girl line

Chapter 651 Old Wang's Busy Life

Chapter 651 Old Wang's Busy Life


"Good morning!" After saying hello to several colleagues, Lao Wang took out his personal terminal, made a pot of tea, and began to browse the news of the day leisurely.

Lao Wang is a senior business liaison officer of Xinde Resources Group, and his daily work is almost spent drinking tea and watching the news, and it is rare to really maintain customers several times a week.The reason why Lao Wang can be so leisurely as a salesman is because the customers in Lao Wang's hands are some big companies, and the resource requirements of these big companies are quite stable. Once this kind of filial piety is in place, there will be almost no change in the business, and he can sit in the company and drink tea with peace of mind.

However, Lao Wang hadn't finished his tea today when he was called into the office by the impatient general manager. Before Lao Wang could speak, he was startled by a document thrown in front of him by the general manager.

"I will give you two hours to read this document, and then immediately go down to contact the company's subordinate departments. You must ship all the resource lists required in this document within three days and send them to Go to Heavenly Court Star!" The general manager said in a hurry.

"Ah..." Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, and then began to quickly flip through the documents in his hand, and found that it was a very complicated purchase list, from the most basic and most demanded RBDD-type ghost alloy, to some extremely large quantities. There are few special materials that our company enjoys exclusive patents, with a total of more than one hundred kinds.

This made Pharaoh's head covered with beads of sweat. It took three days to ship all the more than one hundred kinds of materials, which required a lot of time to adjust and communicate with the production department, as well as arguing with the transportation department. The time of the ship, and the transportation itinerary, how to go to the company's mines in each star field in the shortest time, so that all these materials can be loaded on the ship... Lao Wang feels that even if he does not sleep for three days and three nights, I am afraid that it will be difficult to complete the requirements on this list.

"Why is it so urgent, can you give me two weeks?" Old Wang asked tentatively.

"Two weeks! After two weeks, the day lily will be cold!" The general manager knocked on the table and said, "This is the order that Donghuang Group wanted, and it did not send a supply list to us alone, but almost to the industry. All the companies have issued supply lists. Whoever can deliver the materials on these lists to Tiantingxing in the shortest time, then Donghuang Group will sign a long-term supply contract with him for the next three years. Donghuang Group will send us Guaranteed, the minimum amount of this contract can also exceed the value of 1000 billion stellar coins, if the 1000 billion star coins are gone, neither you nor I can continue to sit in this position!"

"The order that Donghuang Group wants! It's still [-] billion!!" Lao Wang was taken aback again, this time he understood why the general manager was in such a hurry.

"Yes! Lao Wang, actually I don't want to trouble you, but you are the only one with the oldest qualifications in the entire company and the closest relationship with various departments, so I entrust this task to you. Of course, if you If you think you can't do it, forget it, the new young people in the company are very motivated, I think I can trust them once!" The general manager said lightly.

"I understand. In three days, I will work hard to complete the task!" Lao Wang said in a deep voice, what a joke, the 1000 billion order, even if the order was not won by himself, he would not be able to get the company's four-point commission.But if you simply make business contacts, you can at least get a commission of one point, that is, a commission of [-] million star coins. This commission has exceeded the money I have earned in the past ten years. How could Lao Wang let it go? After such a large order, at this moment, Lao Wang's already somewhat decayed heart seemed to start beating fast again.

"It's not about trying to complete the task, it's about ensuring that the task must be completed!!" The general manager said while knocking on the table, but he was a little relieved to see Lao Wang regaining his fighting spirit.This old Wang was originally the number one salesman in the company, but it is a pity that he is old and has a lot of hard-core customers, so it is inevitable that he will be a little slack, but as long as he is willing to work wholeheartedly, the general manager believes that Lao Wang will definitely be able to complete the task of.

"I understand!" Old Wang nodded, but he showed a puzzled expression again, "General manager, let me ask a question, this Donghuang Group has so many resource companies under its own, and they directly recruit from the companies under their own Wouldn’t it be better if the resources weren’t enough? Why do you want to transfer goods from a small company like ours, and directly to Tianting Star… I’ve never heard of this planet, it should be a very remote small planet!”

"I said, Lao Wang, it seems that you have been living too leisurely recently, and you don't even know the most explosive news in the industry!" The general manager sighed and said, "Don't you know that Donghuang Group is preparing to build Is it the large production base of the super ghost railgun?"

"Of course I know the latest news! The construction of this base has already begun. I thought it would take at least a year to prepare for construction!" Old Wang said in surprise.

"Hmph, I heard that the new chairman of Donghuang Group patted his chest in front of His Majesty the Emperor and promised to build a new base within three years. Do you think she has a year to waste?" Donghuang Group is indeed a 3000-year-old group. Originally, people in our industry thought that Donghuang Group would gradually fade away or even go bankrupt in the next 300 years. Looking back, it seems that Donghuang Group is bound to regain its glory. When you go to deliver goods, you can also maintain a good relationship with the people of Donghuang Group. I believe that Donghuang Group will definitely have countless orders in the future. The chairman has already given me Privilege, in the next three years, all the salesmen's orders from Donghuang Group will have a six-point commission, and you don't need me to tell you how rich this profit is!"

"Six o'clock!" Old Wang's eyes lit up, and he felt his blood burning even hotter.

Well, by the way, Pharaoh is a woman.

Lao Wang’s story didn’t just happen to Xinde Resources Group. In fact, almost all the top-ranked resource groups in the Empire of Man received the supply list from Donghuang Heavy Industry on the same morning on the same day. Almost half of the resource companies in the human empire were mobilized by the Donghuang Group at this moment. Their bosses urged their subordinates over and over again, and began to frantically adjust and replenish goods, mobilize various materials, and organize transport fleets , sent to Heavenly Court Star.

And just one day later, a large number of transport fleets began to go to Tianting Star to supply supplies, and this densely packed transport fleet completely blocked several stargates near Tianting Star. The reason is that there are at most twenty or thirty ships passing through these stargates a day, but almost in the blink of an eye, the number of ships has soared to five or six hundred, and this scale has increased over time. The passage of time is getting bigger and bigger. By the seventh day, there are even two or three thousand transport ships passing by every day, reaching the saturated transportation capacity of the Stargate. Some transport ships even need to wait for more than three days at the Stargate. Only time can pass, and these staff who have been idle for decades are complaining.

Old Wang was lucky, or more capable. While contacting his subordinate resource base to prepare goods, he immediately dispatched the transport ship and planned the transport route. It took only three hours to board the company's ship. The transport ship began to collect all kinds of goods, successfully collected all the supplies before two hours left in the three days, and rushed to the Tianting star with all its strength, and finally arrived at the star gate near the Tianting star on the fifth day. After a three-hour team, they passed through the star gate and arrived at Tianting star.

"This is really a small remote planet! Did the new chairman of Donghuang Group break his head and choose to build a brand new industrial base in such a place? This is simply looking for death!" When looking at the star map, Pharaoh couldn't help but sighed curiously.

Although Lao Wang is just a salesman and doesn't understand many profound principles, he is sure of one thing, that is, he has never seen any group that would build its extremely important industrial base in a place that might be destroyed by alien beasts at any time. Attacking the frontier area, this is no different from throwing star coins into the fire pit, so Lao Wang can't figure it out. How can Donghuang Heavy Industry, which has a history of 3000 years, build such an important industrial base? In places like Heavenly Court Star.

However, this is a matter of Donghuang Group. Lao Wang is only responsible for delivering the goods and collecting money. However, when Lao Wang's transport fleet arrived at Tianting Star, he found that he could not land at the star port of Tianting Star. Under the guidance of a traffic boat, they approached a large transport ship that was about ten times the size of Lao Wang's transport ship.

"Just transfer all the supplies to this large transport ship, and then take the delivery list I gave you to Tianting Star to go through the formalities, and then your payment will be directly transferred to your company's account!" Donghuang Group The guide sent over said to Old Wang.

"Does it need to be so troublesome? Can I just let my transport ship transport it to the construction site for you?" Old Wang asked in surprise. This is almost arriving at the destination, but he still has to change hands. Isn't it a waste of time, energy, and money to use a transport ship to transport it?

It's like there is a direct freight train from Beijing to Guangzhou, but it has to be sent from Beijing to Shenzhen, and then the whole set of train skins is changed, and then sent from Shenzhen to Guangzhou. This is simply unreasonable. The cost of empty space , Enough to drive those stingy CEOs in their own companies crazy.

"The location of our construction base is absolutely confidential, so you don't need to send it to the construction base, and our own fleet will be responsible for transporting it." After the voice fell, the liaison officer sent a star map to Lao Wangdao, "Please Pay attention to the area marked on this star map. Your transport ships are absolutely not allowed to enter this area. We have established a monitoring network here without dead ends. As long as you dare to step into this star field, all of your The transport ship will be detained indefinitely by our group... This point is clearly stipulated in our supply contract, I hope you must abide by this regulation!"

"Okay, I understand..." Although Old Wang really couldn't understand why Donghuang Group adopted such stupid rules, but she couldn't afford to make trouble with the money, and obediently obeyed the liaison officer's instructions and completed the delivery of the goods. I also went to Tiantingxing to go through the formalities for the transfer work. In the end, the company also successfully received the payment on the account of this time, and Donghuang Group also sent a continuous supply agreement the next day, agreeing on the time for the next three years The Nexinde Group will continue to supply the Donghuang Group's construction base, which made Old Wang heave a long sigh of relief, and then showed a hearty smile. This time it seems that he has really made a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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