girl line

Chapter 72 Don't catch a cold

Chapter 72 Don't catch a cold
"You said your friend left you in the water after you fell into the water?" After listening to Alice's explanation, Liu Nianfeng said incredulously.

"They...they...they..." Alice talked with them for a long time, but she still couldn't say a word after that.

Alice is not stupid, and Alice has already figured out why Xi Yueer and Hongyu left.It's nothing more than to be a matchmaker and to match Alice and Liunianfeng, that's why they disappeared immediately after Liunianfeng rescued Alice. What a good wingman these two are!

But Alice couldn't tell the truth anyway if she wanted to tell the truth.

"Forget it..." Liu Nianfeng was not stupid, seeing Alice's expression, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he guessed what her two friends wanted to do.

"Forget it, don't care about your two friends, but you can't stand by the lake anymore, your clothes are already soaked, and it's very cold at night, if this continues, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, and you must find someone immediately. A place to change into clean clothes!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Yeah!" Alice nodded, what Liu Nianfeng said was right, she was already shaking uncontrollably from the cold, if she stayed in the cold wind any longer, she might really catch a cold tomorrow.

"Or go to my dormitory first! My dormitory is quite close to here, and Kutiao's figure is about the same as yours... oh no... she's about the same height as you... I should be able to find a set of clothes for you to replace! "Liu Nianfeng said with a righteous face.

"Okay!" Alice nodded again, without any rebuttal.

"YES!!!" Liu Nianfeng shouted secretly in his heart, and at the same time thanked those two friends who disappeared.If it wasn't for them disappearing so knowledgeably, how could Liu Nianfeng openly invite Alice to his home to change clothes!
How can the relationship between the two be further shortened!
These are really two good wingmen of the universe!
"I'm going to put on my clothes first!" Seeing that Alice agreed to go home with him, Liu Nianfeng was so happy that he almost floated up, and immediately ran to the edge of the boulder to find the clothes he had taken off.

But in the next second, Liu Nianfeng was in Sparta...Liu Nianfeng clearly remembered that he had thrown his clothes beside the boulder, but after searching for more than a minute, Liu Nianfeng couldn't even see the shadow of his clothes. I didn't see it, as if Liu Nianfeng didn't leave the clothes here at all.

"What's wrong?" Alice also noticed the abnormality and came over and asked with concern.

"My clothes are gone... I don't know if I remembered the wrong place... I didn't take off my clothes here" Liu Nianfeng said with a face full of embarrassment.

"How is that impossible! The three of us saw your clothes here when we came here just now!" Alice subconsciously told the truth, but she regretted it the next second.

But it's useless to regret, this word has already reached Liu Nianfeng's ears, after Liu Nianfeng's clever brain analyzed it, the truth of the matter jumped out directly.

It was nothing more than those two wingmen who not only gave Liu Nianfeng and Alice a chance to be alone, but also took away Liu Nianfeng's clothes in a clever way.

This kind of behavior reminded Liu Nianfeng of the ancient myth: Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

In the end, the two also gave birth to a pair of children, and lived a happy life without shame or impatience for a while, and then they were caught by the Queen Mother in the sky, and it became a Qixi Magpie Bridge meeting that they could only meet once a year.

This myth and legend sounds quite poignant, but in fact, when you think about it carefully, it is simply a story that destroys the Three Views.

Well, let's get down to business, Liu Nianfeng has to face the somewhat embarrassing reality of losing his clothes.

"Or let's go back like this! The distance is not far anyway!" Liu Nianfeng said to Alice helplessly after thinking for a while.

Seeing Alice's hot ears, Liu Nianfeng realized how powerful the swimsuit he was accustomed to had in the eyes of women in this era.

"Come on! You put this on!" Alice stuffed the evening dress into Liu Nianfeng's arms.

"What is this for?" Liu Nianfeng stared blankly at the evening dress in his hand.

"Of course I put it on for you! Cover your body so that you won't be afraid of being exposed!" Alice said as a matter of course.

"Then what about you..." Liu Nianfeng asked foolishly.

"I'm a woman, so there's nothing to be afraid of, that's enough!" When Alice said this, there was no shyness on her face. It seemed that in Alice's heart, this was indeed a very normal thing.

This scene has the same effect as my own reality!

"Hurry up and put it on!" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng didn't move for a long time, but stared at her body firmly, Alice couldn't help but blush and urged anxiously.

"Oh!" Actually, Liu Nianfeng was still somewhat repelled by the matter of wearing women's clothes.But thinking that if he refused, the dress would return to Alice's body again, Liu Nianfeng immediately put the evening dress on himself without hesitation.

It's just that Liu Nianfeng was wearing this kind of dress for the first time after all, and he couldn't put it on after wearing it halfway through. He was so embarrassed that he finally put on this evening dress with Alice's help.

Although this evening dress was already soaked in the water, it was worn by Alice for a long time after going ashore... so the cold water of the lake was actually warm at this time... This is from Alice. The warmth of silk body temperature.

There is also a faint orchid-like fragrance lingering in the nose of Liunianfeng, which penetrates the mind of Liunianfeng.

Feeling this evening dress that can almost make people feel soft all over, and the evening dress with a beautiful body and fragrance, Liu Nianfeng fell into a deep intoxication, like a dream.

"You are so beautiful too!" And when this evening dress was worn on Liu Nianfeng, Alice's eyes couldn't help but froze... At this time, Liu Nianfeng no longer looked half a man, he was completely mature. I met a beautiful girl with short hair who is so charming and charming.

"Okay! Let's go, both of us!" Liu Nianfeng didn't want to stay by the lake for a second.

"En!" Alice nodded, and after a little hesitation, she grabbed Liu Nianfeng's hand.Under Liu Nianfeng's amazed and delighted eyes, the two held hands and ran wildly.

 This chapter has been revised a lot

(End of this chapter)

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