girl line

Chapter 78 Exam Begins

Chapter 78 Exam Begins

"Hey, have you heard! The head of the "Breast Killing Club" delivered a love letter, and the target is Liu Zhuangtian!"

"What's so strange about this! She has been in the school for five years, and if she does not advance to the second grade, she will be assigned to the public fleet. Apart from Liu Zhuangtian, she has better Choose?"

"But this time, one of Liu Zhuangtian's two choices has already been reserved... Hey, really, the good admiral is being overwhelmed by the cow!"

Such a conversation came from behind Ning Hai and Ping Hai. After listening to it, Ning Hai and Ping Hai looked at Liu Nian Feng in the center of the auditorium with worry in his eyes.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng was naturally unaware of what happened in the stands, and he was engrossed in staring at the giant ghost crystal for testing in the center of the auditorium.

Different from the small ghost crystals used in daily exams, the one placed in the center of the auditorium at this time is a giant ghost crystal, which is said to be able to detect the increase in bee value to the fifth decimal place, and the calculated data is even more accurate. Precise and informative.

"I don't know if this Lingyou gem can hide from the detection of the giant Lingyou crystal!" Looking at the big guy in the middle of the auditorium, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help thinking with some worry.

But since Lexington didn't ask about this matter like he did, it shows that Lexington is confident that Lingyou Baoyu can definitely hide the giant Lingyou crystal.

Of course, the more important point is that now Lexington is standing on the host stage, which instantly makes Liu Nianfeng feel a lot more at ease.

"Next, students are invited to take the test in order according to the rankings of yesterday's theoretical knowledge test!" Lexington announced the rules loudly, and immediately a star admiral trembled on the stage.

"Li Tianyi! This test was 27.10340 bees, the last test was 25.10126 bees, and the personal limit growth value was 0.10300 bees. In three months, the total increase was 2.00214 bees, and the limit growth rate was 98%. Currently, the bee value growth ranks No.1!"

This Li Tianyi's talent is only around C-level, which is really not a good result, but because she is the first to appear, she is temporarily ranked first.

In addition, this text was not read by Lexington, but was directly projected in the auditorium... Each word is as big as a villa, and the front can be seen from any angle, ensuring that every starship girl You can clearly see the opponent's performance.

Li Tianyi's score was suspended for about ten seconds in total, and then the score text gradually became smaller, and finally became about 1/3 of the original size, but it was enough for the starship girls to see clearly.

The original grades were moved to the lower position, replaced by a big love letter icon in the middle, and the number following the love letter.Obviously this string of numbers refers to the number of love letters Admiral Li Tianyi received.

"Starship girl students, you now have 20 seconds to decide whether to deliver your love letter to Admiral Li Tianyi. Of course, you can also write down Admiral Li Tianyi's name during the three-day exam time from today to the day after tomorrow. , you can all send your love letters to the admiral you like!" Lexington said loudly, and Admiral Li Tianyi raised his head, looking at the number of love letters above his head beggingly, hoping that within 20 seconds, this Numbers can vary.

What shocked Li Tianyi was that from the first second, the number began to change drastically again.After 20 seconds, the total number of love letters actually changed to 508, which means that a total of 508 starship girls chose Li Tianyi and were willing to become Li Tianyi's starship girl.

This situation made Li Tianyi feel ecstatic. She never imagined that she, who got the last place with poor grades, would be so loved by the starship girls!

Some readers may be wondering, Li Tianyi's grades don't seem to be good, and he is still the last one in the theoretical knowledge test. How come there are so many starship girls willing to deliver their love letters to Li Tianyi?
The reason is very simple, because of Li Tianyi's poor grades, most of the starship girls are actually unwilling to deliver their love letters to Li Tianyi from the bottom of their hearts.

But in fact, the number of starship girls is far greater than the number of star admirals. Every year, about half of the starship girls cannot find their admirals, and are finally forced to join the public fleet.

And most of the more than 500 starship girls who voted their love letters to Li Tianyi are starship girls who have been in their fifth year this year. They know in their hearts that those powerful star admirals look down on them. Among the public fleets, only those star admirals with the worst grades are selected by pinching their noses, and only such star admirals are likely to fall in love with them!
For example, this is a leftover woman who seems to be nearly 30 years old. In order not to marry a poor man with missing arms and legs, she has to bite the bullet and marry a man with a low IQ, but everything else is normal anyway.

It is said that there are nearly 8000 starship girls who will be assigned to the public fleet this time, so it becomes extremely normal for them to deliver their love letters to Li Tianyi desperately.

In fact, after Li Tianyi, many other star admirals also received love letters with more than three digits. When they reached the top two hundred, some of the star admirals received love letters that exceeded four digits.

There are many classmates of Liu Nianfeng appearing on the stage, but the relationship between Liu Nianfeng and them is not very good, so they don't pay too much attention to each other's results.It wasn't until Chen Shihan, who was ranked [-]th on the stage, that Liu Nianfeng became interested and wanted to see how his good friend's performance was.

Ever since Liu Nianfeng transferred to Class [-], the time she spent with Chen Shihan plummeted.However, Liu Nianfeng will still take the initiative to return to the dormitory with Chen Shihan when get out of class is over on weekdays, so the relationship between Chen Shihan and Liu Nianfeng has not declined, and they still maintain a good friendship. Good friend.

As for his friend's test scores, Liu Nianfeng was naturally also very concerned.

"Chen Shihan! This test was 20.02956 bees, the last test was 17.31628 bees, and the personal limit growth value was 0.21025 bees. In three months, the total increase was 2.71328 bees, and the limit growth rate was 98.123%. Currently, the bee value growth ranks 27th!"

It seems that Chen Shihan's results are not bad, and he is actually ranked 400th among the more than 27 star admirals who have appeared.

Moreover, the ranking of the order of appearance is determined according to the ranking of the theoretical knowledge test, and has nothing to do with the added value of bee value.

Therefore, among the 99 people who appeared behind Chen Shihan, there may not be many who can surpass Chen Shihan in added value of bee value, and I am afraid that Chen Shihan will at least be among the top 50 in the end.

And this result also greatly stimulated the starship girls in the stands. As soon as the number of love letters above Chen Shihan's head appeared, there were 56 love letters. As 20 seconds passed, the number crazily accumulated to 2153.

However, this number is not the end. Chen Shihan still has three days to continue accumulating, and the love letters received in the end are likely to exceed 4000. You must know that the total number of love letters is only 30. Awesome.

And this result also made Chen Shihan's smiling eyes bend, this time Chen Shihan will definitely be able to hug two excellent starship girls!

(End of this chapter)

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