girl line

Chapter 85 Fleeing Maple's Early Advantages Are Great

Chapter 85 Fleeing Maple's Early Advantages Are Great
Early the next morning, the long-awaited virtual practical exam, the most important of all exams, finally kicked off.

The entire virtual actual combat test is divided into three days in total. The first day is a simulated qualifier. Each star admiral will fight ten random opponents. One point for victory, no points for failure, and no points for more than 40 minutes. Negative ones are calculated as a tie.

According to common sense, this tie seems to be worth 0.5 points!In fact, if there is a tie in the battle of Admiral Xingchen, then only zero points will be awarded, that is, no points will be scored.

According to the words of the marshal who set this rule at the beginning, it is "There is no draw on the battlefield, there are only winners on the battlefield!"

In the end, they were ranked according to the total points, and the top 64 admirals were eligible to participate in the second day's qualifying knockout round to select the final eight.

The third day is naturally the final!
More than 500 star admirals were fighting at the same time, and of course it was impossible for the starship girls in the stands to pay attention to the battle of every star admiral at the same time.

And the central projector in the entire auditorium will only project the battles of the admirals who have attracted much attention.

As for which admiral's battle is the most concerned, it is up to all the starship girls present to decide.

Starship girls can vote for the star admiral you want to watch according to the personal terminal in their hands, and finally decide the broadcast object of the central projector according to the voting results.

"Minister! Whose battle do you think the central projector will finally project?" Xi Yueer asked curiously.

"It must be Liu Zhuantian's battle! After all, her battle is the most eye-catching! And didn't Liu Zhuantian monopolize the entire central projector during the last year entrance examination?" Alice said as a matter of course.

After hearing what Alice said, Xi Yue'er and the others couldn't help but nod their heads, thinking that what Alice said made sense, and it was indeed Liu Zhuangtian who was right.

But when the central projector finally projected the picture, Alice, Xi Yue'er and the others wanted to slap themselves, because it was Fleeting Maple that finally appeared on the screen!

"How could it be him?" Xi Yue'er felt inexplicable for a while, but when they saw Liu Nianfeng's handsome and resolute face in front of everyone in the simple and straight admiral uniform, everyone couldn't help it. He swallowed his saliva.

"I understand!" Xi Yue'er wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, "The handsome little brother is the primary productive force!"


This virtual actual combat test is the same as before. NPC starship girls are still used to fight. At the same time, in order to ensure absolute fairness, the test battleship this time is decided by both parties. If the two parties have opinions and cannot reach a consensus, then The system randomly selects one among destroyers, light cruisers, and heavy cruisers.

Liu Nianfeng's opponent was an unknown star admiral, who first proposed to use a star light cruiser to fight.

Liu Nianfeng naturally has no objection to this, because Liu Nianfeng has always used star light cruisers in the game, and this proposal hits Liu Nianfeng's arms.

After confirming the star warships for the competition, the exam officially began, and the projected images entered the vast universe.

In the live view of the projector, Liu Nianfeng's battleship appeared at the seven o'clock position on the map, while the opponent's warship appeared at the one o'clock position, which happened to be two opposite positions.

The next step is naturally to start the enemy hunting and lurking warfare in all simulated battles. No matter what kind of battlefield, the superior attack direction is the most important. If you can grasp the superior battlefield at the beginning of the battle, then the next The battle will have a great advantage.

So when the battle starts, the audience will see the two sides of the battle constantly sailing out of this curve, trying to find the position of the enemy target in the first place.

Liu Nianfeng's opponent, the unknown admiral, sailed a standard *** curve trajectory, which is the trajectory taught to every student in the textbook, without any accidents at all.

But Fleeting Maple's curved trajectory is a little different, roughly it seems to be the same curve trajectory.But if you look carefully, you will find that it is different from the *** curve, and has changed in many subtle places.

No one knows whether the changes made by Liu Nianfeng are good or bad, but they instinctively feel that Liu Nianfeng's trajectory is more pleasing to the eye.

Suddenly, Fleeting Maple's route curve began to change drastically, from the initial revision curve to a smooth curve, starting to center around the enemy's battleship, and began to detour.

"It seems that Liu Nianfeng has already found his opponent!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's sudden change, even a fool can guess that Liu Nianfeng must have discovered his opponent's position and started to seize the favorable position.

"It's amazing! It's only been 5 minutes, and Liu Nianfeng found the opponent, and the opponent was still kept in the dark!" Xi Yue'er couldn't help admiring, she was able to find her opponent within 5 minutes, Apart from good luck, the only explanation is excellent strategic and tactical awareness.

Liu Nianfeng has already discovered the opponent, but the opponent doesn't know anything about it, and is still exercising according to the body curve taught by the school, but Liu Nianfeng notices everything in the end.

Finally, Fleeting Maple approached to a distance of 15 kilometers in stealth mode, and then suddenly started to accelerate.

Before the opponent could react, he fell into a close-quarters battle with Liu Nianfeng.

The opponent in a hurry adjusts the course of his battleship while firing at Liu Nianfeng... But Liu Nianfeng only needs to focus on firing at the opponent with instinct.

In the end, before the enemy had finished adjusting their posture and course, Fleeting Maple's starship girl had rushed to the opponent's vicinity, and used two rows of ghost torpedoes as the final gift, ending the battle.

The whole process took no more than 15 minutes, and 13 minutes of it was hunting for enemies and lurking warfare without fighting, and the real battle was only 2 minutes.

"Unexpectedly, this Fleeting Maple is quite strong!" After watching the whole battle, Xi Yue'er couldn't help sighing.

"No! Liu Nianfeng is only good at hunting for enemies and lurking in battle, not really capable in close combat!" Compared to Xi Yue'er's sigh, Alice said with an ugly expression. Among them, he has already seen through many things in Liu Nianfeng.

"It's not enough! If you only have this kind of ability, it's definitely not enough!" Looking at Fleeting Maple who had returned to the lounge, Alice said to herself inwardly.

 As a preview, because the rewards and updates have all been compensated, the two updates will resume tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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