his mouth became an O shape.

"What's wrong?" Liu Nianfeng asked strangely when he saw Yixian's expression, but Yixian seemed to regain his composure, quickly took out his personal terminal, typed a long paragraph of text and sent it to Liunianfeng's personal terminal. inside the terminal.

Soul of Ancient Warships: Mulan
Type: Secretary Command Ship (Star Destroyer)

Ghost Blessing: None
Armor support: no
Loading blessing: no
Mobile support: no
Basic skill: Listening to the government behind the curtain (activated after awakening): When placed in the position of the secretary ship, it can replace the admiral to exercise all the admiral's rights, and can increase the economic income of the admiral's mansion.

Passive Skill: Military Expenditure Repair: If they belong to the same battleship, all the battleships belonging to the Beiyang Fleet will reduce their attributes by 50%.

Specialized skill: Beautiful scenery (activated after the first transformation): When placed in the position of the secretary ship, the lucky value of the tutelage to which it belongs will be increased. When it is in the open state, one ghost relic will be consumed every day.

Ultimate skill: Eight Kingdoms declare war (activated after the third modification): When placed in the position of the secretary ship, when the warships belonging to the tutelary fort are engaged in battle, each additional war object that does not belong to the same camp will increase all attributes by 10%, Up to 80% increase in all attributes.

Introduction: The cruise ship on the Summer Palace is the car of the Empress Dowager Cixi, and it is also one of the boats that the Empress Dowager Cixi takes most often. It represents the decline of a dynasty.

"I'll wipe..." After reading this paragraph, Liu Nianfeng was a little confused, feeling that the soul of Qiu Cixi's ancient warship was actually a cruise ship Mulan that was docked on the inner lake, and it was also the car of the Empress Dowager Cixi. , can be called a royal ship.

It's just that Fleeting Maple has never heard that a small wooden cruise ship can actually become a starship girl, let alone such a type of warship as a secretary command ship! !According to this, the cruise ship on Jiaxing Nanhu back then could also become a secretary command ship, and it was even an even better secretary command ship!
Well, but what is going on here, but the information identified by Yixian's ability is definitely not wrong, Liu Nianfeng feels that it is necessary for him to check the previous information again to see if he can find it. Information about the secretary command ship, otherwise this Choo Ja Hei might be the first secretary command ship in the history of the human empire.

Looking at the specific attributes of this Mulan scorpion, there is no tactical attribute bonus at all. Even the most common white-board ancient battleship soul has certain attribute bonuses!

From the perspective of skills, the secretary's command ship is actually all passive skills, there is no active skill at all, and except for the second passive skill, the other three skills are all skills that are effective for the entire tutelary fort.

That is to say, Qiu Cixi is not suitable for the battlefield at all, and being the secretary of the tutelary mansion is the most suitable job for Qiu Cixi.This is very in line with the meaning of the name Secretary Command Ship.

Choo Ja... Choo Ja... Isn't it Qiu Cixi... The love Choo Ja is the legendary Empress Dowager Cixi!

But in this way, Liu Nianfeng also understood why Qiu Cixi couldn't board the Yixian, and even met Yixian, he would fight to the death.After all, the history of these two falling in love and killing each other changed the history of the entire China and even the entire earth!

Not to mention that these two met and fought, even if they killed each other when they met, it would not be surprising!


"Unexpectedly, the soul of my ancient battleship is actually a wooden ship!" Because Yixian and Qiu Cixi couldn't restrain their fighting spirit, after finding out the detailed information, Liu Nianfeng brought Qiu Ci together. Xi returned to his flagship.And Qiu Cixi stared blankly at the information in his hand, and finally said this sentence.

"What? Was it a surprise? Are you frustrated that you can't become a battleship?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Qiu Cixi and asked.

"That's not going to happen!" Qiu Cixi shook her head, "Actually, these days I've been mentally prepared for not being able to become a real warship, and judging from this information, my ability is actually not bad. So frustrating!"

"It's not only not bad, it's against the sky!" Liu Nianfeng shrugged his shoulders, "I'm talking about the specific effects of these skills. The secretary command ship alone is an unprecedented ship type. I've heard of a starship girl who becomes a secretary ship, can bring some special skill effects, and it's a skill effect for the entire tutelary fort. In this regard, you are already invincible..."

"En!" Because of Liu Nian Feng's affirmation, a smile finally appeared on Choo Ja Hei's face.

"By the way, I think the reason why you have such an amazing business talent is that you controlled and operated the entire group behind the scenes at a young age, and managed the group to such a large size. It is probably due to the effect of the skill of listening to politics behind the curtain!" Fleeting Feng said thoughtfully.

"Cut! This is my talent and wisdom, and it has nothing to do with skills!" Qiu Cixi rolled her eyes at Liu Nianfeng, then leaned on Liu Nianfeng, and murmured, "What about Empress Dowager Cixi?" I have known some things, and I have read a monograph about her. Unexpectedly, I became her in the end... Do you think I will be the reincarnation of Empress Dowager Cixi? Otherwise, why did I see Yixian , just want to kill her?"

"Then how do you evaluate Empress Dowager Cixi?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"An old witch who brings disaster to the country and the people, but also a pitiful lonely old man!" Qiu Cixi sighed.

"Well! With your attitude, I think you and Yixian will be able to get along well in the end!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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