girl line

Chapter 67 Suffocating Operation 【Thank you for adding more】

Chapter 67 Suffocating Operation 【Thank you for adding more】

"Come in quietly with me! Be careful, Jiutiao's eyes are sharp. If you move anything, Jiutiao will find it! If it weren't for Jiutiao, she just went to buy ingredients today, I wouldn't dare Bring you in!" After carefully confirming that there is no one in the dormitory, Ning Hai and Ping Hai walked in with a nervous Dongfang Liuli.

"Hey! I'm a bit regretful, or if you give me back the 5000 star coins, can I give up?" The strong stimulation made Dongfang Liuli almost suffocate.

"You can don't have to talk about refunding the money!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai said in unison, as expected of two sisters.

"Here we come! The admiral is back! He's already back!" Ning Hai glanced out the window by the way, only to find that Liu Nianfeng had already appeared outside the dormitory. The shower curtain in between was drawn down.

"The admiral has to take a shower every time he comes back, and you can see what you want immediately!" Ning Hai said in Dongfang Liuli's ear.

"Oh!" Dongfang Liuli nodded silly.

"What are you going to do?" Dongfang Liuli was startled, and hurriedly said while clutching her pants!
Immediately afterwards, Dongfang Liuli heard the sound of the keyhole turning, and then heard the intimate voices of Ping Hai and Ning Hai, "Admiral, you are back! Congratulations, Admiral, for getting No. 2 in the whole grade!"

"Thank you!" Liu Nianfeng's voice reached Dongfang Liuli's ears, "But why did you two come back so early today? Don't you want to sell buns today?"

"I won't sell it anymore... We earned eight months' worth of steamed buns in one day!" Ning Hai replied happily.

"What's going on? How did you make so much money in one go?" Liu Nianfeng asked in confusion.

"Hee hee, there is a fool who doesn't believe that you can rely on No.2, the admiral, so he bet with the two of us, and we earned the money from the bet!" Ping Hai replied happily.

"Damn it! These two little radish heads!" Dongfang Liuliqi clenched his fists when he heard Ning Haipinghai calling himself a fool. This feeling was really terrible.

"Admiral, you stink!" Suddenly, Ping Hai pinched his nose and said.

"That's right! That's right! It stinks!" Ning Hai immediately agreed.After being told by Ping Hai and Ning Hai, Liu Nianfeng also felt that his body stinks, so he took out his underwear very naturally and entered the bathroom.

"Why is the shower curtain closed?" Seeing that the shower curtain in the bathroom was closed, Liu Nianfeng felt a little strange.But thinking that Ninghai and Pinghai are still outside, Miyuki Kujo has not come back, there is no way someone is in the bathroom, so he didn't pay much attention, took off his clothes, and the sound of dripping water soon rang up.

Hearing the sound of water flowing outside, Dongfang Liuli's heart skipped a beat.

"Gudong!" Dongfang Liuli swallowed deeply, raised her right hand tremblingly, and at the same time leaned forward slightly, wanting to open the shower curtain and see the little girl she had seen in the novel. Describe what it looks like in one sentence.

But when Dongfang Liuli's hand touched the shower curtain, Dongfang Liuli hesitated instead.

"What if we are found out?"

"If I'm found out, I'll be dead! Liu Nianfeng will definitely report me!"

"I will be treated as a pervert! The Disciplinary Committee will definitely punish me severely! Everyone will treat me as a pervert... Well... I will be beaten to death!"

"Even if I didn't find out, would I have ruined Liu Nianfeng's innocence? What if he can't get married in the future?"

"But if I don't read it, my [-] star coins have already been spent! Isn't this a big loss!" Suddenly, thousands of thoughts flashed through Dongfang Liuli's heart.

And this gasp completely shattered Dongfang Liuli's psychological defense.

Later, Dongfang Liuli wrote in this memoir: "That was the most amazing scene I saw in my wasted 19 years of life. It will never be forgotten in my mind, and it is still deeply engraved in my memory. In my memory, every time I think about it, I still feel hot all over, just like when I was 19 years old."

Just looking at it like this, Dongfang Liuli was completely intoxicated, her face was firmly pressed against the shower curtain, her mouth opened unconsciously, revealing the crystal clear saliva in her mouth.


In the end, Dongfang Liuli was discovered, but something that Liu Nianfeng never expected happened.The girl quickly stood up from the toilet, lay on the ground with all fours on the ground, and kowtowed to Liu Nianfeng in apology.

"Please! Please! I didn't do it on purpose!" Dongfang Liuli cried into tears, "Please, don't report this matter to the Disciplinary Committee, please! I really Not intentional!"

"I'm a bastard! A pervert! A pervert! A bastard! I'm the worst and worst woman in the world!"

"Master Liunianfeng, I beg you, please don't tell what happened today, or I'm really doomed!"

"I beg you!"

Well, this feeling is really wonderful!

For the first time, Fleeting Maple also felt that this world is a very good world!
 If you don’t understand this chapter, you can find me in the group

(End of this chapter)

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