girl line

Chapter 82 An Interesting Misunderstanding [Thanks for adding more]

Chapter 82 An Interesting Misunderstanding [Thanks for adding more]

[Is it unexpected?Surprised or not?A new week begins, give all your recommendation tickets to the author! 】

[Thanks to the reader: book friend 160806002255493 for the 10000 starting point coin reward]

[Thanks to the readers: yahchenz, Hei Luo Bai Yin Hui Yun, Han Mang Hidden in the Dark, Long Zu Zhu Yin, Hao Wa, book friend 20170301035743997, Praise of the Cold Wind, Li Weige nilaomu, very individual name, memory wipe Hongchen, Li Weige nilaomu, why is the name White Fox used by some people, Dragon Emperor Yuexin, even Milala, for the tip of 593054]

In fact, when he promised Alice last night, Liu Nianfeng had already made up his mind to give up the agreement with Lexington.Increase your true limit increase by 0.52.

Not for anything else, just to surpass Liu Zhuangtian's 0.50 and get the love letter from Alice.

I have to admit that this is already an extremely dangerous thing. Liu Nianfeng may be coveted by the entire human society because of his exposure, but the young and passionate Liu Nianfeng can't control that much.

But now, Liu Zhuangtian's achievements were poured on Liu Nianfeng's head like a plate of cold water.

Can Liu Nianfeng break Liu Zhuangtian's performance?

Of course you can, after all, Liunianfeng's actual limit added value is as high as 1.6, which is double that of Marshal Xiaoyao, and Liunianfeng holds the Lingyou gem, as long as it is lower than his own limit added value, Liunianfeng can borrow Lingyou Baoyu's power is displayed.

But what does that mean?
It means that the danger that would have occurred only at a 50% rate has now become 100% at this moment.

The current human society where women are in power will never allow a male star admiral with the second highest talent in human history to grow up actively, just like there will be no second Wu Zetian in the world, Liu Nianfeng can be sure.

Helpless, Liu Nianfeng fell into silence and entanglement.


"Minister, what's wrong with this Fleeting Maple? Why has he been standing in front of the Lingyou Crystal? Why is he hesitating? Just put his hand on it?" Xi Yue'er frowned and said in puzzlement.

At this time, almost 3 minutes had passed since Liu Nianfeng took the stage, and these 3 minutes were enough for six or seven star admirals to complete their own tests.

But Liu Nianfeng stood motionless in front of the Lingyou crystal, and didn't touch the Lingyou crystal with his hands, just stood there quietly.

Ever since, there were bursts of whispers around the entire auditorium. They were all talking about Liu Nianfeng curiously. Could it be that Liu Nianfeng was so frightened by Liu Zhuangtian's grades that now he didn't even have the courage to test his own talent? All gone!

"I'm afraid he has fallen into despair!" Looking at Liu Nianfeng who was standing there blankly, Alice lowered her head and whispered to herself.

In Alice's view, Liu Nianfeng must have found that he could not surpass Liu Zhuangtian's performance at all, but he couldn't let go of himself, so he stayed where he was.

If Liu Nianfeng puts his hand on the ghost crystal, it means that he will completely lose the chance to be with him, that's why Liu Nianfeng is so hesitant in this last step, he dare not extend his hand hands.

Because once you stretch out these hands, it means the breakdown of your love.

"Does he really like me so much? How can I, Alice, be loved by Liunianfeng!" Seeing Liunianfeng standing there blankly, Alice was deeply moved.

He is the only male star admiral in the entire universe!
He is a handsome boy with 12 yuan abs!

He is a man who recruits all the starship girls on the outside, but he is also the male god that every starship girl secretly fantasizes about.

In this academy, I don't know how many starship girls fell asleep looking at Liu Nianfeng's photo, and regarded Liu Nianfeng as the lover of their dreams.

Now such a male god has shown such love for himself, how lucky I am to be able to be loved by him!
Although my Oppai is really big...

In Alice's heart, Liu Nianfeng is like the emperor in the Gongdou novel, and she is just a big concubine...

At the same time, many pictures appeared in Alice's mind, and these pictures were all pictures of her getting along with Liu Nianfeng last night.

The picture of Liu Nianfeng sweating to save himself from falling into the water [actually water droplets]!
The picture of Liu Nianfeng giving himself artificial respiration regardless of shyness and male-female defense [Actually, Liu Nianfeng is very happy]!
The picture of me holding Liunianfeng's hand and running happily on the street【Actually, Liunianfeng is not very happy】!
Liu Nianfeng doesn't mind her strange hobbies at all, and at the same time, she can communicate with herself freely on this topic [Actually, Liu Nianfeng wishes Alice had such a hobby]!
In her life, Alice has never met such an excellent man who fit her so well in every aspect... Could it be that she really wants to give up all of this?

At this moment, Alice is also caught in the entanglement of countless entanglements.

"Student Liu Nianfeng! Please take the test quickly! Don't waste everyone's time!" Lexing urged on the rostrum, and Liu Nianfeng could only nod helplessly, and stretched out his hands with a sad face .

"Hey! Just think of it for yourself!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's mournful face, Alice couldn't bear it any longer.

I saw that Alice immediately pressed the button on the armrest of the seat, summoning the flying saucer robot to her, and at the same time took out an envelope with her own body temperature from her chest... just before the entrance of the robot was about to be delivered. Alice froze again hesitantly.

Once this love letter is delivered, it means that Alice has broken the promise she made last night.

"Minister! You are..." Xi Yueer noticed Alice's actions for the first time, and she looked at the minister who was hesitating while holding the envelope in surprise, "Minister... have you really thought about it? He is a man." ! Are we really going to be a man's starship girl?"

"Minister! We will become the laughing stock of other starship girls!" Hongyu also said.

Xi Yueer's words represent a position and cognition that runs through the entire Starship Girls Academy from beginning to end... Starship girls can feel obsessed and intoxicated with Fleeting Maple itself, but it is difficult for them to accept being a man's subordinate. To the dignity of women!

To put it simply, the starship girls are very willing to be Liu Nianfeng's wife, but it is difficult for them to accept Liu Nianfeng as their boss.

So don't look at how Xiyue'er and Hongyu matched Alice and Liunianfeng yesterday, but when Alice really revealed her intention to become Liunianfeng's starship girl, the two friends stood up and opposed up!

"What us? It's me!" Alice rolled her eyes at Xiyue'er and Hongyu. The persuasion of these two companions not only did not change Alice's mind, but like a key unlocked Alice's heart knot.

Alice finally decisively delivered her love letter into the body of the hovering flying saucer robot.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng finally put his hands on Lingyou Crystal's body.

"Flowing Maple! This test has 7.34340 bees, the last test was 4.50954 bees, and the tentative personal limit growth value is 0.21562 bees. It is estimated that the total growth rate within three months is 2.83386, the limit growth rate is 100%, and the bee value growth value ranks 63rd!"

In fact, Liu Nianfeng did not have the results of the last test, but in order not to attract attention, and at the same time to facilitate Liu Nianfeng to cover up his true ability, Lexington calculated a score for Liu Nianfeng and entered it into the database, otherwise he would not have the last test According to the results of the test, Liu Nianfeng really didn't know how much bee value should be output with the ghost crystal in order to achieve the answer he expected.

"This time, Alice will definitely not give me the love letter! After all, I am too far from her request!" And with the announcement of this result, it also means that Liu Nianfeng finally gave up in order to hide himself. Alice.

"But this is only temporary!" Liu Nianfeng turned his head and took a deep look at Liu Zhuangtian who was standing under the platform.

"I will make Liu Zhuangtian my woman too... In this way, we can be together again!" Liu Nianfeng thought in such a whimsical way in his heart.

 Cough cough, explain a few questions, the author did not intend to procrastinate... It is to arrange the foreshadowing of the future, including the plot of Xia Shiyu and Liu Zhuangtian, which are very important foreshadowing of the future.

  In addition, why did Liu Nianfeng continue to hide? The reason was already mentioned in the novel. For the sake of his own life, Liu Nianfeng must not be exposed to the second place in the world. This would be fatal.Moreover, such a simple pretense and slap in the face is not the author's favorite routine.

  In the end, the author promises that all the sad plots have passed, and the next thing is Yimapingchuan: cool, cool, cool!Everyone can look forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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