girl line

Chapter 84 The Broken Emotional Drama

Chapter 84 The Broken Emotional Drama
After the exam, Liu Zhuangtian returned to her dormitory, and received a request from her mother to log in to the game as expected.

"Mother!" Seeing his angry mother, Liu Zhuantian knelt on the ground without saying a word, and kowtowed three times to his mother!
"What are you doing? Kowtow to me when I'm dead?" Seeing Liu Zhuantian kowtow, her mother was annoyed and funny.

"Mother! This time it's my daughter who made the decision!" Liu Zhuangtian took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"Pretentious assertion! Do you know that your presumptuous assertion has completely disrupted mother's plan, how much effort did mother put in to stabilize the situation?" Liu Zhuangtian's mother raised her hand as she spoke, wanting to ruthlessly He slapped Liu Zhuantian hard on the face.

But in the end, the slap was still weakly put down.

"I'll give you a chance! Tell me the reason why you want to expose yourself! If this reason convinces me, I can not blame you this time!" Liu Zhuangtian's mother calmed down and said.

"There is no particular reason!" Liu Zhuangtian said lightly, "My daughter just thinks that only the weak need to hide their strengths and bide their time. A real swan should fly high in the sky, instead of landing on a low branch with a group of geese! "

"You really think so?" Liu Zhuantian's mother stared deeply at her daughter, words she had never heard from her daughter's mouth.

"Yes!" Liu Zhuangtian nodded

"Okay! My Liu family's sons and daughters should have such an aura! Anyway, since the matter has been exposed, let's make this storm more violent! Those old guys have almost forgotten about our Liu family! Hahaha !" Liu Zhuantian's mother cheered, helped her daughter up from the ground, and smiled


That night, Liu Nianfeng entered the game training as usual; he trained for six hours as usual; after being mentally exhausted, he chatted with the NPC Liu Nian Baitian beside him as usual.

"I admit defeat!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, and told all the things that happened today to this fleeting defeat, "I didn't expect that woman to hide so deeply, I admit defeat!"

"I wanted to practice with all my strength tonight, but it's too late. Even if I can really defeat Liu Zhuangtian tomorrow, I don't have Alice's love letter in my hand, so I won't get Alice!"

"So I figured it out, I don't need to deliberately torment myself, I can fight as I want in the next battle! It doesn't matter if I lose to Liu Zhuangtian!"

"Oh!" NPC Fleeting Years Defeated Heaven oh.

"Strange, why did you hear the feeling of ecstasy in your tone? Don't tell me you wish I could lose to Liu Zhuangtian?" Liu Nianfeng gave this NPC a white look.

Although this sentence came from Liu Nianfeng's mouth, Liu Nianfeng didn't take it to heart, who would have thought that the NPC who would fight with him every day would be played by a living person!
"But I didn't lose completely! I figured it out, even if Alice doesn't become my starship girl, I can still be with her!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up.

"Why?" Liu Zhuangtian almost asked why in an impulsive tone.Fortunately, Liu Zhuangtian finally held back and asked in a calm tone.

"I always thought that we could be together only if Alice became my starship girl." Liu Nianfeng said excitedly.

"I now realize that I was wrong. Liu Zhuangtian is not a man, she is also a woman, and I think she is usually very indifferent to the female classmates around her. She should not be Lily, but a decent woman! Then that's fine. Done! Alice should be absolutely safe under her hands!"

"Let me tell you in secret again, I feel that Liu Zhuantian is very likely to like me. If I pursue Liu Zhuantian, I feel that Liu Zhuantian will like me in all likelihood."

"At that time, I will take Alice back!"

Liu Nianfeng beautifully articulated the plan in his mind... If Liu Nianfeng knew that the Liu Nian Baitian beside him was Liu Zhuangtian, I am afraid that Liu Nianfeng would cut off his tongue in annoyance.

"Bastard! What's so good about that woman! Can she still beat me?" After Liu Nianfeng left the game, Liu Zhuantian couldn't hold back the shame, resentment and jealousy in his heart anymore.

She directly manifested in the room, and then controlled the NPC star warship that Liu Nianfeng used just now, and rushed into the battle with the brutal AI.

Unlike Liu Nianfeng who was unilaterally killed by the brutal AI, Liu Zhuangtian's battle was completely reversed.

Although the brutal AI's shells were very accurate, under Liu Zhuangtian's control, all of them flew out just by rubbing the shell of the Star Warship, and none of the shells landed on the Star Warship.

On the contrary, no matter the dodge of the cruel AI, they couldn't dodge the shells under Liu Zhuantian's control. In less than 2 minutes, the cruel AI was blown up by Liu Zhuantian.

If Liu Nianfeng saw this battle scene, he might be able to realize more deeply how huge the gap between himself and Liu Zhuangtian is!

"Isn't it just big breasts! What's the big deal!" After killing twenty or thirty brutal AIs, Liu Zhuangtian released a little rage in his heart, returned to the lounge, and looked down at his flat body. chest, said with a bit of sadness in sadness.


"Student Liu Zhuantian? Why is it you?" When the third day came early in the morning, Alice, who had just left the house, unexpectedly found that Liu Zhuantian was waiting for her at this door.

"You sent me a love letter! Right!" Liu Zhuangtian said bluntly.

"How do you know?" Alice was taken aback. According to the rules, only after all the exams are over, the star admirals can see the details of those love letters. Liu Zhuangtian should not know that he gave her the love letter now. That's right.

"You don't need to know how I know it, you just need to know that I already know it!" This sentence that sounds quite twisty came out of Liu Zhuangtian's mouth without any sense of twisting.

"Okay! So you still have to reject me this time like last time?" Alice asked after taking a deep breath, and the pair of giants on her chest also swelled up a couple of times with the deep breath. cups, reaching an appalling level.

"No! I just came to tell you that you will be my starship girl!" Liu Zhuangtian said while staring at the pair of giants on Alice's chest.

"You actually changed your mind? I thought the decision you made would never change in your life!" Alice said in amazement.

"No! I still hate you very much! I hate you even more than before!" Liu Zhuangtian said bluntly.

"In that case! Why did you still choose me?" Being insulted by Liu Zhuangtian like this, Alice couldn't help biting her lips tightly, and a little blood seemed to appear on her bright red lips.

"And why did you tell me this? Are you not afraid that after I know this, I will reject you in the end?"

"In this entire universe! Only I, Liu Zhuang, have the ability to kill Kunpeng! I also promise you that I will definitely kill Kunpeng for you in this life. Is that enough?"

"In that case, why are you running to my door and telling me these things?" Alice glared back unceremoniously, "Go and defeat all your opponents, and come and say such things to me again!"

After finishing speaking, before Liu Zhuantian could answer, Alice strode across in front of Liu Zhuantian!

 These are all manuscripts, the author will never write emotional dramas again, he will be sprayed to death

(End of this chapter)

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