girl line

Chapter 81

Chapter 81
Following the announcement of Liu Zhuangtian's grades, the total number of love letters also followed.

It's just different from Liu Zhuangtian Zhengu Shuojin's personal limit growth value, Liu Zhuantian's total number of love letters is surprisingly small, only 25 love letters... You must know that anyone has a love letter with more than three digits!

But Liu Nianfeng didn't feel any surprise about this result.Because Liu Zhuangtian is too strong, so strong that all ordinary starship girls dare not approach.

These starship girls know that Liu Zhuangtian is definitely not an admiral they can covet, only the top starship girls are qualified to deliver their love letters to Liu Zhuantian, and Alice is among them!

"Report to the mistress!" At this moment, on a planet tens of thousands of light-years away from the Zhiyuan star, a woman who looked like Liu Zhuangtian was sitting cross-legged. On a futon made of nine-tailed white fox fur, and the walls around her are all made of Beiming Shenyu, which is calm and calm.

Beiming Shenyu can improve the cultivation effect of star admirals or starship girls. It is a hard-to-buy training treasure. The price of Beiming Shenyu in this room alone is enough to buy a hundred black hole-class space carriers. .

"What's the rush? Didn't you say that no one is allowed to disturb me when I'm practicing?" Liu Zhuantian's mother looked at the female officer in front of her with a stern face. If she is satisfied with the answer, Liu Zhuangtian doesn't mind letting her know what the mistress' anger is.

"Report to Mistress, Miss...Miss, something happened to her!" The lady officer reported!

"What! Something happened to Zhuangtian! What happened?" Liu Zhuantian's mother no longer cared about her serious image, stood up from the futon in a panic, and asked in a panic.

"It's like this..." The female officer immediately told the fact that Liu Zhuantian showed her true talent in the examination room.

"This silly daughter...she..." Liu Zhuangtian's eyebrows were almost on fire. She spent a lot of money to get a piece of ghost jade, hoping to help her daughter hide her true talent, and wait until the most suitable time. When the announcement of her talent can maximize the benefits of the Liu family, it will lay a solid foundation for the Liu family's inheritance in mankind through the ages.

But Liu Zhuantian's mother never expected that Liu Zhuantian would announce her true talent shortly after entering the academy, which completely disrupted all her plans!

"Why? Why did Zhuangtian do such impulsive things!" Liu Zhuantian's mother immediately dialed Liu Zhuantian's communication, trying to contact Liu Zhuantian.

But the message from the other end of the communication was always busy. It was obvious that Liu Zhuantian was not willing to communicate with his mother at this time.

In the end, Liu Zhuantian's mother could only sigh and said, "Forget it, it's too late to say anything now, we must act quickly to maximize the benefits of this matter!"

Next, Liu Zhuantian's mother began to mobilize the resources of the entire Liu family to carry out all-round operations for her daughter's affairs, trying to maximize the benefits this time.

At the same time, several other family leaders among humans, as well as the boards of directors of major commercial heavy industry groups, as well as the headquarters of the Interstellar United Fleet, etc., all the top forces among humans have received this shocking news. .

The pattern of the entire human race has changed following the announcement of this news. At this time, although these changes are very subtle, they do not seem to have any impact on major human events.

But in the distant future, this will inevitably have a profound impact on the entire human race.

But at this time, let's turn our attention back to this small examination room. Liu Zhuangtian's results still left everyone in shock. No sound, until Lexington was the first to wake up from the shock, and after calming down, he looked at Liu Zhuangtian meaningfully and said.

"Student Liu Zhuantian, is it really worth it? You should have a better choice! I'm afraid your mother won't just let you go!"

"Mother's choice is mother's choice, my choice is Liu Zhuantian's choice, it has nothing to do with mother!" Liu Zhuantian replied lightly.

"Very good! It seems that the most glorious moment in the thousands of years of our Zhiyuan starship girl's history is coming!" Lexington smiled "Okay, your test is over, please come down and change the last classmate Come on stage!"

"Yeah!" Liu Zhuangtian nodded, but she didn't come down from the high platform, but waved to Liu Nianfeng who was under the high platform, signaling Liu Nianfeng to go directly to the stage!
"Boom, boom, boom!" Liu Nianfeng walked up silently without hesitation, while Liu Zhuangtian took advantage of the situation and stopped in front of Liu Nianfeng. The two stood beside the Lingyou Crystal, looking at each other silently. other side.

"Am I strong?" At a very close distance, Liu Zhuangtian asked in a voice that only Liu Nianfeng could hear.

"Very strong!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, Liu Zhuangtian is indeed very strong, there is no doubt about it.If he was not a time traveler, he might not even be close to Liu Zhuangtian.

"Am I strong enough to protect you?" Liu Zhuangtian asked again, and there was a strong power in the question, which made Liu Nianfeng feel that the person standing in front of him was not a woman, but a woman. The supreme emperor.

"Maybe!" Facing Liu Zhuantian's aura, all Liu Nianfeng could do was puff up his chest and face Liu Zhuantian's power.

"I can protect you! As long as you need it!" At this point, Liu Zhuangtian's power disappeared in an instant, replaced by tenderness in his eyes.

It's just that this tenderness is different from the tenderness of ordinary girls... How should I put it, such a word can be used to describe this tenderness.

"Overlord tenderness?"

"Could it be that this Liu Zhuantian also likes me?" At this moment, if Liu Nianfeng still can't perceive Liu Zhuantian's heart, then Liu Nianfeng has watched so many harem animations for nothing.

"I..." Liu Nianfeng wanted to say something, but before he could say it, the tough tenderness in Liu Zhuangtian's eyes disappeared, replaced by endless domineering!

"My things! Belongs to me alone!" After speaking, Liu Zhuangtian left the high platform with raging power and descended, leaving Liu Nianfeng standing on the high platform with a somewhat dull look.

"The domineering queen falls in love with me?" Liu Nianfeng recalled how he was completely dominated by Liu Zhuangtian just now, a few drops of sweat dripped from his forehead.

This Liu Zhuangtian is very strong, but it's really not suitable for Liu Nianfeng!
It's unrealistic not to open a harem or something!

Well, putting this question aside for now, what Liu Nianfeng really needs to consider at this time is whether he should break Liu Zhuangtian's score just now!

(End of this chapter)

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