girl line

Chapter 66 Club

Chapter 66 Club

"Yue'er, is there an admiral you have taken a fancy to?" In a luxuriously decorated club, the entire hall and walls are made of gold, a turbulent girl who looks about 25 or six years old is facing a sitting Said the equally choppy girl on the leather sofa.

On the big screen in the middle, the test results of this year's grade-level entrance examination are being broadcast... Among them, Liu Zhuangtian, who is ranked first, and Liu Nianfeng, who is ranked second, are particularly eye-catching.

"I've fallen in love with that woman from the Liu family...but she doesn't like me! Otherwise, Hongyu, go and try, maybe Liu Zhuangtian will fall in love with you!" Xi Yue'er sighed helplessly. She spread her hands and said, the woman from the Liu family she was referring to was naturally Liu Zhuangtian!
"People won't look down on you. I heard that the Liu family has taken a fancy to our president this time. That Liu Zhuangtian wants to take our president under his command!"

"Minister Alice!"

"Minister Alice!"

The two starship girls shrank their heads at the same time, and said in awe of Minister Alice.

Although the Joint Command strictly prohibits discrimination between different types of ships, it pays attention to "the destroyer battleship is the same, and the light cruiser can also defeat the sky."But this is just an argument for maintaining harmony. In fact, every human being knows that the space carrier is better than the light cruiser. As long as a starship girl on the space carrier has the right tactics, she can completely defeat a dozen Even dozens of cruiser girls of the same level.

Although no one knew whether this starship girl was a star destroyer, a star cruiser, or a star battleship and space carrier before completing the contract ceremony with Admiral Star.

But in fact, there is no way to judge in advance. According to the conclusions of later generations, it is found that the faster the growth and development, the more mature and plump the starship girls are, the more likely they are top starship girls such as space carriers and battleships.

According to the rules of the "Murder Club", only the woman with the largest body size in the entire club is eligible to be the minister.


"Well, the two of you ran to the club after class, and didn't get to know the star admirals any more. After five years, you two are going to report to the public fleet!" Alice continued to tap The heads of the two members said.

"It's just... Minister, you are not qualified to say us. Xiaoyue and I have only been in school for three years, and there are still two years left. But you are already in your fifth year this year, minister! If you are not sure about your star admiral in this final exam , then you are really going to the public fleet!" Hongyu said.

The so-called good girls don’t worry about marrying. The members of “Murder Club” all have the capital they are born to be proud of, so they have very high standards for selecting star admirals. Only the top star admirals are their choices. .

For example, the current minister, Alice, has been in the first grade for almost five years, but she still hasn't confirmed her star admiral.

According to the rules of the Starship Girls Academy, starship girls who have not found their own star admirals in the academy for more than five years, and who are promoted to the second grade, will be uniformly assigned to the public fleet and become a public starship girl... This is undoubtedly the worst choice for the starship girl. Without her own star admiral, the starship girl's life is almost useless.

"You don't need to worry about this, Minister, I have my own measure!" Alice said with a faint smile, and there was really no expression of worry on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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