girl line

Chapter 65 Trading

Chapter 65 Trading
The scene that happened at the end just now instantly aroused the puberty thoughts in the hearts of all the starship girls, and even their bodies felt a little hot, and they began to **** unconsciously.

Most of the female students can use this method to soothe themselves, but a female student named Dongfang Liuli probably thinks that this is really not enjoyable, and the words Ning Hai and Ping Hai just said keep coming to mind, and it becomes more and more unbearable .

It just so happened that at this time, the basic information and predicted results of every star admiral who took the exam began to be broadcast on the TV.

When the TV broadcasted Fleeting Maple's information, those four first-ranked predicted results were extremely dazzling!

"Wow! Ping Hai! Ning Hai! Your admiral is really confident!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's prediction of his grades, the starship girls all screamed and let out admiration.

In fact, not only in this classroom, but also in almost all the other classrooms, there were such exclamations.They didn't expect that since Liu Zhuantian appeared in this academy, there would still be people who would dare to challenge Liu Zhuantian's position. This is really unexpected!
Some students think that Liu Nianfeng is a lunatic without self-knowledge, but there are also many students who are attracted by Liu Nianfeng's domineering arrogance, and think that Liu Nianfeng is so handsome!

At the same time, he also has great expectations for Fleeting Feng's exam results.

But Dongfang Liuli didn't have any expectations, she thought of another aspect instead!
The aunt of Dongfang Liuli's classmate is the first-year teacher of the star admiral department of the college, and she was the head teacher of Liu Nianfeng when she was in the first grade.The teacher once told Dongfang Liuli that Liu Nianfeng's theoretical test scores were very bad. When he just entered the first grade of school, he couldn't even get 100 points in the test.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liuli suddenly had an idea in her mind, so she sneaked up to Ping Hai's side and said, "Student Ping Hai, how many points do you think your admiral got in the exam?"

"Eh..." This question really made things difficult for Ping Hai and Ning Hai. They were always having fun and being silly on weekdays, and rarely cared about Liu Nianfeng's exam results.In addition, after transferring to Class [-], there was no exam anymore, so Ping Hai and Ning Hai had no idea how many points Liu Nianfeng could get in the grade-level joint exam.

"About...maybe...probably...more than 600 fifty..." Ping Hai replied unconfidently.

"Then how do you admirals predict that you will be No.1?" Dongfang Liuli asked again.

"This..." Ping Hai recalled for a while, recalling what Liu Nianfeng said to him last night, he directly repeated, "What did the admiral say... what is the difference between an admiral who has no dreams and a salted fish... even if it is really a salty fish Fish, we must also become the chief salted fish of ISO2008 international quality system certification!"

"Hmm! This means that Liu Nianfeng's prediction of his grades like this is purely a mindless prediction of a consoling nature!" Dongfang Liuli threw aside some incomprehensible terms such as ISO, and thought to himself, "Well, he The theoretical knowledge test three months ago was only over 100 points, and now it is a remarkable improvement to be able to improve to 600 points, how can it be possible to become the number one in the age!"

"Looking at Ping Hai's lack of self-confidence, maybe she's giving her admiral a sloppy look. Her admiral never gets a score of 600 in the exam!" Dongfang Liuli started her self-righteous analysis.

Dongfang Liuli's aunt is also the teacher of this exam. Although this aunt has no courage to tell her niece what the specific exam questions are, she tells Dongfang Liuli that this exam is more difficult than the previous ones. Students who have scored 600 points in the test will be able to reach the sky with a maximum score of 500 points this time.

With her aunt's words, Dongfang Liuli became extremely confident, so she said to Ping Hai and Ning Hai with a sly smile, "How about a bet between the three of us? If your admiral can really score more than 600 points in the exam, How about I lose 5000 star coins to you?"

"5000 star coins!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai's small eyes instantly turned into ¥¥¥¥¥, although they made a lot of money selling buns.But the money Pinghai and Ning Hai divided very clearly, it was all the money of Liu Nianfeng, and what really belonged to them was only the 1250 star coins per month.

So when Ping Hai and Ning Hai heard that Dongfang Liuli's bet was 5000 star coins, they immediately fell into the eyes of money, and their minds were full of the shadow of star coins.

Seeing the obsessed look of Ning Hai and Ping Hai, Dongfang Liuli knew that these two little money fans had already taken the bait, so she went on to say, "But if you lose, you will also lose to me 5000 star coins!"

"Ah... forget it..." Ning Hai and Ping Hai jumped out of Qian Yan at the same time, what are you kidding?They don't have to lose 5000 star coins to others.

And Ninghai and Pinghai's response was exactly what Dongfang Liuli needed, so she then said in a seductive voice, "If you don't want to lose money, then satisfy one of my curiosity... as long as you can help me Sneak into your bathroom, peek at Liu Nianfeng taking a shower, and bet 5000 star coins!"

"Deal!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai looked at each other and said with satisfaction.


Like normal exams, grade-level joint exam results are announced directly in public.A total of more than 500 star admirals participated in the exam, and the last 400 of them were quickly broadcast through the method of moving subtitles. At the same time, a detailed list will be sent to the computer of each starship girl.

Only the top [-] will be displayed one by one, so that all the starship girls can see clearly.

"Damn! There is no Liunianfeng's name in the last 400!" Dongfang Liuli carefully checked the list of the last 400 people, and was very sad to find that there was no Liunianfeng's name in it, which means that Liunianfeng must in the top [-].


"555th place, Chen Shihan, Class [-], Grade [-], with a total score of [-]!" The big screen began to show the results of the top [-] one by one, and at the same time, there was a large photo of this star admiral, for the convenience of starship girls Identify and evaluate to see if it is the star admiral you want in your mind.

While the other starship girls were carefully looking at the star admirals in the photos, Dongfang Liuli, Ping Hai, and Ning Hai didn't care about the looks of these star admirals at all.

Anyway, they already have their own stellar admiral, and there is no chance of changing it. What they care about is the final ownership of the 5000 star coins.

"No.40 No. 601, Class [-] Ouyang Geometry, with a total score of [-]!" Seeing this result, Dongfang Liuli collapsed on the chair.

The test score of the 47th place has exceeded 601 points, but Lian Nianfeng's test score still has not appeared. Doesn't this mean that Lian Nianfeng's test score has exceeded 600 points, and he has already lost!

Compared to Dongfang Liuli's frustration, Ning Hai and Ping Hai hugged each other excitedly, cheering each other... Great, they got their 5000 star coins!

"I'll give you another 5000 star coins to make a bet that your admiral will never score 650 points!" Dongfang Liuli said to Ning Hai and Ping Hai a little out of control.

"Don't..." Ning Hai and Ping Hai refused very decisively. In fact, they didn't have any confidence in Liu Nianfeng's final results. It was only because they would not lose the star coins even if they lost the bet. That's why Ning Hai and Ping Hai bet with Dongfang Liuli. of.

Now if the bet is lost, the 5000 star coins are likely to be returned. For Ping Hai and Ning Hai, it is equivalent to a boiled duck flying away. This makes Ning Hai and Ping Hai willing, so they refused very decisively simply.

However, the reactions of Ping Hai and Ning Hai strengthened Dongfang Liuli's confidence. Ping Hai and Ning Hai must have such a reaction because of their extreme lack of confidence in Liu Nian Feng!
"This is calculated separately! It is calculated separately!" Dongfang Liuli directly took out a 5000-yuan bill from her wallet and handed it to Ning Hai and Ping Hai, and then took out another 5000-yuan bill, panting He said gruffly, "This money is already yours...I will use this 5000 to bet with you again!"

"Deal!" The two little money fans replied decisively.

"No. 11, von Hindenburg, with a total score of 652 points!" Bang Dang... Dongfang Liuli fell to the ground again, and then watched helplessly as his 5000 yuan bill was taken by Ning Hai and Ping Hai again.

Although Dongfang Liuli's family is rich, it is undoubtedly a very heartbreaking thing to lose [-] star coins... But thinking that I spent so much money, I didn't even see a single hair of Liu Nianfeng, The unwillingness in her heart was once again on fire!

"700 points! Bet or not!" Dongfang Liuli took out a 5000 yuan bill for the third time, and said to Ning Hai and Ping Hai like an old-fashioned diesel engine that was smoking.

"No.2, Fleeting Maple, 709 points!"

"No.1, Liu Zhuangtian, 712 points!"

When the final No. 2 result was announced, Dongfang Liuli was completely collapsed. She saw that she only had a pocket of 5000 star coins left. Out of control.

She didn't even have the strength to get up from the ground.

"Hey! Sister, look, she still has a 5000 yuan piece in her wallet!" Ning Hai said excitedly, pointing to Dongfang Liuli's wallet.

"Hey! How about a deal between the two of us?" Ping Hai rolled his eyes and said to Dongfang Liuli, "Give us the remaining 5000 yuan, and I'll sneak you into the bathroom!"

"Deal!" Dongfang Liuli quickly handed over the last piece of 5000 yuan to Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

"TNND, if anyone dares to say that Ning Hai and Ping Hai are stupid in the future, I will have nothing to do with her!" Looking at her empty wallet, Dongfang Liuli thought very sadly!
 This is a big chapter of [-] words... Don't you all give me some rewards... By the way, the future chapters will be even more exciting than expected!

(End of this chapter)

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