girl line

Chapter 650 Shenlong Group

Chapter 650 Shenlong Group
"Are there any documents from the group headquarters today? Especially the documents from our chairman's office!" Liu Zhengjun had a rare good sleep that day, and he didn't get up until noon. Yesterday, he learned that even a consortium After never having any contact with Chen Shihan, Liu Zhengjun's smile has been hanging on his face. At night, he even drank a glass of wine with his male secretary very interestingly, and slept until noon. It can be said that he was in a good mood Very pleasant.

"No, there are only some daily documents at the headquarters, and no documents from the chairman's office!" The male secretary said with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, this child is also stubborn, and she still refuses to admit defeat to me. Why does she insist on building her base near the Heavenly Court Star? Does she really think that she can block the attack of the stars and beasts by herself?" Liu Zhengjun shook his head. The reason why she confronted Chen Shihan so forcefully was not only because she wanted to seize control of the production base of the super ghost electromagnetic gun, but more importantly, she really thought that the vicinity of Tianting star was not suitable for building a base. That's a place to die.

"Forget it! After 24 o'clock, this little guy will understand, she can't get a penny!" Liu Zhengjun said with a sneer.

"Huh... yes... I understand..." Suddenly, the male secretary's expression changed, and Liu Zhengjun also noticed the change in his secretary's expression immediately, and asked with joy still on his face, "Is it right?" That little guy surrendered to me?"

"No...boss, the chairman's office sent a document saying that they have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenlong Group, and Shenlong Group is willing to invest 10s were purchased this time from Donghuang Group's additional [-]% shares!" Secretary He replied blankly.

"Pa..." The teacup in Liu Zhengjun's hand fell to the ground in an instant.


"Explain to me clearly what's going on!" Liu Zhengjun broke into the chairman's office angrily, and threw a document in his hand on the desk.

"Director Liu, even if you are older than me, even if you belong to the Liu family, but I am the chairman of Donghuang Group. This is my office. Can I trouble you to knock on the door before entering?" Chen Shihan asked The face said angrily.

"Knock on the door, am I still in the mood to knock on the door?" Liu Zhengjun's face became distorted, "Chen Shihan, I know you want to win, and you don't want to lose to me. Then the method to trouble you should be more sophisticated, smarter, and rational. Don't take the future of our Donghuang Group as a trifling matter!"

"Hehe! This is really a joke. Why are my methods not advanced, smart, or rational? Didn't I find [-] trillion yuan of funds to buy this additional issuance according to your request? I Aren't you working hard for the future of Donghuang Group?"

"You still have the face to say, look at what you found this time? Shenlong Group, hehe, a group that just registered seven days ago, a group that doesn't even have an office building of its own, you just look for it like this Come to buy our [-] trillion shares, Chen Shihan, your head is full of shit!" Liu Zhengjun slapped the table and cursed.

That's right, Liu Zhengjun's anger is not unreasonable anger, on the contrary, after seeing the information of Shenlong Group, individuals can't help being as angry as Liu Zhengjun.

Because the Shenlong Group that popped up out of nowhere was actually a conglomerate that had just registered with the Ministry of Commerce of the Empire seven days ago, and its registered capital was only a pitiful 1000 billion.

Of course, for ordinary people in this world, 1000 billion is already a daunting amount of money, crushing 99% of the registered capital of the group companies in the empire.But compared to the shares of Donghuang Group worth 5 trillion yuan that are about to be acquired, this 1000 billion is so ridiculous.

According to Liu Zhengjun's guess, this Chen Shihan is a stupid girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and doesn't want to lose to herself.Seeing that the ten days were approaching, I temporarily set up a Shenlong Group to come out and sign an additional issuance contract with myself, so as not to lose face.

Liu Zhengjun felt that he had never seen such a stupid woman, and she did such a stupid thing just for the sake of saving face.This additional contract is easy to sign, but if the Shenlong Group can't pay for the 5. Layer after layer of shadow.

Liu Zhengjun was going crazy from this stupid woman, is there such a stupid woman in this world?

"So what if it's only been established for seven days? So what if it only has a registered capital of 1000 billion? Director Liu, you really underestimate our Shenlong Group!" It wasn't Chen Shihan who answered Liu Zhengjun's question, but sitting on the sofa in Chen Shihan's office On the table, there is a lady who is drinking the tea in her hand gracefully, but this lady looks only thirteen or fourteen years old, like a little lolita.

"Who are you kid? Why are you here? How dare you talk to me like that?" Liu Zhengjun gave the little loli a dissatisfied look.

"Hehe, is this the way the dignified Eight Great Families treat others? It seems that these Eight Great Families may become the Seven Great Families in the future!" The little loli sighed, and then said quietly, "Then let me Let me introduce myself, my name is Qiu Cixi, I am the chairman of Shenlong Group, and this time I came here specially to sign a contract with Chairman Chen Shihan!"

"You! Chairman of Shenlong Group!! Your name is Qiu Cixi!!!" Liu Zhengjun's face changed overnight. Liu Zhengjun did not expect that this little loli-like guy was actually the chairman of Shenlong Group, and Liu Zhengjun What's more unexpected is that this little lolita is actually the famous Choo Ja Hei!
That's right, Qiu Cixi is a famous name, even in the ears of the heads of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, it can bear such a sentence.

A mere orphan can use the 2 million yuan left by his parents, and in just over 30 years, he has managed to become a large group with total assets reaching trillions and ranking among the top 1 in the entire universe. , How could Liu Zhengjun not understand the story of Choo Ja Hei.

To put it bluntly, this Choo Ja Hei is definitely the most outstanding business genius of this era. Although Liu Zhengjun did not deliberately pay attention to this Choo Ja Hei, he did hear about her name and deeds. As for Choo Ja Xi is a girl with a childlike face, and Liu Zhengjun has also heard about it, but he never thinks about this girl as Choo Ja Hei.

It's just that I didn't expect that the chairman of the Shenlong Group is actually Qiu Cixi. From this point of view, the Shenlong Group is not so unreliable, at least it really doesn't look like a leather bag company that Chen Shihan established to deceive himself. After all, a leather bag company cannot invite a business genius like Choo Ja Hee to be the chairman.

"It turned out to be Ms. Choo Ja Hei. I was the one to be rude just now!" Liu Zhengjun respected a real talent like Choo Ja Hei, and apologized to Choo Ja Hei.

"Don't dare to take it! It's my fault!" Now that Liu Zhengjun apologized, Choo Ja Hee naturally couldn't keep a cold face. The two apologized to each other, and the turmoil just now seemed to be over.

"Miss Qiu Cixi, may I ask if this Shenlong Group was born from the integration and reorganization of your Cixi Group?" Just after the apology was finished, Liu Zhengjun couldn't wait to ask, and at the same time Liu Zhengjun was still very curious.Even if the Shenlong Group was reorganized from the Cixi Group, with the total assets of the Cixi Group of 1000 trillion, how could it be possible to spend 5 trillion yuan to acquire 10% of Donghuang Group's shares?

This sounds like Momo intends to acquire QQ, which is unbelievable.

"The Cixi Group is the Cixi Group, and the Shenlong Group is the Shenlong Group. There is no connection between the two companies. And I have resigned from the position of the chairman of the Cixi Group. Now I am just the chairman of the Shenlong Group!" Qiu Ci laughed happily.

"Oh, then the Shenlong Group is a consortium jointly invested and established?" Liu Zhengjun squinted his eyes and asked again, it seems that this is the only possibility that can explain the origin of the Shenlong Group.

"That's not true, our Shenlong Group is a group established by a gentleman's independent investment, and has nothing to do with any consortium!" Qiu Ci laughed happily.

"A group that invests independently by one person!!" Liu Zhengjun gasped. Who in the world can independently spend [-]. The family's money has nothing to do with her, Liu Zhengjun.

Who is so rich?

"Then your Shenlong Group really draws 5 trillion star coins to acquire 10%of Donghuang Group's shares?" Liu Zhengjun had just put away the contempt of Fang, and asked seriously.

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have proposed this acquisition offer!" Qiu Ci said happily.

"Okay, when can this 5 trillion trillion beaten on our account?" Liu Zhengjun asked again, and she didn't believe it. This Shenlong Group really took out [-] trillion.

"According to the common practice in the industry, within one month after the contract is signed, all the funds will be credited together. That is to say, after 30 days at the latest, our Shenlong Group will transfer 5 trillion yuan of construction funds to Donghuang Group's special account for the construction of the super ghost electromagnetic gun industrial production base!" Qiu Ci said happily.

"What! Another 30 days to wait? Isn't it immediately within a week after the contract is signed?" Liu Zhengjun said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, to be honest, our Shenlong Group's books are still a little short of the 5 trillion yuan, but it doesn't matter, we will hold an auction on the first of next month. As soon as the auction is over, the 5 yuan All the trillions of funds can be collected...Anyway, we will definitely transfer all the amount within 30 days according to the provisions of the contract, please rest assured Director Liu!"

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you for 30 days!" After finishing speaking, Liu Zhengjun walked out of Chen Shihan's office without saying a word.

"Huh! Cixi, I didn't expect your aura to be so strong, even Liu Zhengjun was driven away by you without a word!" Seeing Liu Zhengjun leave, Chen Shihan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Qiu Cixi with a smile.

"Not that simple ..." Qiu Po ​​shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If I can't get 30 trillion after 5 days, this Liu Zhengjun is afraid that I will swallow me!"

"Then, how much money is missing from the 5 trillion yuan in your Shenlong Group's books?" Chen Shihan asked curiously.

"Not much, it's only 5 trillion yuan away!" Qiu Ci said with a smile.

"I'll fall..." Chen Shihan fell down in an instant, and she suddenly felt that she had been cheated to death by Liu Nianfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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