girl line

Chapter 68

Chapter 68
In the end, under the pleadings of Dongfang Liuli, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, Liu Nianfeng said straightforwardly that he would not pursue this matter from now on, nor would he announce this matter, but Dongfang Liuli must not make this matter public. Tell me something.

Of course, Dongfang Liuli has 1 guarantees for this. What a joke, if word of a woman molesting a man gets out, she will be caught in court and charged with obscenity, and she might spend three years in prison , she Dongfang Liuli is not so stupid.

Dongfang Liuli is gone, and Liu Nianfeng will naturally not let go of the mastermind behind the whole incident, calling Ping Hai and Ning Hai in front of him, and said with a serious face, "Hurry up and tell me the truth, both of you. Be careful, I deducted your salary for this month!"

Hearing that Liu Nianfeng wanted to deduct wages, Ping Hai and Ning Hai were terrified, and immediately told the story before and after the incident. Hearing that Liu Nianfeng frowned, he said angrily, "You guys are just because of 5000 star coins. Sell ​​your admiral's innocence?"

Liu Nianfeng is indeed very angry with the two little guys, he is their admiral!They pushed their admirals in front of other women just for five thousand star coins. Don't they have their own admirals in their hearts?

"Admiral! We don't dare anymore! We really don't dare!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai shook their little heads and said tremblingly. "We see Lord Admiral training so hard all day long, so we want to find a way to make Lord Admiral happy... Well... Admiral, you have to trust us!"

"I said you two little guys..." Liu Nianfeng sighed, according to Kujo Miyuki, these two little guys are extremely frugal, they save all their money on weekdays, and don't spend a penny.It seems that they really need money, and the grades are still young, and the monopolistic desire of men and women is not strong, so they have such outrageous behaviors!
In desperation, Liu Nianfeng gave these two little guys an hour-long verbal education, and it was not over until the two poor children were dizzy.

"Okay! As a punishment, you have to pay half of the [-] star coins you earned! Come on, give me the money!" Liu Nianfeng finally concluded.

"Ah!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's punishment, Ning Hai and Ping Hai looked at Liu Nianfeng pitifully like an eggplant beaten by frost, hoping to make Liu Nianfeng take back his life through his eyes.

But who is Liu Nianfeng?How could it be possible to be defeated by such a small trick? Under Liu Nianfeng's insistence, Ning Hai and Ping Hai could only obediently hand in [-] star coins.

And as Ninghai and Pinghai handed over the fine, the matter calmed down.

It's just that when the two little guys went out, they excitedly clapped each other's hands, and Ning Hai said happily, "Sister! Sister! We still earned [-] yuan!"

"Yes! Yes! Despite the punishment, we still earned [-] star coins! It's really great! The admiral is so stupid, next time we will make more money like this!"

The two little fellows were celebrating that they had earned [-] star coins, and they also mocked Liu Nianfeng by the way.

What the two little guys didn't know was that after they left Liu Nianfeng's room, Liu Nianfeng also said to himself with a scheming face, "Well, it seems that there will be a chance to eat meat in the future! YES !"


"Minister, in fact, I think you can really choose Admiral Liu Zhuantian. She is so strong, even if you wait for more than ten or even decades, I'm afraid you won't be able to meet someone as strong as Admiral Liu Zhuantian!" In the middle of the night, by the quiet lakeside of the academy, the head of the "Breast Killing Club" and her two members were still discussing the matter of the head's choice of star admiral.

"Hey!" Alice sighed after hearing what the two members said, and the pair of giants on her chest shook accordingly, "There is something I haven't told you all the time. At that time, I had already submitted a love letter to Liu Zhuangtian!"



Xi Yue'er and Hong Yu were shocked, they had never heard of such a thing!

The full name of the love letter is "Application for Eternal Comrades of Generosity", because the name is too convoluted, so it is shortened to "Love Letter".To put it bluntly, it is an application letter submitted by the Admiral of the Stars or the Starship Girl to the person he likes, hoping that the two parties can conclude a ghost contract.

Such love letters cannot be submitted at all times. Only during the grade-level entrance examination, both parties can submit their own love letters under the management of the school, so as to obtain the school's approval and conclude a legal ghost contract.

Xi Yueer, Hongyu and Minister Alice are best friends, but they have never heard of Minister Alice submitting a love letter to anyone in the past few years!

"Could it be that the minister deliberately kept it from us? She doesn't like us anymore? Does she not regard us as friends?" Xi Yueer and Hongyu looked at each other, thinking sadly at the same time.

"You two idiots, don't think wrongly. I didn't tell you just because it was too embarrassing to be rejected." After getting along with these two subordinates for so long, even with her eyes closed, Minister Alice knew that they were what to think.

"What? That Liu Zhuangtian actually rejected you, Minister!" Hearing this news, Xi Yue'er and Hongyu were shocked at the same time. They never imagined that the minister who they respected like a fairy and had a heart like a drum would be rejected by the minister. People refuse.

No!Someone is actually willing to reject Zhiyuan Starship Girl, the biggest minister of the European School in the past 100 years!

This is just too ridiculous, too much!

"That's why I don't want to tell you!" Minister Alice laughed even harder.

"The reason? Why did that Liu Zhuangtian reject our minister?" Xi Yueer and Hongyu asked curiously.

"Don't inquire about this, I won't tell you even if I die!" Xi Yue'er and Hongyu could hear the incomparable determination from Alice's words, knowing that if they kept asking, it would be impossible to get the result.

It's just that in their hearts, they became more curious about the reason why Liu Zhuangtian rejected Alice.


"But the minister! Since that Liu Zhuangtian can't be counted on, then you should choose a star admiral this time!" Xi Yueer said very worriedly. "Or you should choose the second-ranked star admiral this time! She will definitely not reject you!"

"Let's talk about it after the total score comes out!" Alice said lightly, and this response made her two subordinates even more anxious.

They have been with Alice for so long, and they know her character very well.Alice is the kind of person who would rather lack than abuse, she only wants the best person to be her star admiral, otherwise she might rather join the public fleet than become a mediocre star admiral.

Some people may be wondering, how could such a star admiral who ranks second in grades be mediocre?
In fact, Alice's standard for judging a star admiral is so strict that it is outrageous. As long as it does not meet Alice's standard, it is all mediocrity in Alice's heart.

In fact, except for Liu Zhuangtian, all the first graders in the previous four and a half years were rated as mediocre by Alice, even the third grader Miyamoto Musashino was no exception.

"Hey! Minister, what do you think of Liu Nianfeng?" Hongyu said suddenly, "I checked the rankings, and he ranked second in this theoretical foundation test, only a few points behind that Liu Zhuangtian."

"And he also predicts that he will be the No.1 grade in every test! It shows that he has great confidence in himself, and more importantly, he is a man. Even 1 Liu Zhuangtians can't compare to this. Come on!" Hongyu said enthusiastically.

"I..." Before the minister had time to speak, there was a sudden sound of diving in the distance. Along with the sound of diving, there was also a man's excited shout.

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(End of this chapter)

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