girl line

Chapter 86

Chapter 86
"I won! Is this the feeling of victory?" Having won his first victory, Liu Nianfeng returned to the waiting room and felt his blood surging.

To be honest, this is the first battle that Liu Nianfeng won by relying on his own ability instead of relying on cheat-like star secrets after traveling.

After experiencing thousands of failures in the game, this victory in reality is like a bottle of frozen mineral water on the Flame Mountain, which brought Liu Nianfeng an indescribable pleasure.

More importantly, in this battle, Liu Nianfeng's fighting instinct finally showed its effect, especially when Liu Nianfeng successfully hit the opponent with his own fighting instinct, Liu Nianfeng finally knew that such a person like himself The months of hard work were not in vain, my fighting instinct finally reached the level of a general admiral.

But Liu Nianfeng was not immersed in the joy of his victory. Liu Nianfeng also clearly realized that more than half of his victory was based on the strategic and positional advantages obtained in the early stage of the enemy hunting and lurking warfare.

If the two sides fought face to face, the outcome of the final battle would still be worrying. Liu Nianfeng felt that there was a [-]% to [-]% chance that he would lose in the hands of this nameless admiral.

"The current fighting instinct is not as good as that of an unnamed admiral! Anyway, Alice didn't send me a love letter, so I'll continue to hide my strength and bide my time!"

In the lounge, Liu Nianfeng thought to himself, and finally made up his mind that this future battle will be carried out entirely by his own fighting instinct, and the secret of stars should be hidden as his trump card and not exposed in this exam.

But this also means that Liu Nianfeng has completely given up the possibility of defeating Liu Zhuangtian.


Then, under the attention of all the starship girls, Liu Nianfeng fought three more battles, and won all of them, ushering in a brilliant four-game winning streak.

It's just that behind this seemingly brilliant four-game winning streak, many starship girls with sharp eyes have already discovered the details of Liu Nianfeng.

Liu Nianfeng indeed possesses extremely powerful strategic and tactical capabilities. He was able to find the opponent at the first time and at the same time perfectly evade the opponent's search in the early stage of hunting and lurking warfare, until he gained an absolute strategic advantage. , before launching a fatal attack on the enemy.

However, Liu Nianfeng's fighting instinct is not excellent, it can only be said to be at the middle-to-lower level. If Liu Nianfeng hadn't gained an absolute strategic advantage at the beginning of the battle, otherwise three of the four victories would have failed in the end. It is a bad character.

If only relying on this fighting style, Liu Nianfeng would definitely not be able to go far.

Because strategic advantage can only exert a huge effect in large-scale fleet battles, but in one-on-one battles, strategic advantage can play a limited role, and it is Admiral Star's fighting instinct that ultimately determines victory or defeat.

The opponents Liu Nianfeng encountered in the first four games had only a partly higher fighting instinct than Liu Nianfeng, but they were actually on the same level, which was considered to be at the middle level.

If Liu Nianfeng meets Admiral Star with a high level of fighting instinct, there will only be one word "defeated" in that column!
And the fact is as these bystanders guessed, Liu Nianfeng met such an opponent with advanced fighting instincts in the fifth qualifier, an old classmate from Class Six.

Although this is an old classmate, this old classmate obviously didn't give Liu Nianfeng any face.

Although Liu Nianfeng still gained a strategic advantage at the beginning of the battle, the surprise attack caused a lot of damage to this old classmate.

But after the old classmate came to his senses, he launched a fierce counterattack against Liu Nianfeng with his excellent fighting instinct.

In the face of this old classmate's counterattack, Liu Nianfeng had no strength left to resist. After destroying 40% of the opponent's cabin, it turned into a flash of light in the universe. So far, Liu Nianfeng's four-game winning streak came to an end.

As the saying goes, after a winning streak, there must be a losing streak. After four victories in a row, what was waiting for Liu Nianfeng was actually a three-game losing streak. Liu Nianfeng was very unlucky to meet three star admirals with advanced fighting instincts, and all of them ended in failure. .

It wasn't until the eighth and ninth battles that Liu Nianfeng's luck came back. He met two classmates from Class [-], and then sent them home with his strategic advantage.

Next is the crucial tenth battle. If Liunianfeng can win, then Liunianfeng will be able to win seven battles in the qualifiers.According to the past experience of the age entrance examination, the star admiral who has won more than seven games still has a high chance of advancing to the top 64.

But Admiral Star, who has only won six games, has absolutely no chance of entering the top 64.

"It's you!" When Liu Nianfeng saw his opponent in the tenth battle, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.This opponent is none other than Chen Shihan!
"What a coincidence! Our two fateful opponents met again!" In the preparation room, Chen Shihan said to Liu Nianfeng excitedly, "Don't worry, I will definitely crush you this time!"

"Hehe!" Liu Nianfeng chuckled optimistically.

Liu Nianfeng also knows Chen Shihan's strength very well. In the last class exam before the entrance exam, Chen Shihan's virtual battle score has jumped to No.5 in class six, which is an absolutely terrifying improvement.

Being able to rank among the top five in the sixth class is an achievement that can only be achieved by advanced fighting instincts.Even Lyanna, the head teacher of Class Six, said that Chen Shihan's fighting talent is very high, that's why Lianna was reluctant to let Chen Shihan transfer to Class Four.

Therefore, in Liu Nianfeng's mind, the tenth battle had already been marked as inevitable.

Although this battle will undoubtedly be defeated, Liu Nianfeng doesn't intend to just let it go. This may be his last battle in this year's grade entrance examination, and Liu Nianfeng doesn't want to let himself have any regrets.

So Liu Nianfeng used more concentration than the previous nine battles to carry out the early stage hunting and lurking battles.

I have to admit that in these two strategic operations, Liu Nianfeng's talent is not inferior to anyone in this universe. Even Chen Shihan didn't notice Liu Nianfeng's whereabouts until Liu Nianfeng killed him from an impossible position. When she came out, Chen Shihan discovered the appearance of Liu Nianfeng.

"Wow!" Chen Shihan screamed strangely, and began to fight in a panic.

I don't know if it was because of being too flustered, but Chen Shihan's previous salvos failed to hit Liu Nianfeng, but Liu Nianfeng's salvo successfully hit Chen Shihan's battleship once.

The failure of these salvos also gave Liunianfeng an excellent opportunity to advance. In the end, Liunianfeng successfully got close to Chen Shihan at a distance of 3000 kilometers, giving Chen Shihan two rows of ghost torpedoes that he could never dodge.

"Damn it!" At the last moment when the Lingyou torpedo hit Chen Shihan's battleship, Chen Shihan shot Liu Nianfeng backhandedly.

As a result, the volley just hit Liu Nianfeng's cab, and Liu Nianfeng's whole body was turned into cosmic dust by psionic shells, and both sides died together in the end.

It's just that because Chen Shihan's warship was destroyed first, Liu Nianfeng finally won the tenth battle.

(End of this chapter)

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