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Chapter 76 Fleeing Years and Defeating the Sky [Thanks for rewards and updates]

Chapter 76 Fleeing Years and Defeating the Sky [Thanks for rewards and updates]

[Thank you readers: kiTTrito’s 10000 starting point token reward, this chapter will be updated for you]

[Thanks to the readers: Tokyo's 800 million lolita coaches, hometown cloud 1, o Fengyi o, Lan Feng's holy mad god, I would rather be idle, bakaonion, radish and big banana, blood stained with dust, black Luo Baiyin gray rhyme, The cold light hidden in the dark]

"Looks like we're going to fight all night today!" Although the story that happened this day consumed a lot of Liu Nianfeng's physical strength and energy, but Liu Nianfeng still has a new goal and enters the game with high spirits.

There is no way, if Liu Nianfeng wants to make Alice his own starship girl, he must defeat the mountain Liu Zhuangtian.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng didn't pay much attention to tomorrow's bee value increase test.

If it hadn't been for using Lingyou Baoyu to cover up her true bee value increase, Liu Nianfeng would have surpassed Liu Zhuangtian and become No.1 in Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy.

What really worried Liu Nianfeng was the next actual combat mock exam, which was the real battle between him and Liu Zhuantian. If Liu Nianfeng couldn't beat Liu Zhuangtian in that battle, Liu Nianfeng would miss Alice forever.

Although at Liu Nianfeng's current level, even if he trains hard for another year, he might not be Liu Zhuangtian's opponent, and his chance of winning is about 0%.

But Liu Nianfeng has a trump card in his hands, that is, the secret art of stars mastered by Liu Nianfeng. If he uses the secret art of stars, the chance of winning is about 50%.

As for Lexington's advice, Liu Nianfeng completely ignored it.Anyway, these are just Lexington's requirements for Liu Nianfeng. Once such a critical moment comes, Liu Nianfeng will ignore Lexington's orders.

However, a 50% chance of winning is still not enough. After all, Liu Zhuantian is too powerful. Liu Nianfeng might have blown up the battleship before Liu Nianfeng could get close.

More importantly, it is impossible for Liu Nianfeng to directly enter the finals. Only by defeating other opponents can he really stand on the battlefield of the finals.

Then if Liu Nianfeng exposed his secret star technique before the decisive battle, then Liu Zhuangtian would have taken precautions early.If that's the case, Liu Nianfeng's winning rate will drop from 50% to about 20%, which is what Liu Nianfeng fears the most!

So in the remaining few days, Liu Nianfeng had to put aside everything and devote all his time to the training of the game.If he could defeat a brutal AI before the decisive battle with Liu Zhuangtian, then Liu Nianfeng's winning rate would soar from 50% to 80%!

I have to admit that a man's fighting spirit needs to be stimulated by a woman. Under Alice's encouragement, Liu Nianfeng made amazing progress in this night's training.

In a total of nine hours and 35 minutes, Fleeting Maple fought a total of 603 battles with the brutal AI.

Although the results of the battle all ended in the defeat of Liu Nianfeng, but Liu Nianfeng increased the battle time from 41 seconds to 53 seconds, increasing the battle time by 12 seconds.

And the average shooting rate per game has also increased from 9% to 15%, and the average evasion rate has increased from 8% to 14%... This is an extremely amazing result.The improvement effect of this night actually exceeded the improvement effect of Liu Nianfeng in the previous two weeks, which is simply a terrifying achievement.

This means that Liu Nianfeng is no longer a baby under one year old in front of the cruel AI. He has grown to the level of a three or four-year-old child, and he can barely survive with the cruel AI!
"Damn it! I'm afraid it's still not enough!" Such an improvement effect is already a very gratifying achievement, but Liu Nianfeng is still a little anxious. The battle with Liu Zhuantian is imminent. Compete!
Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng felt bored and mentally exhausted, so Liu Nianfeng decided to take a break and chat with the npc starship girl beside him to relieve his nervousness.

"Hey! Tell me, can I defeat Liu Zhuangtian this time?" Liu Nianfeng sighed, then turned to ask the NPC starship girl beside her.

Since the first communication with this NPC girl, Liu Nianfeng would involuntarily talk to this NPC girl whenever she was resting.

Sometimes the NPC will simply answer himself, but more often the other party just keeps silent.

But this is enough for Liu Nianfeng, who is tensing up his spirit all the time, and it is precisely because of the existence of this NPC girl that Liu Nianfeng's spirit has not collapsed again.

"..." The NPC girl stood there quietly without speaking.But Liu Nianfeng said to himself, "I know if you don't answer me, the current me is absolutely impossible to be Liu Zhuangtian's opponent, how can I beat her pervert?"

"I also know in my heart that before I really defeat the cruel AI, it is definitely not the time for me to come out to fight, and even if I defeat the cruel AI, it is impossible for her to be Liu Zhuangtian's opponent."

"Before last night, I didn't dare to have any thoughts about Liu Zhuangtian. But now it's different, and now I must defeat her, otherwise... otherwise..." Liu Nianfeng's tone became a little low when he said this down.

"Why?" Suddenly, the NPC asked, and the first thing he said was "Why do you have to beat her?"

"You actually said two words!" Liu Nianfeng was surprised at first, but he didn't take it seriously, so he took the initiative to answer, "Do you know what love at first sight is?"

"...forget it... you are an NPC, you must not know what love at first sight is... you just need to know that I am in love with a woman now, but this woman is going to become Liu Zhuangtian's starship girl. Only Liu Zhuangtian can get the woman I want!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Liu Nianfeng finished speaking, he suddenly found that the figure of the NPC starship girl shook suddenly, as if the battery was low.

But this also reminded Liu Nianfeng that it was getting late, if he didn't leave the game, he might not be able to catch up with today's exam.

"I'm leaving!" Liu Nianfeng stood up and said to the NPC girl, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, Liu Nianfeng did not leave, but turned his head and asked curiously, "After I leave this game room , will all the NPCs be refreshed! Will you still be the one I meet next time I enter the game?"

"..." The NPC didn't answer.

"Haha! Why do I ask this idiot question! It doesn't matter if you have refreshed or not, as long as you can appear by my side and listen to me!" Liu Nianfeng laughed at himself, he actually had a little concern for this NPC emotions come out.

"By the way! It seems inappropriate to call you by you all the time!" Liu Nianfeng touched his chin, rolled his eyes and said, "I'll give you a name, and I will call you by your name in the future !"

"Well... what name should I give you... yes... in order to reflect my determination to defeat Liu Zhuangtian, you should be called Baitian!... This Baitian is just a name, you also need a surname ...That's all right, you will take my surname Liunian, and from now on I will call you Liunian Baitian!"

"Hahahaha!" Liu Nianfeng laughed a few times and left the game completely.

And when Liu Nianfeng left, Liu Zhuangtian's figure appeared in the game at the same time.

It's just that Liu Zhuangtian's complexion is not good-looking, on the contrary, there is a wave of anger and depression suppressed on his face.

To be more precise, it was a whiff of jealousy.If anyone who is familiar with Liu Zhuantian saw Liu Zhuantian's expression at this time, he might be surprised and wonder if the world is destroyed.

Liu Zhuantian has never shown a jealous expression since she was a child, because from the beginning to the end, others are jealous of her Liu Zhuantian, and there is no one in this world worthy of Liu Zhuantian's jealousy.

But starting today, Liu Zhuangtian will start to be jealous of a certain woman.

(End of this chapter)

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