girl line

Chapter 83 136 Love Letters

Chapter 83 136 Love Letters

[Thanks to the readers: Haowawa's 10000 starting point reward]

[Thanks to the readers: ISO national certification salted fish, 丿愉氂灬魏钟, this is really interesting, greyrose, the feather from the sky, black and white tone gray rhyme, Longzu Zhuyin, S, S world, starting point reading, This is really an unscientific reward]

[PS: The update is finished...let me take a break...]

"Wow! I didn't expect this Fleeting Maple to be so powerful!"

"Yes! This talent has reached A-level, right?"

"My God! Could it be that men can also achieve A-level talent?"

The starship girls in the audience talked a lot, and Liu Nianfeng has always been a somewhat mysterious star admiral.These starship girls only know that Liu Nianfeng is a man, and he is also a handsome man, other than that, they know nothing about Liu Nianfeng.

Now it seems that Liu Nianfeng is not only attracting attention because of his man, he is also very high in learning and talent, he has reached the limit of A-level talent, and can also be ranked 63rd in the whole year, which is already a Pretty good score!
Until this time, all the starship girls realized that Liu Nianfeng is not only unique as a male star admiral, but as a star admiral, Liu Nianfeng will have more room for development!
It's just that everyone including Liu Zhuangtian can't think of it. In fact, Liu Nianfeng's ultimate value-added is not a ridiculous 63rd in the whole grade, but the No.1 ranking in the history of all mankind!
Originally, Liu Nianfeng planned to take the risk of not playing the role of an admiral with only A-level talent, to expose her S-level talent, and surpass Liu Zhuangtian's limit growth value of 0.50, so as to win Alice's love letter.

But I didn't expect that Liu Zhuangtian also hid her talent until she revealed her second talent in human history, which made Liu Nianfeng think about it carelessly.

If Liu Zhuangtian is still to be surpassed, then Liu Nianfeng will definitely become the new No.2 in human history!

This is not a good thing, on the contrary it is a huge crisis.

Once Liu Nianfeng really does this, then this sinister society will definitely tear Liu Nianfeng into pieces... Society may allow a male star admiral with average qualifications to appear, and it can also alleviate the backlog of men in society against women dissatisfied.

But if the talent of this male star admiral surpasses all the women in history, then there will only be one result for Liu Nianfeng.

In order to maintain the stability of the era of female authority, those women will definitely arrest Liunianfeng... Occasionally cutting off a few pieces of flesh and blood for research is already very good, but the most terrifying thing is that Liunianfeng will become a purebred without freedom horse.

After all, men are not like women, and having one child a year is enough.Men can breed hundreds of times a year!

This is not that Fleeting Maple is scaring himself. In fact, in the centuries of transition from the male authoritarian era to the female authoritarian era, how many heinous things have been done by men to restrain the rise of the starship girl. Under the strong suppression of the male government, the starship girls live a miserable life of being exploited and controlled. Men always like to put everything under their own control.

It wasn't until the birth of Marshal Xiaoyao that her strength, awakening and resistance triggered a riot that affected the entire human race, and finally overthrew the government, before the freedom of the starship girl was declared.

In order to take care of the harmony of the whole society, after the reunification of human society, the government began to unilaterally destroy these appalling materials. Up to now, people can only know some of the stories that happened in those years through some roughly legend-like stories.

It's as if everyone knows that the era of the Wuhuluanhua is the most tragic era in Chinese history, but who knows what kind of miserable life the Han people in the Wuhuluanhua era lived!

Closer to home, when Liu Nianfeng's achievements appeared, his love letters appeared on the top of his head.

"12 letters!"

This number is particularly dazzling, this number has already surpassed Xia Shiyu, and has become the lowest number of love letters among the top [-] students in the theoretical knowledge test.

"Women are still so arrogant... don't you plan to become my subordinates?" Seeing these frustrating numbers, Liu Nianfeng said to himself with a wry smile.


"Oh my god! This Liunianfeng is so pitiful!" Seeing Liunianfeng awkwardly standing there with the number 12 on her head, Xi Yueer who was sitting beside her sighed!

Suddenly, Xi Yue'er pressed the button on the armrest and summoned the flying saucer hovering robot in front of her.

"Yue'er, what are you going to do?" Alice grabbed Xi Yue'er's hand that was about to deliver the love letter, and asked with a frown, "Are you crazy? You actually sent him the love letter!"

"Why can't I vote for him?" Xi Yue'er shook off Alice's hand, and delivered the love letter without hesitation.

And at the moment when the love letter was put in, the 12 on Liu Nianfeng's head instantly changed to 13.Even if Lexington came this time, it would not be able to change this fact.

"Why? Give me a reason!" Alice asked, looking into Xi Yue'er's eyes!

"He...he...he wants to fight with the minister forever!" Xi Yue'er said with a blushing face after Alice's eyes turned red all over her body.

"You..." Alice trembled after hearing Xi Yue'er's answer, and finally said with a wry smile, "How did you know that I would eventually become Liu Nianfeng's starship girl? What if Liu Zhuangtian chose me?" ?”

"Ah..." Xi Yueer's face changed for a moment, "Minister, didn't you say that you have already sent a love letter to Liu Zhuangtian last time? That Liu Zhuangtian will definitely not choose you?"

"That was the last time. Besides, I voted for von Hindenburg this time. How do you know that von Hindenburg would not choose me?" Alice said lightly.

"... Never mind... There is nothing to regret being a starship girl for a handsome guy! At least our child can become the strongest starship girl in the world!" Xi Yue'er wrote the word regret, but her mouth But he said unrelentingly.

"I'll vote too!" But what Alice and Xi Yue'er didn't expect was that when the two were arguing, Hongyu suddenly pulled out a love letter from herself, and also delivered it to the mouth of the flying saucer hovering robot. .

"I don't want to be with the minister!" Without Alice and Xi Yue'er's verbal words, Hongyu said proactively, "I really want to be Liu Nianfeng's starship girl."


Liu Nianfeng kept looking up at the number on his forehead, after 12 that lasted for nearly eight seconds.

The number jumped to 13, and after about five seconds, it jumped from 13 to 14.

Liu Nianfeng originally thought that the total number of love letters would end at the number 14, but unexpectedly, when the time came to the last second, the number suddenly began to change rapidly, and it was hard at the last second. Sheng Sheng rose by more than 100 and became 136 love letters.

At first, Liu Nianfeng felt very strange, and couldn't figure out why such a change happened.

Later, Liu Nianfeng found out that those starship girls who were about to be assigned to the public fleet suddenly became enlightened, and they figured it out: rather than being assigned to the public fleet, it would be better to be a starship girl under a man.

At least, having a male star admiral is the first thing in the world, far more than those ordinary female star admirals.

As for how they figured this out at the same time, it will be revealed later.

In fact, there are still many starship girls who want to understand this point, but it is a pity that with the end of 20 seconds, the next day's exam is completely over. If the rest of the starship girls want to continue to deliver, they have to wait until tomorrow. The exam has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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