girl line

Chapter 69

Chapter 69
In his previous life, Liu Nianfeng had another hobby, which was swimming.He doesn't like to swim in a small place like a swimming pool. He likes to swim in reservoirs, rivers, or even directly in the sea. Liu Nianfeng likes the feeling of freedom in the water.

It's a pity that after coming to this world, Liu Nianfeng has no chance to swim again.Although there are quite a few lakes in the campus, the people who come and go are all girls. With Liu Nianfeng's 1 courage, he dare not go swimming in the lakes during the daytime.

But today, due to an unexpected incident in the bathroom, Liu Nianfeng was in a high-spirited state for the whole afternoon, and even the battle in the game was a little out of state, taking several cold showers didn't help.

In the end, Liu Nianfeng decided to take advantage of the dead of night and sneak into the lake to swim... With the help of such a physically demanding exercise, he calmed down.

"Minister, come and see, is that man Liunianfeng!" There was a huge boulder by the lake, and the three of them hid behind the boulder. Said the swimming figure.

"Who else is there besides Liu Nian Feng? Do we have a second man here?" Hong Yu asked.

"How are you sure he's a man?" Xi Yue'er turned around and asked curiously.The sky is now gloomy, and with the help of moonlight, it can only be confirmed that someone is swimming in the lake, but it is impossible to clearly see the appearance and gender of the other party.

"Idiot! Look at the clothes here!" Hongyu pointed to some clothes piled up on the shore beside the stone and said, "Look, there is no hood inside these clothes, except for men!"

"Let's go, peeping at what other people look like here! This is what a shameless pervert does!" Alice said to Xiyue'er and Hongyu, not wanting to stay here any longer.

"Come on, boss, Yue'er has never seen what a man looks like when swimming! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Minister, just let me take a look!" Xi Yue'er's face was flushed with excitement.

So at Xi Yue'er's insistence, the three stayed by the lake.It's just that the moonlight is too weak, and the location of the stone is a bit far from the shore, and Liunianfeng is swimming in the center of the lake, so the three of them can only see a faint shadow, and they can't see Liunianfeng clearly at all.

This naturally made Xiyue'er feel very dissatisfied, so Xiyue'er left the boulder, crawled on the ground, and approached the shore secretly and cautiously, wanting to appreciate Liu Nianfeng carefully while he was on the shore.

Although Alice felt that this was inappropriate, she couldn't dissuade Xi Yue'er's behavior at all, and Hongyu followed directly behind Xi Yue'er. Alice had no choice but to approach the shore with the two of them.

Sure enough, when the three of them were lying on the shore, Liu Nianfeng's body became clear. At least the well-defined muscles on the upper body deeply attracted the eyes of these three women... Especially Xi Yueer, Her saliva was drooling, if Liu Nianfeng was a piece of cake, she would definitely swallow it without hesitation.

"Let's go quickly! This is wrong behavior, let's not ruin the innocence of other boys." Compared with Xi Yue'er's perverted look, Alice has always maintained her rationality and kept dissuading Xi Yue'er wait for someone to leave
It's just that Xiyue'er would not listen to Alice's words, and she still admired the beautiful scene in front of her happily.

Alice had no choice but to say, "You two stay here and watch, I'll go back first!"

After saying this, Alice was about to get up and leave.

"Don't minister, you go back on your stomach! What if he finds out about you?" Seeing Alice getting up halfway, Xi Yue'er said in a panic, and at the same time wanted to pull Alice's body and give her Pull back to the ground.

"Ah!" One of the most delicate and sensitive parts of the body was attacked by Xi Yue'er, Alice felt her body go limp instantly, all the strength in her body was exhausted, and she collapsed unconsciously.

But at this time, something even more sad happened. The soil where Alice fell was a little loose, and it was only one step away from the lake.

So the second Alice fell, she slipped directly from the shore into the water... If you say that Alice is really unlucky, there is no buffer on the shore, and when she falls into the water, it is several meters deep In the area, Alice choked on several saliva in an instant, and began to thrash and struggle.

After experiencing the horrible experience of choking on water several times in her childhood, Alice became very resistant to swimming, and naturally she couldn't learn to swim.

Originally, Alice was very careful about this, and generally didn't take the initiative to go to places like the lake.It was only this time that he was implicated by two unlucky subordinates, and he fell into a huge crisis in his life.

"Help me! Xiyue... Hongyu... hurry up and save me... I can't swim!" Alice called out the names of her two friends in panic while struggling in the water.

What's more frightening is that although Alice tried her best to struggle to reach the shore, her struggle had the opposite effect. Under the impact of the current, she got farther and farther away from the shore and gradually approached the center of the lake.

Hearing her best friend's call for help, Xi Yue'er and Hongyu were also extremely anxious on the shore, but they, like Alice, were not good at swimming, and they were afraid that if they jumped, there would be only two of them Even three people drowned together in the lake.

"Don't worry about it! I'm going down to save her!" Hongyu's heart skipped a beat, and she was about to dive into the water to save her.

"Wait!" At the critical moment, Xi Yue'er held Hong Yu back and said, "Don't go down, I have a better way!"

"What can you do?" Hongyu asked nervously.

"Shout loudly with me..." Xi Yue'er said quickly
"What?" Hongyu was stunned for a moment, and in the next second Xiyue'er shouted with the loudest voice in her life, "Help! Someone fell into the water! Help! Come and save her!"

(End of this chapter)

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