girl line

Chapter 77 Love Letters

Chapter 77 Love Letters
Unlike yesterday's exam, today's grade-level joint exam has moved the exam room to the school's auditorium.

This is a large auditorium that can accommodate 10 people watching at the same time. All the starship girls of the first grade sat in the auditorium, while the star admirals of the second grade stood in a neat queue in the center of the auditorium. , the whole looks quite a bit like a campus sports meeting.

In a corner of the stands, Ning Hai Ping Hai and Dong Fang Liu Li, who was depressed, were sitting together.Dongfang Liuli, the poor little guy, although he got Liu Nianfeng's forgiveness yesterday, and Liu Nianfeng also promised not to tell the story of that day, but this little guy didn't sleep well all night, so he faced it early this morning. Dark circles appeared beside Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

"Sister Liuli, is your admiral here today?" Ning Hai and Pinghai suddenly asked Dongfang Liuli.

"Of course I'm here..." Dongfang Liuli nodded vigorously, then pointed to a girl in school uniform wearing a black and white sailor uniform in the middle of the auditorium and said, "That person is my admiral!"

"Oh! She is so close to our admiral! It seems to be in the same queue!" Ping Hai said in surprise.

"Of course!" Dongfang Liuli said as a matter of course, "My admiral is also in class four, and he is in the same class as your Liu Nianfeng, so of course we will stand together!"

"Oh!" Ping Hai nodded, then unconsciously glanced at the opposite stand, and immediately pulled Ning Hai's hand excitedly and said, "Sister, look, is it Sister Alice sitting there!"

"It's really Elder Sister Alice!" Ning Hai looked at it and nodded vigorously. That's right, the person sitting opposite him was Alice who had a relationship last night.

"Do you know people from "Murder Club"?" Dongfang Liuli was taken aback when she saw Ning Hai and Ping Hai's reaction... At this time, sitting opposite their stand was clearly a group of prostitute girls.


The stands of the auditorium are divided into hundreds of areas, and each area can accommodate about 1000 spectators on average.

However, in "Murder Club", the starship girls in their early [-]s occupied the stands of a certain area... The other starship girls around consciously stayed away from the stand area where "Breast Kill Club" was located, so they seemed to be in the densely packed stands. A rare independent small circle was formed.

This is not because the starship girls in "Murder Club" are domineering and cannot tolerate other starship girls sitting in the stands with them.

It was those starship girls who took the initiative to stay away from the stand area where "Murder Club" was located... It takes a lot of courage to sit in the stand area with these **** girls, and this courage comes from the size of their chests.

"Minister, how are you and that handsome guy doing yesterday? Did you eat chicken?" Xi Yueer and Hongyu crowded beside Alice, asking excitedly.

"That's why you two threw me on the shore yesterday?" Alice realized that the two members were the same, and then said lightly, "Eat!"

"I really ate it!" Xi Yue'er and Hongyu were taken aback. The eating chicken they said was just a joke, and they unexpectedly got a positive answer from Alice.

"I wonder if this Liu Nianfeng is too ignorant and reserved... How can he just give girls chickens casually... He doesn't insist at all... It's too easy to lie!" Xi Yue'er said with some dissatisfaction.

Hongyu on the side nodded approvingly.

"Okay! No matter what, he is an innocent boy, so don't put your crooked thoughts on others, and think about your own future destiny!" Alice knocked on the heads of these two people respectively. Say it.

"That's right! To tell the truth from the minister, the love letter between the two of us has already been written!" Xi Yue'er giggled, and pressed on the armrest of her seat, a drone that was suspended like a flying saucer Immediately, it flew in front of Xi Yue'er, and automatically opened an opening similar to the size of a mailbox delivery port.

"Hee hee! I'll vote for one first!" Xi Yue'er raised the envelope in her hand, which naturally contained Xi Yue'er's love letter, and on the front of the envelope was written a big "Liu Zhuangtian" word!
After showing off, Xi Yueer stuffed the envelope into the delivery port of the flying saucer robot, and the flying saucer robot that completed the task flew to the position of the starship girl who pressed the next button.

"Your first love letter was given to Liu Zhuangtian!" Hongyu said in surprise after seeing it.

"Of course!" Xi Yue'er nodded, and said firmly, "She is the strongest!"

"Because she is the strongest, the love letter she received must have gone to sea, so she won't vote for you!" Hongyu gave Xiyue'er a white look, and then also pressed the button on the armrest, A flying saucer robot soon came to Hongyu, and I don't know if it was the robot that Xi Yue'er delivered just now... Anyway, there are a thousand such flying saucer robots working in the entire auditorium.

"Hey! Who did you give your first love letter to?" Hongyu's movements were quick, and the delivery of the love letter was completed the moment the robot opened its mouth. It was not like Xi Yue'er wanted to show off deliberately, so Xi Yue'er didn't know who Hongyu had voted her first love letter to.

Feeling inexplicably at a disadvantage, Xi Yue'er immediately wanted to force Hongyu to name the recipient of her first love letter.

Naturally, Hongyu didn't say anything, and the two of them quickly fought together.

"Okay, you two, be quiet! The game is about to start!" Alice reluctantly separated the two guys, and at the same time, she pressed the button for summoning the flying saucer robot.

"Minister! You are finally going to deliver the love letter!" Xi Yue'er screamed excitedly, and this scream quickly attracted the attention of other "Breast Killing Club" Chen Yuan around.

These members all looked at their minister in surprise, and then began to applaud collectively... In the past five years, it seems that his minister has never delivered a love letter, and it seems that today will finally break With this record, my minister has finally found his own stellar admiral!
Amid the applause of many members, Alice took a deep breath and took out an envelope from her arms.

Xi Yue'er, who was on the side, had the quickest eyes, saw clearly the name written on the envelope for the first time, and screamed loudly, "Liu Zhuangtian! It's Liu Zhuangtian!"

"Hmm!" Amid Xi Yue'er's screams, Alice quickly threw the envelope into the belly of the flying saucer robot, and the most watched starship girl in the school, the head of the "Breast Killing Club" Xiang Liu The news that Zhuang Tian delivered the love letter quickly spread throughout the stands.

This was a result that did not surprise everyone. Explosive breasts were only for the strong. It was only natural that Alice would send her love letter to Liu Zhuangtian, the strongest in the academy.

 The debt is completed, and it is back to the state of two updates a day, so happy!

(End of this chapter)

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