girl line

Chapter 75 The Power of Hatred

Chapter 75 The Power of Hatred

"..." When Ning Hai asked this question, the atmosphere in the originally cheerful room suddenly fell into a dead silence.All mirth disappeared and was replaced by a deep silence.

Alice, who was still smiling just now, suddenly closed her mouth firmly, with a struggling expression on her face, obviously a battle between heaven and man was going on in her heart.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I saw Alice suddenly raised her head pale, looking at Liu Nianfeng's face, her lips opened and closed as if struggling, and finally gave her own answer.

"I'm afraid it won't work! I'm afraid I won't be able to be your star sister!" Alice said quietly.

The so-called star sisters, as the name suggests, are the sisters who belong to the same star admiral, that is, the starship girls who belong to the same star admiral.

Alice's refusal of the Starship Sister's invitation meant she rejected the starship girl who became Fleeting Maple.

"Why? Why can't you be my starship girl?" Liu Nianfeng really wanted a cigarette, which would make him feel better

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for you" Alice's eyes seemed to be a little moist, and she replied in a dull voice, "I have already decided, I want to give the love letter to Liu Zhuangtian, and I want to be her starship girl .”

"Liu Zhuangtian...why is she?" Liu Nianfeng sneered

"Because she is the most powerful Admiral of the Stars!" Alice answered concisely.

"What if Liu Zhuangtian rejects you?" Liu Nianfeng raised his head and asked tentatively, "Will you be my starship girl at that time?"

"No!" Alice still shook her head "If that's the case, I will submit a love letter to von Hindenburg! If von Hindenburg also rejects me, I will submit a love letter to Miyamoto Musashino, who is in the third grade !"

"In short, I will not submit a love letter to you!" Alice bit her lip and replied, blocking all of Liu Nianfeng's questions in one breath.

"I see!" Liu Nianfeng showed a clear expression, he finally figured it out, "You want to choose the powerful Admiral of the Stars, right?"

"That's right!" Alice nodded vigorously and said, "Both my parents died at the hands of the star beast Kunpeng. My greatest wish in this life is to kill Kunpeng myself and avenge my parents."

"In order to realize my wish, I must find the most powerful star admiral, and only the most powerful star admiral can realize my wish!"

"This is the obsession of my life, I hope you can understand, don't hate me! If I didn't carry so many things on my body, I would definitely choose you!" At this point, Alice has become a little sad, obviously As she said herself, a woman who has carried many things on her back.

Star beast: Kunpeng, a star beast of the demon saint level, is second only to the two monster king-level star beasts in strength among all the star beasts mastered by humans, and ranks fifth among the human star beasts , is a star beast that has been entangled with humans for nearly 1000 years.

During these 1000 years, Kunpeng destroyed more than 50 planetary systems inhabited by humans, the most recent of which was the Radiant Planetary System 20 years ago. That galaxy was a small colony of humans, with a total of 400 More than 400 people, as a result, these [-] million people died together with the star admiral of the tutelary mansion and the starship girls, and there was not a single person left alive in the entire galaxy.

Now it seems that this Alice is very likely to be a survivor of the Radiant Planetary System. Maybe she happened to be on vacation at that time, or she was lucky enough to escape through the escape pod. All in all, Alice survived and was soaked in hatred. Zhongdu is burdened with the obsession to avenge his parents.

It's just that the strength of this star beast, Kunpeng, is too terrifying. Even the three marshal-level admirals of the stars jointly encircled and suppressed it, and it escaped. The general admirals of the stars just delivered food in front of Kunpeng.

It's no wonder that Alice is determined to find the most powerful star admiral, only with Liu Zhuangtian's strength can she avenge Alice!
"It's almost 11 o'clock, it's not suitable for me to stay here, I'm leaving!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng fell into silence, Alice covered her mouth and was about to leave Liu Nianfeng's dormitory directly.

"Wait!" At the moment Alice got up, Liu Nianfeng grabbed Alice's wrist, and then pulled hard into his arms, and Alice was pulled into his arms by Liu Nianfeng.

"This is the Emperor's Embrace..." Falling into Liu Nianfeng's arms, Alice, who likes to read Gongdou's novels the most, couldn't help thinking of the plots in these novels.I remembered the scene where the heroine in the novel was forcibly held in the arms of the domineering emperor. This was a scene Alice had imagined countless times, but she never thought it would come true at this moment. This made Alice's little heart start to thump. stand up.

"I ask you! If I defeat Liu Zhuangtian! Are you willing to be my starship girl?" Liu Nianfeng asked with bloodshot eyes.

"It's's impossible for you to defeat Liu Zhuangtian...Liu Nianfeng, just give up, don't say such stupid things, okay! Don't force yourself like this, okay!" Woke up in a start, and returned to the sad tone before.

"Don't worry about whether I'm stupid or not, you just need to answer me whether it's Liu Zhuangtian whom I defeated, and you will give me your love letter!" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"Yes!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's firm eyes, Alice knew that she could not say any more useless words, and replied with the same firm tone, "Tomorrow! If you can surpass Liu Zhuangtian in peak value added tomorrow, I will Give you my love letter!"

"But at the same time, I will also give the love letter to Liu Zhuangtian. Unless you can defeat her in a one-on-one battle the day after tomorrow, I will not choose you!"

According to the rules for using love letters, each starship girl can hand over no more than three love letters to three different admirals at the latest before the start of the last exam, and the admiral can choose the one he likes among these love letters. Starship Girl.

And once more than two admirals selected the same starship girl's love letter, the right to choose would be transferred to the starship girl's hands, and the other party would determine their final choice.

"I understand! It's settled!" After saying this, Liu Nianfeng suddenly lowered his head, and kissed Alice's lips forcefully and painfully, "Don't worry! You are mine!"

"Okay!" Alice nodded with tears in her eyes, and left Liunianfeng's dormitory just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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