girl line

Chapter 88

Chapter 88
"Every time the starship girls transform, they have a chance to awaken the exclusive skills of their ancient battleship souls."

"Depending on the rarity level of the soul of the ancient battleship, the number and strength of the exclusive skills that can be awakened are also different."

"Ordinary level ancient battleship souls can awaken up to two exclusive skills;"

"The soul of the ancient battleship of the rare level can awaken up to three exclusive skills;"

"The soul of the ancient battleship at the elite level can awaken up to four exclusive skills;"

"The soul of an ancient battleship of the peerless level can awaken up to six exclusive skills;"

"The upper limit of the number of exclusive skills that can be awakened by the ancient battleship soul of the prehistoric level cannot be determined for the time being. So far, the most known is Marshal Xiaoyao's prehistoric class star destroyer, the soul of the ancient battleship 052D. A total of nine exclusive skills have been awakened."

"However, in addition to transforming and awakening the exclusive skills, the starship girl and the star admiral can also awaken the bond skills between the two parties... Compared with the exclusive skills that are easier to awaken, the awakening of the bond skills is very difficult. Only when Admiral Star and Starship Girl burst out with the most sincere feelings can such bondage skills be awakened!"

"The fetter skills are not bound by the soul of the ancient battleship. Every starship girl may awaken the fetter skills. So far, there are a total of 12 kinds of fetter skills that have been awakened. As for the upper limit of the fetter skills How much is still uncertain.”

"The awakening of bondage skills is very difficult. So far, there are a total of 361 recorded cases, which means that in the past few thousand years, only more than 300 star admirals have awakened the bondage skills with their own starship girls. !"

"When the bond skills are awakened, the whole body will glow like an egg shell, completely surrounding the starship girl and the star admiral. The difference in color determines the difference in bond skills. You can determine yourself according to the color of the egg. Awakened fetter skills."

Liu Nianfeng quickly recalled the knowledge he read in the book in his mind. Obviously, he and Ning Hai Pinghai awakened the bondage skills by accident.

"But I just taught Ning Hai and Ping Hai a lesson. Could it be that during the lesson, the three of us burst out with sincere emotions?" Although Liu Nianfeng couldn't figure out how the fetter skill was triggered, anyway, This is all a great thing.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng also clearly wrote down the different bondage skills represented by the 12 colors when he was reading the textbook. Among them, the skill represented by the purple light circle is "understanding the original heart", which is an extremely rare spiritual skill.

The skill "Understanding the Original Heart" can greatly strengthen the spirit of the admiral and the starship girls, and let the star admiral and the starship girls enter a state called the original heart. In this state, the spirit is ethereal and will not be disturbed by the world. Disturbed by the complicated and complicated things, you can see the essence of things and make the most correct decision!
For example, at this time, Ping Hai and Ning Hai who had entered the state of "understanding the original heart" immediately jumped off Liu Nianfeng's body, jumped directly onto Liu Nianfeng's bed without saying a word, closed their eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

"The state of understanding the original mind can greatly improve the cultivation effect, and can achieve ten times the usual cultivation effect, so Ning Hai and Ping Hai began to cultivate their own psionic and ghost energy impatiently!" Seeing the actions of Ping Hai and Ning Hai In less than [-] second, Liu Nianfeng had figured out Ning Hai and Ping Hai's actions in his mind.

"Then should I also enter the state of cultivation?" As soon as Liu Nianfeng thought about it, he immediately gave a negative answer in his mind. AI training will definitely have unexpected results!"

When such an idea burst out, a powerful driving force involuntarily drove Liu Nianfeng into the game cabin, and fought countless times with the brutal AI.

"Fire at that position, it will definitely hit!"

"Swing the tail of the battleship to the left by one degree, and you can avoid the shelling!"

"..." During the whole battle, Liu Nianfeng's mind popped up such enlightenment from time to time. Although Liu Nianfeng lost in the final battle, but this time Liu Nianfeng actually wiped out 30% cruelty-level AI for the first time. The cabin is equivalent to 30% of the blood volume. Before that, the highest record of Fleeting Maple was only 18%.

In the ensuing battle, Liu Nianfeng was soaring from 30% all the way as if by a god, and I don't know how long it took, but Liu Nianfeng blasted the cruel AI on the opposite side into pieces and turned it into a universe. A touch of gorgeous fireworks!

"System-wide broadcast: Congratulations to the player "Peking University Fanatic" who single-handedly defeated the brutal AI, becoming the 12701st player in the game to defeat the brutal AI!"

The system-wide broadcast aroused a little bit of curiosity among many players in the game, and they exclaimed, "Amazing, someone defeated the brutal AI again!"

But that's all. After all, every once in a while, there will be a system-wide broadcast where a player defeats a brutal AI. This is not a new thing. After a short period of amazement, the entire broadcast fell into a dull In the middle, there was no ripple.

"I defeated the brutal AI!" With the assurance of the cruel AI, Liu Nianfeng, who was covered in sweat, returned to the waiting room in an instant.

At the same time, at this moment, the mental state of "understanding the original heart" that seemed to be able to see everything in the world began to fade rapidly, and finally disappeared without a trace in just three seconds, and Liu Nianfeng returned. In the original state of mind.

"I won! I defeated the brutal AI!" Liu Nianfeng happily looked at the NPC Liu Nian Bubai next to him, hoping to get a response from the other party.

But the other party never responded.

In fact, Liu Zhuantian is currently receiving severe criticism from her mother, and she doesn't have time to log in to the game and play this role-playing trick with Liu Nianfeng.

"So tired!" Liu Nianfeng did not get a response from Liu Nian Bubai, and at the same time, the negative effect of "understanding the original heart" began to appear quickly, and Liu Nianfeng became extremely exhausted, and soon his eyes went dark, and he fell into a coma among.


"Admiral! Admiral! It's time for you to take the exam!" When Liu Nianfeng slowly opened his eyes, he saw Miyuki Kujo's pretty face, and he fell asleep in the game cabin again!
"What time is it now? Is it two o'clock in the afternoon?" Two o'clock in the afternoon is the start time of the knockout round, so Liu Nianfeng asked immediately.

"It's already 1:45 in the afternoon. If the admiral can catch the last campus bus to the auditorium, I think the admiral should still be able to catch the exam!"

"I'll wipe..." Liu Nianfeng couldn't care about other things anymore, he got up from the game cabin, and asked while changing clothes, "Where are Ninghai and Pinghai? Where did they go?"

"The two ladies have already arrived at the auditorium!" Kujo Miyuki replied.

"Goodbye!" Liu Nianfeng randomly picked up two buns from the dining table, and quickly rushed out of the dormitory.

At this moment, Liu Nianfeng is full of confidence in himself!
(End of this chapter)

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