girl line

Chapter 73 Explosion! [Thank you for adding more]

Chapter 73 Explosion! [Thank you for adding more]

[Thank you readers: If you don’t have a name, you can give a reward of 10000 starting coins]

[Thanks to readers: AC&ak, ​​Xingyue Lingmeng, book friend 161112172613197, Sola Yijia, Li Weige nilaomu, flying into the world of mortals, soft feathers, the scene is just like this, ecstasy dance steps, Longzu Zhuyin, youth without regrets 135 reward]

[To be reasonable, please let me rest for a while, if I add more things like this, I will die...]

"Master!" Kujo Miyuki calmly opened the door, and then calmly closed the door.

"Kujo, give Miss Alice a set of your new clothes, and it will be my fault!" Liu Nianfeng said to Kujo Miyuki quickly.

"Yes! Master!" Kujo Miyuki said respectfully, and then watched Alice and Liunianfeng enter her room.

"Smelly cow..." Seeing Liu Nianfeng's room door slam shut, Kujo Miyuki's expressionless face turned sour instantly, as if she had taken a big gulp of Zhenjiang vinegar.

"Miss Alice! You are so beautiful!" Liu Nianfeng turned on the light in the room to the brightest immediately after entering the room. Under the light like moonlight, Alice's beautiful face once again moved Liu Nianfeng's heart, so that Liu Nianfeng can't help but say.

"I hate can he be so direct, he doesn't look like a reserved boy at all!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's praise, Alice was elated, but she was also faintly curious and puzzled.

Boys in this world are more reserved, even if they really like it, they don't say it in their hearts. How can there be someone like Liu Nianfeng who praises himself for being beautiful at the slightest disagreement... Isn't this a little too unreserved?
"I hate it... On the contrary, I'm starting to be shy..." Alice lowered her head, blushing and thought... Although the era of female authority is the world record, there are some personalities that are deeply rooted in the genes of men and women. When shy, girls still have to be shy obediently.

The two people with different thoughts fell silent at the same time, looking at each other, the more they looked at each other, the more their hearts were surging, there was a feeling of seeing each other and hating each other, just like lovers in previous lives.

This is a wonderful experience, and it is also an experience that Liu Nianfeng has never felt, just like the mouse meets the rice... the moth meets the bonfire... the star meets the moon... the plug meets the socket.

These two hearts are getting closer and closer in the wordless silence, and at the same time, the straight-line distance between the two is getting closer and closer... This is driven by a mysterious force. Neither Liu Nianfeng nor Alice moved their bodies at all. However, there is a mysterious force driving them behind them, making these two people get closer.

Gradually, Liu Nianfeng could feel the peculiar body fragrance from the other person's body... It was like a glass of rich rose milk, so alluring.

And this also made Liu Nianfeng even more intoxicated, seeing the two getting closer, a sudden knock on the door instantly interrupted the ambiguity between the two lovers.

"Who is it!" Liu Nianfeng asked very unhappy.

"Master! The clothes you want are here!" Kujo Miyuki's voice came from the door.

"Okay! I'll open the door for you right now!" There's no way, since Kujo Miyuki is here, then Liu Nianfeng has no reason to refuse, so he can only helplessly run to open the door for the other party.

"Master? Why are you still wearing this dirty dress? Are you excited to wear it?" Kujo Miyuki frowned and looked at the evening dress that was still worn by Liu Nianfeng, very disdainful Tucao Road.

"Ahem! Forgot! I'm going to change right away!" Liu Nianfeng coughed, hurriedly took out a set of clothes from the closet, and hid in the bathroom to change.

Liu Nianfeng changes clothes very quickly, because he really wants to finish changing quickly, and then secretly admire the scene of Alice changing clothes... Anyway, women in the future are not as taboo to expose themselves as they were in the past, so Liu Nianfeng can appreciate the whole process, It is estimated that Alice will not have any dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that Liu Nianfeng had thousands of calculations, but in the end he missed it.When Fleeting Maple entered the bathroom, the door was immediately closed by Miyuki Kujo, and then added meaningfully, "Master, you'd better take a shower first! Otherwise, the sour smell on your body can kill everyone!"

"Is my body sore?" Liu Nianfeng raised his arm and put it in front of his nose to sniff, there was not much smell!

However, with the aim of perfection, Liu Nianfeng still took a quick bath for himself.

It's just that when she came out of the bathroom after bathing, Alice had already changed Miyuki Kujo's clothes, and Fleeting Maple completely missed the most beautiful dressing scene!
However, Liu Nianfeng didn't have many regrets in his heart, because at this time he happened to see an extremely exciting scene.

************************************************** *******************

Miyuki Kujo ran back to her room with a livid face, and then quickly ran back with a loose sweater, asking Alice to put it on.

"It's getting late, Miyuki, you've worked hard all day, go to bed early!" As a result, Kujo Miyuki was coaxed and dragged out of the room before Kujo Miyuki could finish her sentence.

At this moment, only Liu Nianfeng and Alice were left in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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