girl line

Chapter 80 The Gap Between Man and God

Chapter 80 The Gap Between Man and God
Xia Shiyu stepped down and left. The unimportant third No.4 came on stage and got her own results. After receiving thousands of love letters, she also left the stage. At this time, it was finally Liu Nianfeng's turn to come on stage!

Liu Nianfeng took a deep breath, tightly held the Lingyou gem in his hand, and when he was about to go on the stage, something unexpected happened.

Liu Zhuantian suddenly took a step forward, walked in front of Liu Nianfeng first, and asked Dean Lexington who was sitting on the rostrum, "Master Dean, can I start the exam now?"

"Why?" Facing Liu Zhuangtian's request, Lexington was obviously stunned for a moment, and said a little confused, "You are No.1 in the theoretical foundation test, and you should be the last one to appear on stage, why do you want to appear on stage now? "

"Report to the dean! During the exam, there are two multiple-choice questions worth three points. I don't know how to do it. I just guessed an answer at random, and it happened to be right!" Liu Zhuangtian said with a flat expression on his face. I feel deeply ashamed about this, and I blame myself very much, so I decided to take the initiative to confess."

"If these six points are removed, I should be No.2, and No.1 in the exam is Fleeting Maple. So I hope that the real No.1 will finally appear!"

"Oh! Interesting!" Lexington looked at Liu Zhuangtian, then at Liu Nianfeng, with a somewhat incomprehensible smile on the corner of his mouth, and then turned to Liu Nianfeng and asked, "Student Liu Nianfeng, this is the two of you It's inconvenient for me, teacher, to intervene in matters between you, and it's up to you to decide whether to agree to student Liu Zhuangtian's request!"

"Me?" Liu Nianfeng fell silent, as long as his IQ was normal, he would be able to find that Liu Zhuantian's excuses were really lame and ridiculous.

Not to mention whether she really guessed the question correctly, even if she really guessed the question correctly, according to the rules of the exam, Liu Zhuangtian got the answer right... If the guess is not correct, then those English Candidates shouting "Long live BCBCB" in the exam are afraid that they will beat Liu Zhuangtian's head off.

Taking a step back, even if her guess is correct, then there is absolutely no need for Liu Zhuangtian to tell the truth. As long as she doesn't say it, who would know if she guessed it right?

But Liu Zhuangtian just made everyone unexpected, she just told this matter.Liu Nianfeng guessed that Liu Zhuangtian's fundamental purpose was probably to be one step ahead of himself.

It's just why Liu Zhuangtian did this?It doesn't look like it's doing any good!

"Student Liu Zhuantian! Why did you do this? Is it just to be one step ahead of me?" Liu Nianfeng walked to Liu Zhuantian's side and whispered in her ear.

"You don't have to worry about it! You just need to answer yes or no!" Liu Zhuangtian replied lightly.

"What if I can't answer well?" Liu Nianfeng asked back,

"Then please return the account card to me!" Liu Zhuangtian remained expressionless.

"Report to the dean! I totally agree with Liu Zhuangtian's opinion! Just do what Liu Zhuangtian said!" Liu Nianfeng immediately raised his hand and said, what a joke, even if you kill him, you can't return that account card to Liu God of makeup!

"Very good! Classmate Liu Zhuangtian! You can go up now!" Lexington said with a smile.

Liu Zhuantian nodded, and began to walk towards the huge Lingyou crystal step by step with incomparable dignity... When she got close to the crystal, Liu Zhuantian yanked her neck fiercely, and a jade plaque It was directly pulled off by Liu Zhuangtian.

"Lingyou Baoyu!" Seeing the appearance of the jade tablet clearly, Liu Nianfeng was so frightened that he staggered and almost fell to the ground.Liu Nianfeng didn't expect that Liu Zhuangtian also held a ghost jade in his hand!
Liu Nianfeng immediately cast doubtful eyes on Lexington on the rostrum, and Liu Nianfeng clearly remembered that Lexington told herself that she got the Lingyou Baoyu from the corpse of the star beast, and it was unique in the entire universe Baby, why is there a piece of ghost jade in Liu Zhuangtian's hand now?
Seeing Liu Nianfeng's gaze, Lexington's expression became a little embarrassed.After a few seconds, a communication was sent to Liu Nianfeng's personal terminal.

"Ahem! Dean, can't you brag? Although Lingyou Baoyu is indeed not a unique treasure, it is also a rare treasure in the world. There are no more than five treasures in the world!" After reading Lexington Biography In the communication that came, Liu Nianfeng didn't have any other expressions other than shit.

But Liu Nianfeng soon realized that since Liu Zhuantian had been wearing the Lingyou Jade all the time, wouldn't her limit growth value of 0.500 be fake? The real limit growth value had always been hidden under Liu Zhuantian's Lingyou Jade ?

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng no longer dared to take his eyes off Liu Zhuantian's body, and focused on Liu Zhuantian's hands until the other party touched the ghost crystal.

"Liu Zhuangtian! This test is 135.23562 bees, the last test is 126.22752 bees, the personal limit growth value is 0.68542 bees, and the total increase in three months is 9.00837 bees, the limit growth rate is 100%, and the current bee value growth ranks first! "

"My God!" At this moment, including Lexington and all the teachers, all the people sitting in the chairs jumped up, staring at the numbers suspended in the sky in awe.

Liu Zhuangtian's personal growth limit has actually reached 0.68542!
What kind of number is this?
According to human history records, the highest personal limit growth value is from Marshal Xiaoyao 1300 years ago. Her personal limit growth value is 0.72887 bee, which is considered by human beings to be the closest to God. It is considered by humans to be an S++ talent, and it is also the only S++ talent.

The value of No.2's 0.66988 bee is 0.05899 bee, and this 0.05899 bee is also known as the gap between human beings and gods.

At this time, Liu Zhuangtian's personal limit growth value has surpassed the No.2 score, and is extremely close to the personal limit growth value of Marshal Xiaoyao.

At the moment when they saw this number, the thought popped up in everyone's mind, "The gap between humans and gods has been refreshed!"

"Will Liu Zhuangtian become the new god?" In the next second, such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds!

Before this, no one could have expected that such an event that shocked the entire universe would happen in such a daily college entrance examination.

It is conceivable that today's exam results will be quickly spread throughout the universe through the quantum signal wave and through the space gate, and will be passed to every human being, telling them that the record that has been covered in dust for 1300 years has been broken on this day !
"Minister! Squeeze my Oupai! See if my eyes are blurry! This must not be true, the gap between man and god has been refreshed!" Xi Yueer said foolishly, but Ai Li Si did not respond to Xi Yueer's reaction.

"Liu Nian Feng...are you sure you're going to lose..." Alice sat back on the chair weakly. If there was still a small hope in Alice's heart before, she felt that Liu Nian Feng might beat Liu Zhuangtian.

But at this moment, all hope has dissipated, Liu Zhuangtian actually broke the gap between man and god, this is a record that Liu Nianfeng can't break no matter what.

According to the agreement between himself and Liu Nianfeng, if Liu Nianfeng can't beat Liu Zhuangtian in today's exam, then Alice will refuse to send the love letter to Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng will lose the chance to get Alice forever!

It stands to reason that in the face of this result, Alice, who pursues the strong, should breathe a sigh of relief... But for some reason, Alice feels so sad in her heart, as if something important to her has left her forever!
(End of this chapter)

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